
How I love my ABCs

Today was my first day as a *ahem* uni student! Though technically I was a an illegal alien in Monash. And though I attended just one tutorial.

But who gives a fuck! Haha I went for class! *sigh* People get excited cos they’re going clubbing, I get excited because I’m going to school. Cheryl, Hsin and Yee Mei were astonished at my enthusiasm, including the fact that I panicked because I thought we were going to be late for the tutorial which was: DESIGN OF SCIENCE. Didn’t want to miss a minute of it. The spirit of the nerd lives.

In the class, I was happily sitting next to Yee Mei, devouring their Design of Science assignment, which seemed v. interesting to me even though everyone stared at me like I was insane. It’s cos I have nothing to do plus I really really miss academics:( Also I was very happy to see all you guys! Missed all of you so much. Anyway, just to tell you people that I’ll be glad to help you with your assignments… ahem… what are friends for? So bring it on, babes!

Tomorrow, am going to the American Embassy to sort out my visa application and prove to them that I’m not a Muslim terrorist/Nazi/drug dealer/prostitute. Wish me luck, people! Also, am going to wear skirt and pants combo. It’s a luck thing.

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