
Here goes

Just because I am so mou liu, here goes:


1. When you go home, you must immediately take off your pants and sit around in your boxers.

2. BoA’s No.1 because that’s our song and Morning Musume’s Manpower because you are a Momosu whore. 😛

3. This question is too stupid for words. But I’ll say Konnyaku jelly.

4. “My hair very dirty la.”

5. Swaggering around with Joel Loo in your baggy pants and chewing gum. -_-” Why that one so poser wan? AHHAHAH. Kidding, babe. <3

6. Erm..giraffe? Cos uhh you’re very tall and…you have very thick eyelashes! HAHAHAH dunno la!

7. Aiya, anything I wanna ask you I can do so without worrying what you’ll think. 🙂

9. In five years time you’ll be married to me and settled in Kyoto and Shaun will be living in our spare room. Wtf.


1. You are obsessed with hygiene and won’t even let me or Ruth touch your bed if we haven’t bathed. -_____-“”

2. I guess its Richard Marx’s Right Here Waiting… haha even though you hate it now!

3. Erm…minty white Mentos? Cos you always “pau” from Hsin wan.

4. “Don’t want la! You finish doing this first! You run off already then my hair how??!”

5. Haha I don’t know if you remember this but it was in secondary school in Form 1 and we were both throwing rubbish into the same bin and you smiled at me and I stared back at you because Davina told me you were a bitch. Hahahaha.

6. Goldfish.

7. For all your temper and explosiveness, I always wondered how you put up with that sei fa hai for 2 years. 🙂

8. Post it up ar!

9. In 5 years time you’ll be tired of wearing white lab coats everyday stuck in the fucking smelly lab and will quit your job and start a hairsalon with me. 😀


1. One of your upper front teeth used to be crooked but it slowly slipped into place and became straight.

2. Er the movie Drive Me Crazy starring the girl from Sabrina the Teenage Witch.

3. Strawberry.

4. “Hsin-Ee!! What are you doing?!”

5. Seeing you across the classroom in Standard Three. You were wearing a green Utarid tshirt and dark blue cotton track pants with the tiny white line at the side of the leg. Damn cool man.

6. Yoh, dunno la. Stick man? AHAHHAAH I’m sorry I’m sorry! I really dunno!

7. How can you be so thin and have big boobs at the same time?

8. You also another one..put this up.

9. In 5 years time, you’ll be a successful sound engineer (or something like that) married to either Terence or Wu Bai.


1. You nearly died having your brows plucked for the first time.

2. That Vienna Teng song.

3. Those horrible diabetic chocolates you made me eat in your room.

4. *i can’t think of anything…*

5. Walking up the fucking mountain during Orientation last year and trying to keep up the conversation with you without blowing too much in your face.

6. A nice guinea pig? I’m sorry everyone I suck at this question la!

7. Why did you come to college so early?

8. Put up put up!

9. You’ll be having some fantastic career (in ANY kind of field – be it as a bigshot company executive or selling pirated DVDs at the side of the road) and probably have 10 kids.


1. You’re obsessive about your eyebrows.

2. Any song by V6 <3

3. Ranch dressing. HAHAHAHA.

4. “I swear to god there’s someone in the room!”

5. The Bridge!
6. A llama.

7. How did you even start listening to JPop?
8. You already did. XD

9. In 5 years time, you’ll be hosting Shounen Club and Gakkou E Ikkou alongside V6 and which other boyband is hot at that time. You’ll also be married to Ryo Nishikido but will be having a torrid affair with Jin Akanishi. XD


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