AudSuay AudVanity

Manyak suay

Today has been the most suay day of my life.I shall keep it short, because I only had 4 hours of sleep last night and am falling asleep.

Woke up to send Yen off. (Bye bye my love! Have fun in Beijing and Taiwan and buy a phone card! <3)

Had to go shopping to buy some stuff for the Oois. Went to take the bus to the mall.

Apparently, bus does not go to Holyoke Mall anymore.

Ended up in Springfield bus station, which is halfway to New York.

Springfield bus station is very sleazy. Filled with blacks and latinos jingling with bling bling and tight jeans and basketball jerseys.

Ate McDonald’s for lunch at Springfield bus station surrounded by scary-looking blacks and latinos who look like they carry guns around for fun.

Caught the next bus back to South Hadley.

Finally got to the mall and bought what I had to buy.

Bus to go back to Mt Holyoke never came.

Had to take taxi back. I could buy a Roxy skirt with what I spent on transport today.

Then back in my room, I COULDN’T FIND MY AIR TICKET.

I called the airline to ask if I needed my paper ticket to fly. They said obviously. They said if I lost ticket, I would have to pay USD100 for a new one.

And the storage people were coming to take my stuff away.

Made storage guy wait while I ripped through my boxes, searching for my ticket.

Finally find it in the last box, with help from Divya. While packing, Angela and I thought it was one of my phone bills and stuffed it in.


At least I’m not as suay as Divya, who lost her passport when coming to Malaysia at age 14 to play in a squash tournament.

She kena locked up in a police station.

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