All I have left to do is one measly 8 page paper! HAH! Anyone can do that! Pshaw!
Random sentences:
1. IIII aamam vvvvery the hyypper now dunnoo whyy alsso../!#
2. I like having diarrhea because it makes my stomach flat.
3. Am on a Teresa Teng binge. Too embarrassing, must listen to her songs with headphones on, lest Beth think I’m listening to chinese opera.
4. Never trust instant ramen by the brand name of ‘Kung Fu’.
5. Am unbelievably bad at Econs. After studying, and I mean really studying hard the whole semester, I doubt I will pass it. My brain is not made for economics.
6. Am allergic to wax. Yet another item to add to the list.
7. Going home in 2 days!!!!