AudSocialButterfly AudVanity

Paper, SCISSORS, Stone


Today was the day the 3 champions plus one supporter totally changed their hairstyles and also the day when Kimarie sucked blood from us.

Ruth and Jia Min look so gorgeous!! *weeps into hankie* Of course, these friends of Audrey Ooi have always been pretty (if not I won’t friend them… joking!!) but now…. Va-va-voom!!!

(Hsin, we’re waiting for you to kumpul enough cash for hair revamping as well:P)

And this is the proof to their beeyootifulness:

First up, we have Chung Jia Min.

::This is the before pic. SMiling, but the crazed look in her eyes asks for… a new look!::

::This is the process. Note the grimace on her face and the glee on Kimiarie man’s as he scrubs colour into her locks::

::And tah-dah!!! A sight to behold!!::

And then we have Ruth Gong Huai Lan!

::This is the before photo. She looks into the camera and thinks, hmm.. I wonder how much money I have in my ATM after the hair revamp.::

::This is the look of terror on Ruth’s face, I don’t know why. Is Hsin going to smack her with the camera?::

::And voila!! Hot chicky mama unleashed!::

I have decided not to post up any photos of me, because as my MSN nick proclaims, Audrey’s fringe looks retarded.

I got the shock of my life when John Tang took away his scissors to reveal to me….and idiot fringe! It ends at my eyebrows! I now look like Jolin Tsai gone wrong.

Therefore, everybody shall stick to the image of Audrey with fringe that reached BELOW her eyebrows. There shall be no proof of Aud the Down Syndrome.

Oh all right, to satisfy you and myself, here’s a pic of me in the process. Mind you that’s before the fringe got snipped to idiot level.

::Me looking sweet, with a IQ above 50::

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