
Queer Eye for the Bald Guy

This is the continuation of the bald story. The source of the Bald Story was none other than Alex Tham.

I saved the entire conversation here! I found it hilarious; maybe not everyone will though, possibly only those who know Alex and/or Yeow Wei.

ALEXANDER ‘The Greatest Legend of All Was Real’ (you tell a soul, i take your soul) says:

oh yah

ALEXANDER ‘The Greatest Legend of All Was Real’ (you tell a soul, i take your soul) says:

just wana tell u

ALEXANDER ‘The Greatest Legend of All Was Real’ (you tell a soul, i take your soul) says:

yeow wei is bald

ALEXANDER ‘The Greatest Legend of All Was Real’ (you tell a soul, i take your soul) says:


*makeup biatch* says:

har??? wat u mean?

ALEXANDER ‘The Greatest Legend of All Was Real’ (you tell a soul, i take your soul) says:

he got the hair that is as long as the hair on my hands

ALEXANDER ‘The Greatest Legend of All Was Real’ (you tell a soul, i take your soul) says:

in other words he is bald

ALEXANDER ‘The Greatest Legend of All Was Real’ (you tell a soul, i take your soul) says:

0.275 cm

ALEXANDER ‘The Greatest Legend of All Was Real’ (you tell a soul, i take your soul) says:


ALEXANDER ‘The Greatest Legend of All Was Real’ (you tell a soul, i take your soul) says:


*makeup biatch* says:

HAHAHAHAAHAH he cut his hair ar???

ALEXANDER ‘The Greatest Legend of All Was Real’ (you tell a soul, i take your soul) says:

saw me today and i cannot recognise

ALEXANDER ‘The Greatest Legend of All Was Real’ (you tell a soul, i take your soul) says:

he shave his hair

*makeup biatch* says:

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH how does he look?

ALEXANDER ‘The Greatest Legend of All Was Real’ (you tell a soul, i take your soul) says:

he wwwearing hat

ALEXANDER ‘The Greatest Legend of All Was Real’ (you tell a soul, i take your soul) says:

i saw him no hair i look away

ALEXANDER ‘The Greatest Legend of All Was Real’ (you tell a soul, i take your soul) says:

then he “wei”

ALEXANDER ‘The Greatest Legend of All Was Real’ (you tell a soul, i take your soul) says:

then i “EI”

*makeup biatch* says:


ALEXANDER ‘The Greatest Legend of All Was Real’ (you tell a soul, i take your soul) says:

then he “oi”

ALEXANDER ‘The Greatest Legend of All Was Real’ (you tell a soul, i take your soul) says:

then i “late for class weh”

ALEXANDER ‘The Greatest Legend of All Was Real’ (you tell a soul, i take your soul) says:

then i “where ur hair?”

ALEXANDER ‘The Greatest Legend of All Was Real’ (you tell a soul, i take your soul) says:

then he far far away cannot hear me

*makeup biatch* says:

HAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH what hat he wearing?

ALEXANDER ‘The Greatest Legend of All Was Real’ (you tell a soul, i take your soul) says:

some hat la

*makeup biatch* says:

cap or wat?

ALEXANDER ‘The Greatest Legend of All Was Real’ (you tell a soul, i take your soul) says:

1st time i see the back of his neck man

ALEXANDER ‘The Greatest Legend of All Was Real’ (you tell a soul, i take your soul) says:

yeah cap

*makeup biatch* says:

AHHAAHAHAHAHHAHA u damn bodoh!!!

*makeup biatch* says:

im going to save this convo

ALEXANDER ‘The Greatest Legend of All Was Real’ (you tell a soul, i take your soul) says:


ALEXANDER ‘The Greatest Legend of All Was Real’ (you tell a soul, i take your soul) says:

4 wat woh

*makeup biatch* says:

ahahah i want to show hsin

ALEXANDER ‘The Greatest Legend of All Was Real’ (you tell a soul, i take your soul) says:


ALEXANDER ‘The Greatest Legend of All Was Real’ (you tell a soul, i take your soul) says:

y la?

*makeup biatch* says:

damn funny!

ALEXANDER ‘The Greatest Legend of All Was Real’ (you tell a soul, i take your soul) says:


ALEXANDER ‘The Greatest Legend of All Was Real’ (you tell a soul, i take your soul) says:

so proud

ALEXANDER ‘The Greatest Legend of All Was Real’ (you tell a soul, i take your soul) says:

weh gtg la

ALEXANDER ‘The Greatest Legend of All Was Real’ (you tell a soul, i take your soul) says:

cannot tahan

ALEXANDER ‘The Greatest Legend of All Was Real’ (you tell a soul, i take your soul) says:


*makeup biatch* says:

heehheeheh okok goodnite!!!!

*makeup biatch* says:

see u tmr!

ALEXANDER ‘The Greatest Legend of All Was Real’ (you tell a soul, i take your soul) says:


ALEXANDER ‘The Greatest Legend of All Was Real’ (you tell a soul, i take your soul) says:


*makeup biatch* says:


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