Title is self explanatory
while Angela was in KL last weekend! We see each other so often these days that we’re quite chill whenever we meet just like “yo sup” *cool nod wtf
Anyway she was in KL only for the weekend so we didn’t do much also! Already told you we are so chill about each other’s presence it was just like a normal day for us wtf.
Shop, eat and take lotsa pictures!
Anyway Suetpants and I introduced Angela to the joys of Rage Faces.
I post and you guess which face we’re supposed to be doing ok! (see whether our rage faces make it ornot)
If you don’t know Rage Faces don’t talk to me. Actually just click on the FYI’s below to see source and explanation la this is such an educational post yo.
#1 LOL guy (FYI)
#3 Happy Kitteh. Not very sure what this is called. But anyway fail cos cannot make eyes into upside down Vs and mouth into sideways 3 wtf.
#4 Success Kid!!! Not Rage Face but meme called Success Kid wtf. (FYI)
#5 Dunno what this is called either. Should have photoshopped blue tears!
#6 PFFFTTTCHH face (FYI) Suetpants looks good in every single picture la!!! Either she’s just pretty or she’s not trying hard enough wtf
#6 My brain is full of fuck face wtf. Inspired by Jackie Chan hahaahha
#67 Me Gusta!!! HAHAHAAH MY FACE IS SO ACCURATE YOU DON’T EVEN KNOW. Angela didn’t know what face we were doing so she simply anyhow do hahahaahah
#8 Fuck that/ Dumb Bitch face. (FYI) AGAIN MY FACE IS SO ACCURATE I should just become an actress wtf.
Thanks for wasting your time!!!! 😀
Comments (37)
Honestly, i think you are the most accurate in all the Rage Faces!
fuck la now i’m gonna see your face whenever me gusta comes on in the future hahahahahahahaha
hahahahah 3 of u so cute loohhhh
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA i…. hahahaah … just…… hhaahhahahahaa couldn’t….. hahahhhahahahaaa… stop……..
/me gusta
Love this post!!!
HAHAHAHA best actress ever XD
p/s: I actually tried all the faces while looking at yours LOL
OMG The last two were dead and seriously made me LMAO for 5 minutes. X_X
hahahha u should really become an actress!
fts i swear u practise damn hard in front of mirror everyday and try to con us to do it too so u’ll be the best. “hey guys let’s try do rage faces! teehee”
Omg, love your megusta look! Love love love memes! Love this post! Have been a reader but never feel that much urge to comment immediately (sorry about that :P) Ehhh should try forever alone! Now he really forever alone #foreveralone.jpg
hahaha i feel so sohai by doing all the faces while i was reading wtf
i can see that angela and suetli didn’t do the poses as well as you did, hahas. anyway it’s something hilarious, not part of ‘wasting your time’ by reading this post! *wink*
i me gusta ur me gusta face! hahaha
Heard of the “Why U nO” guy? You should try that out too….pulling off the why you know look…It’s kewl. ^^
well done aud! hahaha 😀 like what sweatlee mentioned, have you been practising secretly? lol
Looks alike!
LOL… this is so entertaining. Thank you for making me laugh.
your me gusta face is bloody funny wtf!
act cute!!!
hahahahahahah i am waiting for someone to cut your face out and put it up as a new meme
or maybe i should do it and submit to 9gag secretly wtf
*opens microsoft paint wtf
i hate gray. now i am pink!
*victory baby meme wtf
LOLZ~~~ Look almost the same as those meme. hahaahaha
O.M.G aud looks so damn accurate..PFFFTTTCHH face though, if aud raised her eyebrows abit more. Then will surely be…E.P.I.C.N.E.S.S
Hey Aud! What camera you used to capture all the photos in this post? 😀
bwhahaahah the me gusta so alike XD
oh where’s Y U NO face and Fuuuuu face?
Audrey you can now use these photo to make the meme/emoticon on MSN for your fans to use la haha.
Thanks for the entertaining post with the silly faces
I have been following your blog for quite sometime and this is my 1st time to comment coz You are really accurate lar…made me smile ^^
Y U NO INVITE ME!?!?!??!
Ooh oo.. cheesie is mad 😀
Seriously you nailed the last two pose, really alike! 😛
lol. audrey you are so funny. X) thanks for this hilarious post!
Ahahah. You really nailed the expressions! kudos 🙂
angela looks pretty XD
but u have the best faces lol
Hi Aud!
this is a bit off but your bed sheet’s so pretty! do you mind telling me where did you get it from? is it from ikea??? 🙂
and you do look like the real memes for me gusta and fuck that face! LOLLLLL good job more meme faces PLEASE!
I was laughing hard in the office when i sees that me gusta and fuck that dumb bitch fais. ahhahhahahahahaha
ohsem meme mimicking tho.. lolxxx
OMG~ Wondering how u can do all those faceslike 99% alike!!! O.O LOLZ, me just cant stop laughing!! Hahaaaaa~