
Fighter’s first photo

OK no it’s not really hahaha.

This is like the 2nd or 3rd picture of him I think.  I chose it cos I think he looks quite handsome here wtf.

Hahahah no la I imagine I can see his face like that!  And his little paws hands!


Fighter’s first appearance on Fourfeetnine!

The first time we went to the doctor (to really ascertain the pregnancy test was right) and did the scan (where the device goes up my hooha wtf) and we saw this little bubble pulsating in the middle of the screen, Fatty’s head snapped back to look at me in wonderment.  And I stared back at him agog.

That was really when it hit us that there was a life inside me!  Fatty went into a state of happy shock wtf and took photo after photo of the screen hahaha.

And I have to be honest here. My first thought looking at the screen was omg I have something inside me! Like how some animals have a parasite!

Obviously I have gotten over that hahahaha but it was so weird to conceive of the fact that my body was housing another being.

And at five weeks, the doctor detected a heartbeat!  I’ve always been pro-choice but seeing that rapid heartbeat, I understood why some people are pro-life. :/


Fighter, we haven’t met you yet but we love you already.  Don’t let us down I tell you wtf.

P/S: We refer to Fighter in the male pronoun but actually we don’t know its sex yet hahaha.


Comments (27)

  • Owh! Wow. Harroo fighter!! *waves*

  • congrats aud on fighter! <3 so happy for you!nunrelated to the entry but seeing the picture of you & angela on instagram makes me miss your mt. holyoke days’ posts. all the dorm life, rubbish collecting, you, suet, shanshan & angie. hope you will get a chance to meet them soon! 🙂

  • So surreal! It’s going to be an exciting journey for Tim and you. Congrats once again and take good care, all of you! <3

  • Congrats Audrey! Fighter looks adorable 🙂

  • By around mid of 2nd trimester your gynecologist should be able to check if Fighter has a kukubird by ultrasound. I’m sure you’d be even more amazed when Fighter starts kicking the hell out of your tummy by around the 3rd tri lol maybe by then you’d be regretting why you named him/her Fighter! 😛

  • congrats on the pregnancy! =)nbut u know, u can still be pro-choice even if pregnant…because pro-choise is just that, a choice…and pro-life cuts the choice out of the question =/

  • Congratz again =)

  • oh gosh! Stop saying WTF already. A real mother or soon to be a mother have to change really. WTF? in every sentence? WTF are you talking?

  • Hmm I have doubts about your capacity to understand so ill put it in the simplest terms possible: nobody gives a shit what you think, spineless fuck. 🙂

  • The next exciting milestones are when your bump starts to show, you start to exude pregnancy glow, and the little Fighter’s kicks!nnI’m in my 22nd week, going into 23rd soon. So here’s to future yummy mummies!nnCheers! 🙂

  • Haha I didnt say I wasn’t pro choice now! I said I’ve always been but now I understand why some people are pro life, that’s all 🙂

  • my guy friend told me he teared when he first felt the kicks of his daughter on his wife’s stomach, its just a feeling that you cant describe but you know its awesome =D

  • Congrats!!!

  • there I saw a little pea growing inside your tummay.. btw I had dream of being pregnant few days ago. It scares the shit outta me coz it feels like stretching my tummy skin real hard!!!>< is it real????

  • Fighter is already so cute in mommy’s tummy what more to say when he/she comes out! Congrats aud!! Glowing already!

  • Big congrats to you and Tim!! Take care you!

  • Hello, Fighter! What would you name her if it’s a girl? 🙂 MiniAud? 😛

  • Somehow or rather, reading your blog for so so long. It’s like from you’re dating tim to getting married to being pregnant. It’s like we’re walking with you in your life journey. The feeling is just like seeing your own daughter grow up! hahahaa. nevertheless, congrats ! 🙂

  • Hey…some how on yr second paragraph obviously give us a hint what sex symbol for fighter. As I predicted earlier on, congrates..Its a Boy..Yip, Yip Boyrayyyy..

  • what didn’t you read my P/S? we don’t know the sex yet, it’s too early to tell laaaa haha

  • anon: WTF wtf

  • Congrats! It must be a wonderful experience for both of you 🙂 XOXO

  • Harlow Fighter!!! Can’t wait to see you in all of your mummy’s posts and Instagram photos!!! :)nnAside to anon who mentioned Audrey needs to stop saying “WTF”, click on the “About Me” section and you’ll know it’s somewhat her trademark. Don’t get so sensitive about it la aiseh. You beh tahan then don’t read her post la!

  • Congratulations! We’re expecting one too by year end.

  • Congrats again, Audrey! nMarry Xiaxue’s Dash if baby is a girl! HAHAHA! Just kidding. 😀

  • actually… the part abt the omg something is growing inside me like parasite in animals. HAHAHAH i always had that thought though i’ve not been pregnant. but i always imagine thats what it would be like and everyone says im weird T_T finally someone else who feels that! LOLOLOL

  • Aaawww.. that’s very cute of fighter 😉 nnot Maximus la hor?? HAHAHAHA..

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