
Bakajo strikes again

I’ve written 4 lines of my anthro essay and I really think I deserve a rest.What’s that you say? Get B- for anthro already still dare to talk like this?

Okay la, At least one paragraph. Wait ar.

*tick tock tick tock*

There. One paragraph.

This at-least-one-blog-every-two-days thing is harder than I thought. Who knew I would have so much trouble thinking up a blog topic?

Thankfully, today something blogworthy occured.

Yalah another shittily embarrassing incident.

And if you’re wondering, no I did not shit my pants.

This afternoon, I went for my usual bout of diarrhea in the toilet. Funny, now that I think about it I’ve been having diarrhea ever since spring break, which, being almost two weeks ago, is quite a scary thought actually. Either I must have some terrible food poisoning or my bowels are no longer functioning normally.

Spring break, I spent so much time in Yen’s toilet that I managed to read the whole Encyclopedia of Music while sitting on the throne. I now know every musical instrument there is and a whole bunch of classical composers and which century they were born in.

So anyway, after my diarrhea, I went back to my room and did some work (when I say work, I mean stalking Friendster, and when I say stalking Friendster, I mean click ing on cute girls’ profiles and feeling jealous and ugly:( )

When we went out for dinner, only did Angela (and I) realise that I had, after going in the toilet, unwittingly tucked a foot-long length of toilet paper into my pants and was going around with it trailing behind me.

Let me die, let me just die.

Angela was so shocked that she could only stare at the back of my pants while I asked her impatiently, “What? What?”

If you must know, I always put toilet paper on the seat (who knows got what bacteria germing there? Maybe I got my bladder infection that way you wouldn’t know! Cannot take risks!). I must have kepited the paper in the elastic of my pajama pants when I pulled them up again. Shit.

My life just has to be chock full of things like tucking toilet paper into my pants, tucking my skirt into my UNDERWEAR and walking around with my fly undone.

At least I made Yen laugh.

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