Yesterday I paid a visit to the counselor over at the Career Development Center.
I am at a loss. Where do I go from here? Where will I be 10 years from now? Come to think of it, where will everybody be 10 years from now?
Everyone around me has more or less concrete ideas of what they want to do with their lives and have been sure since the start of their uni careers.
And me, I’ve been floating around like a jelly fish, unsure of what I want to do. I only knew I liked hair and makeup and what sort of frivolous activity is that?
But this semester I finally settled down and thought about what I want to do. I am most probably going to major in Asian Studies, but what the hell can you do with a major like that? Actually, anything, according to the counselor woman, in America, that is. She said that with a liberal arts degree, employers know you’re well equipped to handle basically anything thrown your way.
But Malaysia leh? That I dunno. I dunno if Malaysian employers would be able to accept a liberal arts degree. So that means I probably might not settle in Malaysia after I graduate and since I am not that eager to work in the States, the other options are Singapore, Hong Kong or Japan.
Damn difficult leh!
I told the counselor that I wanted to do fashion editorial work.
But what use is it if I go to an Ivy League-esque school only to come out and work in fashion? I might as well take Taylor’s Mass Comm program right? For what waste so much money to come here when I could easily get what I need in Malaysia?
But for now, short term plan:
– Go back in summer and complete internship at editorial/advertising/PR company
– During next winter break, do internship in New York (fashion capital of US!)
– September 2006 – exchange program to Kyoto (if can get la)
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood. What next?!?