
Lousy job

Memento of our happy days working the street wtf. No la, it’s our stint giving out Southern Bank flyers la. Here we are at the Curve.Tomorrow is Monday and it’s yet another joyous day of working at my telemarketing job.

Firstly the person who hired me, Stephen, promised me RM100 a day.

Then he got struck down with dengue. -__________-”

And now another boss, Ms Chia is insisting I should only be receiving the standard pay which is RM60.

This is so unfair! All the weird things happen to me! What are the odds of your boss getting dengue the 2nd day you work there?

If it is RM60, I wouldn’t hesitate to resign.

RM60 – RM10 for EPF – RM20 for petrol, parking, toll and food = RM30!

Plus I have to get up at 6+ am every day just to make it in time for work!

Also I really hate office conditions.

1. The office is so freaking cold that I am going to bring my wool sweater tomorrow.

2. They check call records and keep reminding me I have to make 120 successful calls a day.

3. Succesful calls do not include those where the person you’re calling isn’t available.

4. 120 calls means 1 call every 3-4 minutes. Which is freaking impossible as they expect us to convince the callee to agree to come to the company’s event too. Which means I have to explain to them what event is and why they should attend all in 3-4 minutes.

5. They can see what’s on your computer screen on THEIR laptops and they close your IE browsers and Web Messengers.

6. They have surveillance cameras installed in the office so they know if you’re doing your work. If you’re not they call you up and yell at you.

How can I work in such stifling conditions?! And they expect us to have 10 registered people for their event everyday.

This is absurd. I only get 3 minutes a phone call and I have to make them want to come?

And at RM60 a day?

If it’s really Rm60 a day, I’m going to quit and take up knitting.

I’m serious.

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