This afternoon I dreamt I went to this themepark called KittyLand wtf.
It was like a giant Hello Kitty park (I’m aware that a real one called Sanrioland does exist in Tokyo but I’ve never had the urge to visit it)
Anyway it was a damn nice dream!
I don’t know if in the dream I was a child or something because I remember an adult bringing me to KittyLand.
And along the way there were rows and rows of helium balloons at the side of the road. None of them the same! I couldn’t decide which to pick.
Then we got into KittyLand and every guest got to borrow a free costume to wear in the park.
And somehow I decided I wanted to be a waitress. =.=
An old man opened up this huge room shaped and colored like a giant cupcake and rummaged through it for costumes but they were out of waitresses:(
So I became a Playboy Bunny instead. wtf
And then all the guests had to be announced and go up on stage one by one to greet and play with the crowd wtf.
I sat backstage and my heart became very doki doki suru (beating fast) while waiting for the emcee to call my name and then I heard it.
“Odori! Ban gohan!” (Audrey! Dinner!)
My host brother’s voice wtf.
I woke up still with my heart beating fast I also dunno why! Then I wanted my 5 seconds of fame so I tried to go back to sleep but he “Odori! Ban gohan!”-ed me again so I had to wake up and go down for my dinner. wtf.
Maybe I was thinking about themeparks because we are going to Universal Studios on Saturday! :D:D
Yesterday, we went to the Kyoto Old Palace to look at early sakura that have bloomed.
Flower idiots. wtf.
Dammit. My eyes are closed.
I’ve decided. If I get a tattoo, it will either be a cherry blossom, or Hello Kitty’s face. wtf.