How did I ever forget to introduce my precious to you?
I’m so touched! My first ever camera phone! Okay fine, my first ever COLOUR phone.I’m that outdated. Actually the entire Ooi family is outdated. Like a month ago only Mummy and Fat Her Ooi upgraded themselves to some canggih mp3 phones whatever those are.
My phone making friends and camwhoring with Angela’s.
Naughty boy, exposing yourself in public like that. wtf.
My phone has become an object of camwhoring. Not only that, it has replaced my camera as the Keeper of Memories because my camera sucks ass and failed me again even after paying RM180 to repair it. I hate you, Minolta and Sony.
(I’m sorry la my pupils are so small. *feels like photoshopping it but dunno how*)
Last weekend we went to Shijo (actually we do that every weekend but that’s besides the point).
A temple I guess. Dunno why I never bothered to ask what it is. Probably too distracted by the shops nearby.
Because I’m the one with the manly voice and Angela sounds like an anime character, I get male roles as usual and have to be the samurai while she’s the geisha. Notice the space around my face and notice how Angela’s face hole is struggling to fit her head. AHHAHAAHHAHAHA.
We ate at this Alice in Wonderland themed restaurant.
Looking below.
The bottle very nice.
Our omelettes. It was an omelette restaurant,
Sticker pictures. I’m addicted. Fuck Malaysia’s 400 year old sticker machines, this is where it’s at.
Another day at Shijo.
At a ramen shop. The kind which is like 2 feet square and where people walk in and order and eat standing up at the counter! 😀
Anticlimax wtf. Japanese MacD’s.
Fake nails! But cannot see properly. Though you can see my foot, The Club anklet and teddy bear pajamas.
One day during a 3 hour break, we went to Kyoto Imperial Gardens. Dunno what’s so imperial, seems like a regular park to me. Went to play on the swings, see-saws and frisbee.
Seconds before this picture was taken, Trey offered to push me on the swing. I was standing on it and he proceeded to push me so fucking hard that I nearly fell off. I was 90 degrees up okay! 90!
Stupid Neal blocking my face.
Me and Trey.
Me and Neal.
Me and Masato. He looks like someone I know called George so I keep calling him George wtf.
With Mari. She reminds me alot of Jolene (Lai)! Got or not, people who know Jolene?
Aud and Ayaya (Matsuura? wtf)
Usagi Chan Peace dei!
Batman returns wtf. I didn’t have time to get into proper position! Truth be told, my Batman impression is damn jouzu/skillful with arms akimbo and chest thrust out wtf. Too bad you don’t get to see it. wtf.
I know this is a little out of place what with the cheerful pictures and all. But rest in peace, Verushka. We saw and played with each other only occasionally over the years whenever our fathers brought our families together or we had birthday parties. I don’t know you that well, and the last time we saw each other was 5 years ago, but I am sad beyond words at what happened. Whatever caused you to do what you did must have been terrible and I hope this is a release for you and you’re happy wherever you are.
You will be grieved for and missed more than you can imagine.