
The Sound of Unsilence

I finished my laundry at 2.30am.

And washed dishes at 3am.

The work of a housewife is never done.

For the first time ever, I actually got electrocuted by my laundry basket. (- -“)

This is amazing! My laundry basket has joined the ranks of blenders, VCD players and kitchen sinks. (read profile at side)

I was pulling out my clothes from the dryer into my laundry basket and wondering why my thigh kept feeling like it had jolts of pins and needles. Then I heard sparks sounds.

WHAT THE HELL IS WITH ME AND SPARK SOUNDS?! (read burning maggi mee entry)

I looked down and realised in horror that whenever my leg touched my laundry bag, a spark sound would be emitted and my leg would get the pins and needles feeling of kena shock.


My laundry bag is the foldable kind and the only part of it being metal is the frame of it… you know like those suction sunshades you put on your car windows? The only way I can think of it getting enough static electricity to shock me is that my thermal underwear somehow produced static eletricity inside the dryer and transmitted it to my laundry bag, who transmitted it to me.


Tonight, was at Angela’s room with Yen watching Princess Diaries I (Angela had cleverly downloaded it, thinking that it was actually Princess Diaries II)

Suddenly, Joan, Angela’s roommate burst in and beckoned Angela out of the room.

Angela ran out, then ran in and pulled me and Yen out into the hallway.

And we heard:

“OH… OHH… OOH…..” (at 10000 decibels)

People having sex.

It was so loud that ELizabeth and Antonella heard it when their TV was on. Their first thought was that someone was watching porn.

It was so loud that Joan heard it while she was blow drying her hair in the bathroom which is the other side of the hall.

Half the residents of the floor came out to investigate the weird noises.

All of us just stood there as still as lizards outside the door of whoever was having the time of her life (and wanted everyone to know it) and listened to the groans/moans/screams/whines.

All hands were clapped over mouths to prevent giggles/cries of disgust.

Then Lucia comes running down the hall behind us, yelling “Why is she here! Who brought her in!? She shouldn’t be here! Someone take her away now!”

Angela said, “What? Who are you talking about?”

Lucia continues in an agitated manner, “The kid! She’ll be traumatised by it! I’m taking her away now!”

She grabs me by the shoulders.

I turn around and stare at her, perplexed.

She stares at me for a second and says, “Oh! Audrey it’s you! I thought you were a six-year old kid or something!”

“……….. ”
She fcuking thought I was a six year old girl!

Let me die, let me just die.

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