Hello blog stalkers.
Today we’re going to conduct an experiment.
But first, a little secret of mine.
I am the one of the most chronic blog stalkers around. I think I visit 20-30 blogs regularly, possibly about 10 everyday just because they update damn frequently.
I am such a stalker that sometimes I even know what car some bloggers drive, what makeup techniques they use and whether they’ve had surgery. wtf.
From my above statement it’s obvious I really like blogs written by girls who talk about clothes and have lots of pictures. Yes lah I’m as shallow as my bra cup. wtf.
So, so, I’ve decided to post up some of the links of people whose blogs I really like…
Wait, wait, actually I don’t know if that’s such a good idea. What if they don’t like me randomly posting their links up, privacy issues and all, gang up on me and er spam me? wtf.
Okay just putting their names.
The reason why I’m doing this is cos I wanna find out if they read me too. Since I read Tze before I met her and and amazingly we clicked damn well and now we’re in The Club <3 with Suet.
So here goes.
Simply Sherve.
Okay that’s it. These are the ones I stalk like their own shadows. wtf. So tell me if you read me too okay! Quite fun isn’t it!
For everyone else, please leave me a comment if you like me too la okay. Cos I never know who reads me. Thanks, cos I’m in a manja/sa jiao/teh pau mood today and I want to be loved. Mat 7.
Anyway Suet said today I must write a serious entry because I have no depth, since my entries are all stupid and pointless and filled with wtfs.
So here goes.
Just had to get it out of my system.
Actually I think my topic is kind of stupid but oh well.
I’m lucky enough in my life to never have felt unhappy enough to want to end my own life just so I’ll stop feeling pain.
People always say that people who commit suicide are stupid, that they’re weak, cowardly, stupid and are not giving themselves another chance yada yada.
Right now Japan is facing a huge issue with schoolkids who are bullied commiting suicide. Every time my okaasan watches the news, she shakes her head and says “Yowai da naa.” which means “Aren’t they weak.”
Fuck I feel like laughing.
I’m always like this! Once I was at Atmos at New Year’s or Christmas standing outside and there was a bunch of ah bengs running around with spray cans of fake snow.
There was a beggar sitting at the side. He had stumps for legs.
The ah bengs ran past him one by one and sprayed him with fake snow.
And he couldn’t escape of course because er, he had no legs?
I know I know! All of you are thinking what a fucking horrible thing to do. And it is! But I dunno why, when I saw it I burst out laughing.
Even though I did think that was a shitty thing to do! But seriously I dunno why I found it funny at the same time.
Yea yea I know everybody hates me for being such a heartless bitch now.
Anyway back to my serious story.
My point is, you can’t really judge or condemn a person if you’ve never been in his shoes. I always say too that people who kill themselves are taking the easy way out and they’re not appreciating the lives that they’ve been given.
But who would kill themselves for fun? What they went through must have been extreme for them to end their lives, say goodbye to everyone they ever knew, the only world they ever lived in. Point made.
Btw, this is part of a new kick I’m on, to not be so judgmental and not to bitch about others too much.
Celaka my blog entry damn boring, thanks a lot Suet.
Preview for next blog entry: Field trip to Uji, where the Tale of Genji is set, for all you literature fans out of there.
Me being emo, near the bridge where one of the characters jumped off it to commit suicide. Actually there was a man playing the saxophone across the river. Fucking romantic.