AudEmo AudRubbish


I’m done with exams – pesky things – and I’m all packed too.I’m very fucking sure I’m going to be over the weight limit and there’s no way out than to pay stupid United off.

I have a splitting headache because I fell asleep around 3 last night and woke up at 9 to lug more boxes into storage. Tried sleeping just now but my stupid body wouldn’t shut off and I lay there thinking “shit la how many hours left? Did I finish everything I have to do? etc etc”

So now I’m all ready to face two whole days of airplanes and airports. I don’t care, I’m checking into the Changi transit hotel already, no more sitting in the lounge/standing at stupid computers that cut off your connection every 10 minutes.

Okay, okay. All this while I’ve been complaining about how I can’t wait to leave stupid Mt Holyoke and suddenly now that I CAN leave, I don’t want to. :(((((((((((((

Sad la in a way. This has been my home for the past 10 months. Me and Angela put in so much effort in our room to make it the cutest room in the world, and now we have to pack everything up and move.

And the worst part is, I’m leaving all my pillows and bolster here!!! I don’t know why I’m so attached to them also, not like without it I can die like that.

But somehow I feel without me my pillows will feel very lonely. :(((( Does that even fucking make sense I ask you?

Dunno why I must attach all kinds of sentiment to my things and think they got a life in them wan. This is why i cannot throw away anything and this is why I’m going to be overweight.

Ok wish me a good flight

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