
Hello, goodbye

Mean Girls is damn nice!

You know me, a sucker for chick flicks.

But other than me and Min, Rabin and Wei Zhen seemed to like it a lot too, though I don’t know if that’s more due to the amount of cleavage and leggage shown than the plot and humour.

Almost everyone I know seems to be damn worried about their future. Yes, first sem results are out and there are lots of uh, worrying grades.

All the best to everyone!!

(drums fingertips on table)

I thought I had a lot to blog about but it seems I’ve lost my train of thought.

I want something from Von Dutch! I don’t think they have it in Malaysia. But the things are all damn nice, kinda funky (in the old sense of the word, not the new, which apparently means weird or smelly or something) and casual.

I first saw it in Japan. ANd I already thought it was damn chun. But I dunno why the messages on the Tshirts didn’t make any sense, like for eg.,

“Real Men are Good-Looking!”

or something equally as mind-boggling. (I made that up, btw.)

So I thought Von Dutch was just some crap Jap brand and I chalked up the nonsense English to their oh-so-kawaii way of mangling the language.

I came back and suddenly I see pics of Von Dutch everywhere. And I realize that its an American brand.


OK, let’s just talk about something else. We shall not discuss the fact that I’m having terrible period cramps right now, for the reason that it’s disgusting.

We shall talk about a quite scary thing I do which is talk to myself.

When I say talk to myself, I don’t just mean shouting “Fuck!” when I ter-kick the table leg.

I mean, sometimes you can see my lips move as I debate with myself whether to buy that skirt or not.

Or I ask myself questions and answer them when trying to make a decision. There really is an Angel Audrey and a Devil Audrey perched on my shoulders pulling me this way and that.

Or even worse, I conjure up whole conversations that I might have with anyone I know and actually act them out in my head, me acting out both parts of course, complete with lip-moving and voices.

FIrst signs of schizophrenia.

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