AudEmo AudSocialButterfly Funny Fat Her stories

See you soon Tze

During dinner, Fat Her managed to knock my spoon of bak kut teh so onto my bare thighs. Damn hot and painful ok!

I can tell you he got a severe beating from me after that. And then I clipped another bow on his head for good measure wtf.

This weekend has been an emo one with Tze finally leaving for London.

Yesterday Latat and Jam picked me up from work to get her a going-away present.

(I saw my beloved yellow Zara dress in Midvalley and it’s off RM10 wtf as tho it makes a difference. So it’s RM99 now which means it’s 3000+ yen and if I were in Japan I would totally buy it without a moment’s thought but the figure 99 just sounds so unapproachable – also because I only have RM7 in my wallet now.)

Then we met up with Ooib and Suet who were having dinner at Kim Gary.dscf2164.JPG
Don’t ask about my appearance wtf. I woke up that day and I dunno why I was too lazy to curl my hair and I chose a ratty tshirt and jeans and there you have it. Jam was in a pretty tube dress. T_T


That is not my brother and the other is what looks like a random Malay man WTF.


Haha this pic is up cos Suet looks damn cute! Those are my tissues on the table wtf. Running nose gao gao. We were actually trying to take a series of shots so we could create a .gif image why are we so geeky.


Me and Jammie in the car on the way to Tze’s house to help her with packing.

By packing, I mean distract the mother with long johns while Tze hurriedly stuffed her forbidden stilettos and silk dresses into her carry-on luggage. And by packing, I also mean taking all the clothes she doesn’t want anymore (Suet) and asking her to give me the shirt off her back literally (me) wtf.

Tze and an unbothered Pugin.

This morning was damn drama ok! Like out of a movie/TVB drama. We were supposed to leave at 845 or 9 to the airport so I set my alarm for 815.

I woke up to a call from Suet at 930 wtf.

I was so panicked that I even considered not brushing my teeth to go to the airport!

Turns out everyone else was late, Latat was supposed to pick us up, but he had to go to the hospital for a cholesterol test HAHAHAHA, while Jiameei was still asleep (pig wtf). So at 1015 only Pugin came to pick me and Suet up, wearing his glasses which were broken hahahahahahaha one of the stick thingies that go behind the ear was broken off hahahaha so he made it stay up by pressing the hinge on his face meat near his eye HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA.

Everyone was damn pale and trembly thinking that we wouldn’t get to see her before she left. And when we arrived at the airport, we just dumped the car illegally in front of the terminal (“Saman then saman la fuck it!” said Pugin bravely, blinking back tears wtf) and ran all the way through the airport like in a movie (except Suet who walked sedately behind because she was in wooden clogs)


Pugin braving her fury wtf.

But they made up because life is too short.

See my smile..wanna cry already:(

Though crying, she still had the presence of mind to say, “Why are you so smelly Latat” wtf.


Tze and Nini who thinks she’s just going for a holiday and will be back in a few days T____________________________T

Bye Tze.

My love,

For all self-absorbedness

For all our racist/wealthist/appearancist and politically incorrect jokes

For all our showing each other our purchases

For all the times we clutched each other’s wrists and said “my love!”

For all our gossip about people we don’t even know

For our obstacle course/triathlon in the rain to get your UK visa

For laughing at Chandra

For our shoving fights

For your loyalty and honesty *big shiny eyes

For our refusal to get wet and contentment in staying at the side and taking pics of ourselves in bikinis

For depriving me of sleep so we could all sing along to Pugin’s guitar

For always being there and for getting mad at anyone who hurts me

For all our discussions over why we look pretty/fugly in pictures/anywhere

For trying to bump off undesirables off the podium at Maison wtf

For admiring our own pics until we eclipsed Suet wtf

For being the laziest and most selfish people in the group

For pushing away everyone including Min Li who broke her flipflop and my brother who hurt his foot, from the water pipe just so we could wash our feet first

For laughing at jokes that only both of us get while everyone else sits around and hopes we stop laughing soon

For finishing each other’s sentences and knowing the rest of the lyrics when one of us comes up with a line

For being my love

See you soon Tze.

Comments (10)

  • :,(

    Actually the exact words were “Why is your shirt so smelly T_T” while hugging Li Tat wtf.

    Damnit I didn’t stay long enough to collect clothes from Tze’s closet wtf

  • I also wanna cry already wtf ! T3T Thinking about our graduation WTF T++++++++++T

  • T________________________________T

    i was crying until i got into my seat and the guy beside me was so scared that he carried all my luggage for me wtf T___________________________T

    london sucks ok but my apartment (the one im staying in) is damn nice la wtf. it took us 1 and a half hours to get a fucking cab and the stupid cab driver drive like cibai and summer what summer damn 7 cold ok T_________________T

    i miss u =(

  • eeyer i hate this kind of scenario T____________T damn sad and helpless one D:

  • The airport scene is like right out of a movie.

  • Jam: haha yea but she said she already gave you a dress!

    angie: yea my parents keep planning about going for my graduation already how ar T______________________T

    tze: how come i missed u online twice adi T____________________________________T and how cold is summer are u properly wrapped up T_______________T

    ron: ya but its inevitable T______________T

    arshana: seriously right! and not just any movie, some super cheesy romance comedy.

  • O make me so wanna cry.. while reading all the (FOR)… While my sister just left 15 mins ago to Bahrain to work for good… I know how you feel…
    Guess it’s my parents turn during dec to cry out loud when i am leaving for Zurich during Dec… *back to crying again* By the way, Audrey.. you look as pretty with or without make-up.. No worries… Cheers and it’s Tze is reading this… TAKE CARE BABE… Have fun!!! GOD bless

  • if* Tze is reading this… TAKE CARE BABE… Have fun!!! GOD bless

  • Shundy: Actually I was wearing makeup:D Didn’t do hair only. Thanks for the wishes to Tze! Take care when you go to Zurich ok!

  • LOL, i know u wore make-up.. Was sayin that whether u have make-up on or not..u r still so pretty.. serious.. LOL… Yup, hope to bump into u one day when i am back shoppin at Mid Valley one my usual Kl visiting trip.. LOL.. Hugs*

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