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Last of Tokyo thank the heavens

It boggles the mind that my tuition kids knowthings like “grotesque” and “sadism-masochism” and “you shall die” in English but don’t know how to say “busy” wtf.

Okay I’m tired of doing stupid day posts for Tokyo so I’m combining days 3-5 together in one post.

Tokyo Day 3: Shibuya

After coming back at 7am the night before we only managed to drag ourselves out to Shibuya again at night.

While waiting for David outside some electronics store.

Best shop in the world. Better than Maggie T and Miss Whatever okay!

But I assure you I am growing up and losing my love for pink wtf.

Deco damn nice right!

I get my nails at places like this!

To Angela, scenery shots means this.

But probably a lot of people will say the clothes are damn lala again.

AT dinner.

The guy who went clubbing night before and DIDN’T SHOWER EVER SINCE because the people he was staying with left and he didn’t know how to turn on the water hahahahaha.

Tokyo Day 4-5: Harajuku

Okay I mixed these two days because er I wore the same outfit wtf. But that was because those clothes took up the most space, which I needed for my luggage!

Very clean okay I don’t sweat wan.

Getting ready to go out.

We saw this on the way to the Edo musuem. Angela said the chinese word is “fuck” in Chinese ar?

The musuem we were heading to.

We thought the plant name was damn cute since it means first love.

So we took pan shy shots wtf.

First love damn sweet and shy wan ma!

Unfortunately the musuem was closed, so we went to Harajuku. Don’t look at me, I WAS sad! I love musuems, ask Yeff wtf. Fuck scenery and nature and give me history.

Harajuku! But the view not that nice from here. After that we were engrossed in shops and forgot to take any more scenery pictures.

Er must take purikura sempena Tokyo.

I was wrong about the pink shop, THIS is the best shop in the world.

Me and Christine rifling through the boots. And me scratching my head. Dandruff wtf.

Oh I got purple crumpled suede boots!

Brother from another mother. Cos they’re both yellow hahahahahaha.

I damn like these! But too big for me I think:(

Kay I think this was the next day. Because Angela changed and I didn’t wtf.

More scenery shots.

Christine went for a meeting with Morgan Stanley so me and Angie headed down to Harajuku again to waste some time.

Christine returned! (In a nice suit). We’re at Shibuya again with a statue of a dog wtf. No, actually there’s a story about this dog that was damn faithful to its master. Every day the master and the dog would walk to the train station together in the morning and the master would go off to work. Then at night when the master came back, the dog would be waiting for him at the station to go home together. Then I think one day the master died at work or something (wtf) and the dog waited for him at the station for years before it finally died too.

We got free balloons on the way home (there the one I rested on top of some guy’s head in the train).

Not so many pictures on that day because me and Angie took lots of videos instead. But hell will freeze over before I post them up wtf because my voice gives me goosebumps.

Oh ya, if you’re wondering how my hair got from this…

to this…

It’s because I got extensions. Bald no more!

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