People I meet online are getting weirder and weirder.
First up, we have Jamie from Perth, who started messaging me on Friendster recently.
He then proceeded to looking me up on MSN and chatting me up. The convo goes something like this.
J: yadda yadda yadda
A: blah blah blah
A: Eh who’s the baby in ur pic? (He has a baby photo for his MSN pic)
J: That’s my daughter.
Aud: Oh! Er, how old did u say u were again?
J: 20
A: how old is ur daughter?
J: less than a yr old
(J’s MSN pic changes to another picture of a baby)
J: This one leh? cute or not?
A: Cute…ur daughter oso issit?
J: No, that one is my son.
A: 0_0 Bloody hell when did he start reproducing? Oh.. so….your son and daughter which is one older?
J: Daughter…cute leh both of them?
A: (still in shock) ya ya cute. Eh wait just asking ar…so ru married?
J: hahaha nope.
A: eh, so ur studying rite? then ur gf leh? she also studying wan ar? how did he find a girl willing to give birth for him TWICE and not get hitched? Are the babies even from the same mother?!
J: ahahahahahha….. (doesn’t answer my question)
‘Nuff said.
The competition is another guy, also from Friendster who I think was in Taylor’s last year and had seen me around before. Let’s call him R.
Fast fact: He complimented me on my curls!! XD
R: So how’s life? How’s the bf?
A: Did I tell him I had one to scare him off? bf lar
R: WHAT! lie!
A: (fear seeps into my bones) what? im not! i told u i have ar?
R: no lar, i thought girls have to have a bf wan:P
A: no lar dun have.
R: y dun have?
A: erm, didnt really meet any suitable ones? i dun go to coll the new people tat i meet are less lar.
R: wat about the ppl u’ve known some time? like ur frens?
A: aiyaa frens dun work out wan lar. not good to spoil the frenship by trying all this.
R: what about me? i would seriously date u. without question.
A: Uh-oh. Haha i dun know u tat well lar…
R: Ok, say if u did, would u go out with me?
A: what the fuck?! Erm, depends lar.