
Protected: Change

I hate change.

I hated new haircuts until recently.  In school, I hated changing classes whenever we had Moral.

If I really like it, I can order the same food over and over again. Like when I go to Kim Gary I only order black pepper rice with pork or Nissin noodles with fried egg and luncheon meat wtf.

I hate KLIA because it represents separation – and change.

And when I went to Melbourne this time, I was torn because I didn’t want to leave Dentsu just yet, or miss outings with Eng & CJ & the rest.

But when it was time for me to come home, I was so sad because I didn’t want to give up spending time with Nemo and Grace and Wen Loong and Hui Wen and everyone else.

Now I am faced with the most painful change of all and I can’t even get angry at anyone because I chose this path myself.

Comments (3)

  • why can’t we be like guys and just always, always live in the now? =(

  • 🙁

    Well, it’s better in the long run… Quote unquote YOU wtf it’s for your sanity

  • y nemo 1st??????y me 3rd?!!!hmph! wtf

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