AudEmo AudRubbish

Oh happy day

I am back! *stands with arms on hips and stares off into distance*I would have blogged earlier but I was impossibly busy with impossibly important things like:

a) going through Malaysian dishes bit by bit – no more chicken cordon blue, mexican rice, Texas BBQ sauce, General Tso’s chicken, curry that tastes like dhal, etc.
b) forcing Brother Ooi and Suet to watch Sex is Zero with me
c) forcing Mummy Ooi to watch 1 Litre of Tears with me
d) taking a shower twice a day, which is like 4 times my usual amount. Hahaha sorry la for shoving this tasty tidbit into your face! But US very cold and dry ma, why shower and wash away my useful oils. wtf.
e) re-reading Stephen King’s The Stand. Dunno why for the past year I had an insatiable urge to read about the end of the world again and almost resorted to buying it on Amazon
f) embarrassing Hsin in front of Alvin Lam
g) beating jetlag

Interesting things that happened during my flight home:
a) much next to my dismay, sat next to stern-looking Taiwanese woman on flight from Chicago to Tokyo gave me disapproving looks when I told her I was majoring in Asian Studies in US and who brought her own Tupperware for juice refills

b) got my eyebrow tweezers confiscated in Singapore because they were worried I might stab somebody with them. Dangerous things, those. =.=

c) was only helped by kwai lous with my luggage. Asian men tend to pretend they don’t see your arms being pulled from your sockets and only help when you drop your stupid pink suitcase with a loud thump on your own foot and your eyes fill with tears.

d) This is by far the worst! I cleverly decided not to bring my laptop case with me cos very heavy. Instead I fit my laptop into my polka dot shoulder bag and then also inserted a bottle of water in it.

When I reached Chicago, I was horrified to find that the whole inside of my bag was wet and the water kena my laptop also! Murmuring with fear, I wiped it off best as I could and TURNED IT ON. It worked so I put it back into my bag.

Later on, in the plane I turned on my laptop again to watch Hello! Morning. Watching halfway, the picture froze and the screen went black and they said something about not being able to boot!?!?!?

Kept seeing the stupid black screen where they say they can’t boot the system or something and asking me if I want to change any options, like which do I prefer to use to boot, the internal HDD system or CD drive or dunno what, which might as well be in another language to me, all the use it did.

I finally gave up and resigned myself to a fate of being yelled and beaten by the Oois and no chance of ever going to Melbourne.

But but! In the transit hotel in SIngapore, I turned it on again and as usual cannot. But then suddenly I became damn smart and started fiddling with the options. Then I restarted it. And it worked!!!

Till this day I thank god several times a day.

Before I forget,

Happy Anniversary to Me!!! (and to Darren Tan.)

Maybe I should start acting more grateful for his existence and post more pictures of him because he is possibly more pan cute than I am.

I keep telling him we’re the cutest couple in the world but he doesn’t get it.

Yah, thanks a lot, boyfriend. Leroy looks cute and constipated too. wtf.

Eating fries and gravy in downtown Toronto

Who’s cuter? No, seriously. This is the source of many of our uh, disagreements.

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