One fine night, when we had nothing better to do (work does not count) me and Angela decided that we cannot simply let our cuteness go to waste just like that without immortalising it, especially since we were wearing matching baju.
We would camwhore.
*cue for people to bury my body in sand and pour ants and honey over my head*
So out came Ang’s handy little Vaio webcam.
Okay for those who cannot stand the color pink or my total lack of shame, don’t say I didn’t warn you.
Amazingly, we managed to take a total of 241 photos in an hour. Since I have relegated my title of Shopping Queen to some rich bitch out there because my conscience won’t let me keep up, I hereby declare me (and Angie) Camwhore Queens.
::Angela is looking at AUdrey who is looking cockeyed::
::Yeff and Leroy, we know how to use pencils as props too::
::Nyam nyam::
::Our poses are very discreet::
And then! Gadzooks! What is this we find? We have discovered sticker picture formats inside the computer! We can take sticker pictures at home! This is the best night of my life! I have never felt as excited as this since the day I was born!
::”Oh Scarlett….”
“Oh Rhett!”::
::Angela’s face is 193843029 times more pan cute than mine so please kick her::
::The sushi one is too corny to miss::
::No need for captions because a picture speaks a thousand words. This function was called Color Pencil btw::
Then we discovered even more orgasm-inducing functions.
::Hi twin::
“”Angela and her newfound friend::
::Me and E.T.::
::We merged our faces. Henceforth, these two shall be known as Audela and Angrey. Audela looks like a hairdresser from Sg Wang with a black eye and Angrey looks like Exboyfriend No. 2. HAHAHAHAHA. ::
::Here we managed to switch hair. But now Angela has most unfortunately developed chest hair as well.::
And now for the best ones of all! When me and Angela first saw this function we tried to use a pillow to cover the screen because it scared the bejesus out of us. But after getting over our fear, we swear this function is god.
::Bucktoothed Prostitute and Dino the Dinosaur::
::Totem Pole 1 and Totem Pole 2::
::Villain Japanese businessman and Arnold Loh. HAHAHAHAHHA Arnie, if in the slight chance you might be reading this, I’m joking!::
::Obese chipmunk and Ice Cube::
::The Twits::
::Madwomen waiting at the dental office::
::Disney caveman and yet another hamsap bugger. And what happened to my cleavage?!::