I am damn fahn now. And if this goes on any longer, my hair will turn white.Actually, come to think of it, quite cool right if your hair is
white. People will think you purposely dyed it and the best part
is, it won’t even change to some yucky kam color.
But that is not my point here. My point here is to talk about the
thousand uncertainties in my life and how fahn I am over them.
Before I go into that, let me yammer on first about my study abroad interview. Important points to be noted:
– Interviewer is world’s meanest woman who seems to think that smiling is a sin
– Interviewer wore a tweed suit and what looks like a bear skin
– Less than half of the interview was conducted in Japanese – why my Japanese not good enough ar??
She was damn bitchy la I tell you. See, she asked me what
impression I had of Japanese people. So off the top of my head, I
said they’re polite and welldressed. She said, “Oh, but you’re
welldressed too….eh no you’re not.”
I stared at her with my smile frozen in place. Then uttered the fakest laugh in the world.
Hello! I’m not one of those people who like to walk around in
their pajama pants and sweatshirts ok! Fine, I was only wearing
jeans, a tshirt and a grey sweater but still! It was -10C that
day, do you expect me to wear my prom dress to see you?
At least I didn’t go into the forest to slaughter some grizzly to wear.
Anyway, this is why I’m worrying about my acceptance into this study
abroad program. Also because she said there are only 40 places
but 62 applicants.T_T
Also, don’t know if I should apply for another study abroad program at
Sophia University in Tokyo because the application fee is a whopping
$370, and what with me being at near poverty level now. But if
don’t apply, and if I don’t get into the Kyoto one either, will I have
to be stuck here in South Hadley next year? I’ll commit suicide.
Number two, worrying about internships. Who wants to offer me an
internship in Melbourne raise their hand! It’s freaking hard to
even locate a suitable internship for over the summer, much less apply
for it. Then I have to think about the work permit, air ticket
and dunno what shit somore. Just kill me la.
Jobs I’m willing to do:
– Media
– Advertising
– Publishing
– Enjo kosai HAHAHA
– Pulling out Leroy’s boil (most satisfying option)
Number three, worrying about where I’m going to be during spring
break. Thinking of heading to Vancouver, but problem is, I can’t
synchronise flights with Angela. When I say can’t synchronise, I
mean if I do go, I’ll arrive in Vancouver, then on the way back,
Bradley, a good 12 hours before her. Then what am I going to
Also since I’m at poverty level, there’s a good chance I won’t have
money to spend there. Intensely high possibility of choking on
own drool as I salivate over other people’s shopping bags.
*funeral march music*