AudEmo AudRubbish

Of letters

Letter #1:


Kuah Jenhan of the MACC (wah why they email me! *scared wtf) has shamelessly asked me to promote the MACC CNY Edition show (with 20% new jokes!) running from 27-31 January at PJ Live Arts @ Jaya One.

So nah give you face as Chinese friends wtf.

Btw MACC stands for Malaysian Association of Chinese Comedians ok not the other scareh MACC.

Went with Wombeh, Desmond, HB and the Nuffies last night to watch it and it was fucking funny!! As they said, 20% new jokes but the other 80% is even better second time around!

So please don’t miss this show cos you will not regret it! Malaysian comedians are amazing ok don’t look down 😀

Letter #2:

Hi Princess Aud-
I just found your blog today and love it.  I’m a 27 year old professional male living in NC.  This is going to be a mildly strange request for you…
I was wondering if you would consider allowing me to pay for some of your purchases…specifically tights/hose/shoes/boots, etc.?  The only things I’d ask in exchange are: 1) when you are finished with the tights/hose, drop them in the mailbox instead of the trash can; and 2) if your shoes/boots get scuffed up or could use some polish…mail them and I’ll take care of it.  Of course I’d also pay all postage.

If you’d be willing to discuss, please let me know how you best prefer to chat.  Thank you!!!


My first out-of-the-ordinary fan mail !

Ahahahaha I didn’t think it was that bad although my mother was certainly horrified wtf.

Thank you whoever you are for the sentiment, but I think I’ll stick to buying my own hose 🙂

Letter 3:

(ok not letter it was a comment.  but it really made me think)

hey babe, i am ur big fan of urs ever since u started to blog. ur blog really inspiring like kennysia started to blog because of u…eventhough i have stopped blogging quite some time. recently…i started to feel like ur blog is less interesting as the way u blog dont match ur age. i mean i dont see transformation of u from a cute & carefree college to a young woman…u still blog like u r 18 or something…i am same age as u, but i dont see stuff u r blogging about interests me anymore. because i feel ur blog nvr grow…so it makes me feel like i am reading some young college chick’s blog but not audreyooi that i always read. maybe u should blogging about more grown-up stuff like career, r/ship (not puppy love), life etc instead of posting some cutesy pics of urs in pink or something else which is way too cute for this age. and i find ur entries also less ‘meaningful’…like just some random stuff happened to u. just my two cents. hope u dont feel offended.

hi michelle!

thank you for your blog comment, it was actually really nice to hear some honest feedback! so much so that I felt like I needed to email you wtf.

you said you’ve been reading me for a long time so i’m sure you remember the post i wrote about new year resolutions. in it i wrote that i don’t really like my blog anymore either and i’ve been considering shutting it down or at least drastically changing its direction.

the funny thing is, my blog used to be my most precious possession.  but i agree with you – i think my blog has changed – less interesting, that’s for sure. but while you think that it’s become less interesting because i haven’t changed much as i grew up, it’s actually the opposite. because i’ve grown up, there are more and more things that i can’t blog about.

im in a serious rship now but im afraid to blog about it because i’m afraid of people judging us — if i blog about us a lot and we break up, it’s going to be too difficult to face my readers who will naturally be asking what happened. plus i’ve also received many hate comments saying that we will break up soon and stuff so it’s too hurtful to put my relationship in the spotlight right now.

blogging about work: i’m bound by contract to not ever mention my job, plus i feel more comfortable keeping my blog and work separate so that’s a no go too.

i did grow up. alot until sometimes i feel i don’t recognize myself anymore. i’m still in the process of getting used to who i am now and that reflects in my blog i guess.  there’s a whole new serious side to me now that was never there at all before and i’m finding it hard as well to relate to it in reference to me and my blog before. i don’t know if i’m explaining it well.

while i might be more serious and all that now, i still like pink. i still like dressing up and taking pictures (although not as much as before either) and that is the side of me that i feel really safe blogging about now.

so yeah that will be fourfeetnine for a while. at least until i get settled with who i am now and the person i wanna become.

i know i don’t owe you an explanation and you definitely weren’t asking for one. but i was moved enough to reply. thanks for your comment because it made me think and possibly cleared up a lot about what i was feeling about my blog. thank you:)

Comments (21)

  • most people will feel offended. i love your reply and understand what you’re saying.

    HAHA the crazy fan mail is so funny. A Japanese maybe?

    whatever it is, continue to blog and chronicle your life! 😀

  • fehmes max!~ but first letter cannot see!

  • I like this post! 😀 Woohoo! Second comment 🙂

  • I would like the mail to the first letter dude! He sounds… like an interesting men I should meet.

    And I can only hope he is a dude. Because a girl who wants your hosiery is just… way too strange to fathom.

  • sorry audrey.. but i think i agree with michelle.. i’m a fan of fourfeetnine (but never have the guts to post comment!) and practically everyday i’m hoping that you’ll update your blog with something that’s interesting but.. well, guess i’ve put too much an expectation! =(

    probably i shouldn’t say too much but.. you’re a great blogger anyhow.. i still love your… “wtf”? haha….. wtf..

  • 2nd guy seems to have a feet fetish~ although would definitely take up his offer. You help me help you help me. Hah. But would be kinda creepy if one day he just decides to stalk you and cut off your feet cause he isn’t satisfied anymore with all those smelly shoes…Hell, I think too much, sorry. x_x

    And Audrey, will still read this blog and wait for whoever you become to write again. 🙂

  • ummm

  • Liking pink doesnt make u immature.
    and the dressing up and taking pictures part…er its only natural to possess a bit of vanity ( oh we all do it!) the point is u’ve come a long way and it wouldnt be an exaggeration to say you’re a celebrity now (albeit an online one)so its understandable ud want some confidentiality on certain topics, people know u now when u walk down the streets. 9/10 will read whatever you post and maybe laugh a little without going gonzo saying u write meaningless stuff, those guys/girls are just jealous. Honestly you write the funniest shit i ever read like the last post “I cute or not?” was so unexpected,and even on a bad day ull always pull a fast one and make us all smile, and u’ve been doing it so consistently thats why ppl keep reading ur blogs, it is far from boring, and if ppl want deep emotional stuff they can always read novels(try brokeback theres no puppy love in there, rest assured.)

  • angie why u ummm wtf


  • i like your blog very much because your blogging style is very unique.

    i also frequent xiaxue, cheesie, and kennysia’s blog just for the sake of entertainment. i don’t think it’s obligatory to blog about work or relationship.

    i think most readers like to be surprised by anything out of the ordinary!!! 🙂

  • Haha! That is a really strange request. But yeah, like you said, very politely worded so it’s not that bad. 🙂

    Blogs change, coz people change so I wouldn’t worry too much about it.

  • That is very weird request from your fan. Eekz. A little scary too. I can totally imagine how freaked out was your mum.
    But I also find it slightly funny. Haha!

  • haha!!! really got such people with such request exist… outsiders (like us) sure think it’s cute/funny, but i understand how your mum feels. =) maybe i can also request to buy your pink/cute stuffs, then maybe when you don’t want them you can post it to me. -__-

  • i like when you talk about how you really feel =D it’s nice to know the cute petite fehmes blogger is a human too! but, wtf letter #2 is scary shit!!! >.<

  • Letter #2 writer: ??!!!

    Letter #3 writer: I think people shouldn’t just blog about smthg they dun feel strongly about just to say “hey, I’m mature”. Besides, I think audrey’s blog like she mention is too public to write bout very personal/deep feelings,etc and one should nt blog too much bout their work! Last but nt least, who are you to say that their relationship is just “puppy love”? Except if you are part of a r’ship, One’ll never know what’s it’s all about.

    PS: Who’s to say the color Pink and cam-whoring is “childish/immature”? Young at heart, remember?

  • Y’know? Being YOURSELF goes a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG way Audrey…remember that…who gives a rats patootie what they think…this is YOUR blog!! they can subscribe or unsuscubribe as they wish!!!!xoxoxox!

  • There you go. the reply to letter3 makes me feel that indeed fft has grown up. Cheers!

    Juz write wat u like. ppl r so used 2 gossiping/stuff like that. if u read news,u can find d top news/most read news always about others relationship/things related to fuck/rape/some sort of that. But then u can read that in news.

    Some things u just can kip to urself and not let d whole world know.

    So like i always say, just be urself.haha..cheers again! 🙂


  • just be yourself Audrey, I always love the way you blog and the way u express yourself, Cheers! 🙂

  • I don’t find the need for you to change the way you blog.
    Am loving the way you blog and you’re definitely entertaining the teens at least! 😀

  • Only can say, fourfeetnine rocks to the max!! 😀

  • Should have taken up the 2nd letter’s offer. Get Tim to wear the tights/hose/shoes/boots and sweat innit. Pangsai in the shoes also can. After that send to him!! wahahahahahhaa!!

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