
The real story behind Dad’s Pavlovian Theory

In light of the baffling last two entries, I have thus decided to explain myself and the hint of pervertic-ness that was in Fat Her Ooi’s entry.

What he was talking about is perfectly innocent, although it’s certainly very mean to a tiny little two year-old girl. When I was young and naive, I used to follow my parents to supermarkets, not knowing about the terror that lay ahead.

In the household goods section, Fat Her would (in a saccharine voice) ask me to give him my hand. And in my childhood innocence, I would happily oblige, secure in the fact that my Daddy would protect me no matter what.


Once he’d gotten his grubby paws on my cute little hand, he’d unhand a rotten-looking toilet brush (the round brown kind that looks like its made of coconut husk/lidi that you use to scrub your downstairs toilet floor with) from behind his back and proceed to scrub my tiny hand in a most vicious manner.

I would scream with laughter (because it’s ticklish in an obscene way) and anger at being bluffed and yank my hand out of his claws.

And then next time we went to a supermarket, the same thing would happen again. And again.

After a while when I got older and wiser, every time he asked for my hand in the household section of a supermarket, I would put both hands behind my back and shake my head firmly.

Thus is proved the Pavlovian theory.

For those who STILL don’t get Pavlov’s theory, go look it up in your SPM Bio reference book. I lazy to explain it out. Unless one day when I’m bored with nothing to blog about, I will consider it.

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