
Whaddup ho wtf.

I’m done with my draft for May 13! Actually not totally done yet it’s just the first draft and I still have to revise it but my Lipman emailed me and said nice job *big big shiny shiny eyes wtf.

He’s never said nice job to me! The most is Audrey, good try but *insert whole list of criticisms wtf.

I’ve finished with my art portfolio too! So that just leaves revising my draft for Japanese and writing my 8 pager paper for stupid British colonial history which omg I feel like killing myself every time I remember why I’m even taking this class. It’s cos I wanted something to fit into my schedule and ta-dah Brit History came up T________T

It snowed so hard today! At least 5 inches of snow and I was so grumpy cos I had to put on 47 layers of clothes to go out wtf.

But when I stepped outside it was beautiful! Snowflakes were swirling in the air and everything was pure white (as snow WTF) and rounded cos the snow covered everything and buildings and sidewalks and cars became round Disney objects 🙂

So I took off my gloves and thrust my hand into the snow wtf and immediately regretted it cos my hand started hurting wtf had to run back into the shelter of the building wtf.

Here are some pictures I stole from Mild! I didn’t bring out my camera when it snowed and her pictures are so so so pretty I wanted to show people! (Eh Mild don’t get mad ar I did ask you but you talked about something else instead and I forgot to ask you again. Was that your way of avoiding having to say yes to me taking your pics wtf)

The prettiness makes me (nearly wtf) forget how much I hate winter and having to wear every piece of clothing imaginable.

So the other day we had a performance for hiphop under the Dance Department.

Mild said, “You guys weren’t that bad… especially Angela.”


I like dancing so much ok my favorite show is So You Think You Can Dance so why is God so cruel to deny me this talent wtf T____________T

Cos dahlah I have no coordination and grace. And apparently I have no muscle memory either cos I can’t for the life of me remember steps and if you could see me you would know that every move I make is one step behind everyone else wtf cos I’m looking at them and copying their movements wtf.

Ballet section!

Angela and her Modern Dance class did a piece too! It was quite cute but I don’t think Modern Dance is my thing a bit too new age wtf for me.

I think this was Modern Dance II. They danced with chairs which was quite cool but not the sexy wear fedora and shirt and tie and dance with the chair kind. They shouted “Hoo! Ha!” WTF when they danced I guess it’s a modern dance thing =.=

And this is part of our hiphop routine gawd I thought for so long if I should put it up wtf. But thankfully I was smart and stayed behind tall people so nobody can see me *juai face wtf.

Stupid random picture that Angela took of me and edited while I was sleeping. She said I slept with my hand doing the rock on sign wtf.

And this is MY random picture of her! She wore her shirt backwards hahahahahahaha. I said it looks like her head twisted the other way damn scary wtf so she drew herself another face wtf.

Comments (24)

  • Mild has some pretty good photography skills. The third pic, are those some kinda plums, cherries, or berries? Looked like those asam I used to eat during CNY.

    Yea she is going to take photography class next sem too ! I think those are berries , they use those as Xmas decorations right?

  • havent commented here for a long time because each time i come here i’m can’t be the top 3 commenter so dont want comment already. =.= anyway the hip hop dance is so cute! and nice photos milkd took! you and angela are so cute!xD

    angie : thank you !

  • yea same here, comments always reach 20+++ i lazy to comment already lalala. and rock on! ;p

    angie : I support you too wtf !

  • that person ( cos cant be sure whether it’s a she or he haha) in blue striped pullover damn good la!

    angie : hahaahha she is a she la ! I know itz kinda hard to tell but maybe this is also why she seems good at hip hop ! cuz you have to look tough and not girly wtf

  • hahhahaahaha, you can’t hide behind tall people la, blind oso can see you. When you start rocking back and forth, wow! great flexibility. Nice routine. (Gotto admit, got tiny goosebumps appearing la)

    angie : are you being sarcastic or super nice ? cuz honestly I think both me and Audrey suxed T3T wu wu

  • i am not thatttt good at dance also can never move my hips properly T.T

    angie: I suck at hip hop la , itz too cool and chilled wtf i”m too cute for it wtf

  • The third photo is very nice. I hope it will snow in London too!

    angie: yea that picture is the only pretty thing about winter, the rest is pretty nasty, esp if you hav to walk or drive on snow *im a dark person*

  • Omg I tot the gal in pink was you in the video coz she seemed to be the shortest….and was like half a second slower than the rest -___-; that was what i tot until close to the ending part when her hood slipped of -__-; THEN only did i notice another short person at the far left -__-; heh.

    angie: then did you watch it again and notice that the short person at the far left is dancing sometimes slower and sometimes faster than the rest, but never on beat ? hahaha

  • hahahaha, i burst out laughing again at the worst possible moment. i saw you, i saw you

    angie: hello uncle Ooi ! I’m glad you didn’t see me, or you will burst out laughing twice

  • hey angela’s shirt says moscrop.. is it moscrop secondary in burnaby?!

    angie: are you also from vancouver ?

  • yea itz moscrop secondary in burnaby , why ?

    AHhh Aud the video of us dancing really gives me chills..

    angie: yea it really gives me chills WTF. im replying for Aud cuz im damn bored so she gives me sth to do

  • SO NICE the pics look like they’re from the back of a postcard!!

    And I’ll watch the video after I’m back and look out for you hurhur

    angie: Yea Mild is very talented at taking pictures ! no need to watch the video la, when Aud goes back to msia, she will dance for you /boo

  • to angie: yea i’m from vancouver, what a small world hehe.

    angie: ohh did you go to moscrop then ? I went to burnett !

  • nice moves.. no one is born a dancer, just have to practice.. hahaha… rock on!!
    so how is the weather there? there will be 12 – 16 inches of snow projected for tomorrow night.
    better bundle up there..

  • to angie: no but i lived in burnaby before hehe.. burnett is in richmond right?

    sorry aud for the irrelevant comments m(_ _)m

  • tell me, tell me….which of the dancer is angela!

  • u da bomb lah! no this is not an insult I have 2 left feet (maybe duck feet cos I waddle more than dance).

    nyehehe saw u anyway you’re the one in grey. 0_0

  • i know u’re the one behind the blue striped girl! ur signature grey hoodie hu hu hu. anyway why is angie replying instead? Hi angie! im singaporean too. hahaha. oh, and jia you for alllllll your papers! =D

  • hahaha..i saw u..but ur hiding skill is good as well..hahaha

  • eh ur blog is hilarious lah! =))

    aud: haha thank you!

  • I’m so curious, what course in Audrey in O.o
    Can i know O.o

    aud: im majoring in asian studies with a concentration in east asian history!

  • Angie: Hello Angie! As a matter of fact I have a video of Aud pole dancing

    Aud: HAVE FUN IN VANCOUVER already miss you luv

  • Awww… how nice.. I never knew I had so many good comment on Audrey block.. even though she never ask permission for those pic.. lol ^_^ .. Thanks~

    aud: hahaha mild i promise i did ask u for permission T___________T but i dunno why u didnt answer me and i forgot to ask u again T_______T

  • I saw u for like 2 second and then u were behind the person in stripe…=.=…I didn’t mistaken u with someone else rite?

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