The temptation to buy the Dior Girly bag is killing me!
The worst part is, I actually have enough cash to do it. Obviously, genuine Dior Girly is just a far-away dream for me. But now that I have the means to do it, this puts matters in a different perspective.
One Dior Girly bag VERSUS 200 Roxy items.
Oh, the pain!
Why am I typing out mou liu things! Who cares about Dior Girly bag hor?
From now on, we shall discuss only rational and serious thought-provoking matters.
Like why my breasts are shrinking!!
No, no I am kidding. They are actually growing bigger.
I don’t even remember having a height growth spurt.
I asked my mother and she confirmed that I did not have a growth spurt at all. *stabs self*
I hate people with big breasts. For example Lindsay Lohan. Why does she get to go prancing around those big jugs slopping over her Santarina outfit when more than half of us Malaysian Chinese girls get teacups, huh? (Or am I the only one with teacups? Speak up!)
Btw, I would like to learn the Jingle Bell Rock dance in Mean Girls. It looks cute and slutty.
I had a traumatising experience with BIG BREASTS when I was at the young and impressionable age of fourteen.
Back then, I possibly didn’t even have teacups yet. But to reassure you all, I did not have to do sad things like invert my bra so I could fit in it.
Back to the trauma.
Oh, this is too much. All I can say that I was in class, wearing my usual flat pinafore and I wanted to ask the teacher something. So I got up and went to tap her on the back becos she was talking to someone else.
But another person has reached her first.
This person has gargantuan boobies.
I tried to reach the teacher, but before I could do that, the Big One turned around.
She came closer to me and pressed into me.
I lost my balance and stumbled because of the big inertia.
My elbow got stuck in her endless cleavage.
I tried to scream but my voice was lost. I thrust out my non-breasts in an attempt to push her back but I am no fight for her.
She is just too powerful and mighty!
I blacked out.
This is what I get for reading too much stupid Stephen King.
Nothing happened lar. My elbow got stuck in between her ample bosom and I stumbled, but that’s it.
No BUST-ups (good joke!), no lesbian sex, no whatever.
Sorry to disappoint if you happened on this blob, sorry, blog, oh dirty mind! by way of pervertically typing out “BIG LESBIAN BOOBIES” in Google. 😀