AudAtMoho/USA AudTourist

I’ll be back

Yes, peeps I am back in Malaysia.

Am suffering from intense jet lag and after-stress.

Had 2 of my flights delayed. Ended up rushing to the airport 2 hours earlier to catch a rebooked flight to Chicago from my place cos my original flight had been delayed cos of bad weather in Chicago.

Never mind.

Then after that I gladly boarded the plane to Tokyo from CHicago and fell asleep.

Two hours later I woke up and looked out of the window. The fucking plane was still on the ground.

Left engine something wrong.

We only took off 2-3 hours later.

Because of that I missed the connecting flight from Tokyo to Singapore.

Panicked all the way from Chicago to Tokyo because I thought I would have to spend a whole night in Narita with an elementary command of Japanese. Started chanting Japanese phrases in my head to practise speaking with the natives.

But pokoknya, arrived safely at home la.

And the good thing is, I think I lost weight on the journey back here! Too stressed I think.

And met a few more interesting people on the way.

(a) 46 year old Korean man who sat next to me on flight from Chicago to Tokyo. Ended up turning on my laptop and watching Sorry I Love You with him.

(b) friendly acne-faced Singaporean from Carnegie-Mellon.

(c) Old lady with osteo-arthritis who’s going on a cruise in Alaska with her son in June.

(d) Cute guy studying in liberal arts college in Kentucky! bwahahha. Actually spotted him in waiting lounge in Changi. Thought he was Jap cos of his hair, face and clothing. Turns out he’s Malaysian and very siao to talk to XDXD

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