Anybody who mentions my age will answer to my fist wtf.
At first I was thinking if I should even do anything for my birthday wtf. Cos I have a lot of work okay!
But everyone insisted that I cannot do that because how can I stay at home and study for my birthday wtf.
So we went to Boston.
Why must my friends always make me wear tiaras for my birthday! Monet did that 2 years ago and now Mild gave me this as part of my birthday gift and insisted I wear it to dinner.
We had Japanese which is my favorite food in the world. After that is Thai and Korean I think. Omg I’m salivating just thinking about it wtf.
Thank you Sambo for dinner, the shots and giving us your bed for the night
And then Sambo told us he had a karaoke set at his house so we went back there to sing and have drinks.
But wtf damn crappy ok he totally lied! His karaoke videos didn’t even have the usual picture of ugly girls strolling by the river or anything it was like a blue screen with words on it hahahahaha.
Sambo pretending he has muscles wtf.
Then I changed from my virginal white dress to some skanky top wtf. Mild and Angela said it’s my birthday so I can’t just wear sweet white dresses out clubbing wtf.
My babies <3
Ya thanks a lot for not waiting for the birthday girl to get ready wtf.
With Sambo and Soulmate.
Another picture of us. Thank you Angie for being my mother and telling me to choose stuff so you can pay for me wtf. Thank you Mild for the Stitch clock and driving to and fro from Boston while the rest of us konked out and left you by yourself wtf. Thank you Jeannie for the angpau WTF.
With Harn and Heartburn Guy wtf. Hahahahaha I will never get over the fact that he is only 29 and has heartburn and in the middle of eating/drinking/telling jokes he will scrunch his face in pain and say “heartburn heartburn” hahahahaahahha
Why Mild got cut off 🙁
With Sambo, Brian and Heartburn, whose other name is Dad wtf.
Jeannie had a tough choice that night wtf. Our mission that night was to find her a boyfriend and it was down to the White Shirt Guy and Heartburn Dad wtf. Of course White Shirt looks better (not saying much wtf) but Heartburn is damn funny and nice ok what is she to do wtf.
Stupid Brian was damn drunk and kept spitting food at me when we went to eat after T_T He even spit mapo tofu on my white jacket T_T
Chinese food mmmmmmmm. Very few people called me to wish me ok! *sulk Only Jerry and my parents and my aunts and my grandmother to whom I had to shout very loudly in Hokkien again in the restaurant T_T But maybe because I just changed my number the day before la wtf.
And then we went back and slept the 4 of us vertically on Sambo’s double bed. It was fine for me because most of my body was on the bed, only my feet were off it. But I felt bad for Mild for whom the bed only came up to like her thighs hahahahahahaha and in the end she had to move to the floor to sleep wtf.
And Angela who was sleeping on one side of me, and Jeannie was on my other side. Jeannie stole all the blanket in the middle of the night and Angela froze to death wtf.
Then Tze called me the next morning and happy as I was to receive her call, I could not open my eyes wtf. This is what you get for sleeping in the same position the entire night because Jeannie and Angela squished me in the middle wtf.
And then Sambo came in with a cake!
A pink birthday cake with hearts on it!
Made of icecream! (I hate cake and won’t even eat it even if it’s my own wtf why is he so smart to get icecream )
Me unable to open my eyes T_______T I am so glad they don’t normally look like that T___________T
It was really hard to cut it.
And then today a package arrived from Vancouver which totally made my day Thank you Ko Gong Jie I want shosho
I loved my birthday! I didn’t really think it would be that great cos as you know, CNY was a drag wtf.
But I had so much fun thank you everyone for loving me wtf.
Comments (28)
happy birthday…..
de puffy eyes pic……de best so far………
aud: ya so sexy right better than cecilia’s pics wtf
happy birthday!!
aud: thank u!
happy birthday!
aiya you still look so young. jealous!!
aud: ya the bouncer nearly wouldn’t let me in either T3T
happy birthday!!! i know your age!!! hohoho wonderful bday celebration there. =)
aud: haha that’s cos we’re schoolmates ok! thanks babe 🙂
Haha, you look so drunk in your clubbing pics. 😛 What happened to your miracle drug?
aud: i was actually quite sober la hahahaah. ya i forgot to get more of it >.>
happy twenty-XXXXX birthday!! (=
aud: thank u!
Happy birthday!
aud: thank u!
happy bday love you didn’t mention me and family wtf who stayed up till 2 trying to call you but you never answer T___T maybe i should stay here for good wtf
(pic 4 very nice!)
aud: i didnt get ur call T_T why stay there for good do u not love me anymore T___T
ey Happy Birthday Audrey! and you hold a knife damn garang 🙂
aud: thanks thiathia:D ya hahaha i was holding it like a saw >.>
and your top damn skanky la are you trying to steal my slut title *sour wtf
happy birthday my love and no words can describe how much i love you okay
aud: cos its cute in a retarded way la! right? wtf. hahahaha nobody can beat ur slutty dancing on the podium ok i would never dare wtf. i love you loads too u have no idea /boo
Happy birthday dear you look so pretty I love you so much! IF you come back in July… *wiggles eyebrows suggestively*
Haha I think blue screen and words in karaoke is much better than ugly girls strolling around a lake and rolling down hill slopes wtf
aud: thank u i love u so much too /boo oh what do i get if i come back in the summer! *eager wtf.
HAHAHHAHA your top is really DAMN skanky! Wear it more often, we don’t have many years to pull it off WTF. *emo*
aud: i tell u i’ll be the first person to get botox of our generation wtf. are u with me or not! hahahaha
aud: what a waste! when people like me dont even have one packet left wtf
happy birthday!
aud: thank u!
heyy happy birthday sexeeyy girl. baby where didya get your body from, baby where didya get your body from wtf
and i must say that your hair looks totally fabulous! how did you always make it look so perfect!
aud: i got it from my momma i got it from my momma wtf. oh thank u! um by putting rollers in at night, curling it then waxing it and hairspraying it damn tedious wtf
A few comments:
1) You are one brave women to put up that pic of you just waking up!
2) Yeah – why was i cut off the pic and the catfish-face-guy got in instead >_
aud: ya omg until now im thinking if i should take it off T_T AHAHAHAHAH why catfish guy who named him that hahahahaahha
aud: ya cos im gong zhu right :juai wtf
virgin by day skank by night wtf
see see i told u to go to boston. would u have rather spent ur birthday doing homework
aud: hahaha ya like superhero right! wtf. ya good thing i listened to you (and angela and mild) /boo
Happy Birthday!
And you and Angie look so hot ok wtf. And no I am not lesbian wtf.
Your facial expressions first thing in the morning are priceless though – I can just about hear Angie moaning ‘why, why let me go back to sleep’ wtf
hey babe…happie birthday!!
may all ur wishes come true…and a [joy]ful year ahead!!!
stay gorgeous…as always…
*wink wink*
n my oh my…those slutty tops…sexy!!
Happy birthday Audrey. There are 3 ppl that i know having same birthday date with u and same age as well… If all of them including u claim gift from me..i will die >
happy birthday!
ure very brave to wear such a skanky top!
Hi babe, guess i am late.. i just got back from KL .. booooshhhhhh…… HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABE…
PS: I swear with my tits i just cant get enough of your damn-sharp nose… I WANT YOUR NOSE LA.. Gimme it to me..
happy belated bday ya..and also to wish you happy chinese new year…it is quite some time i am loss in action..haha
why i know your bday? haha.. coz mine is on feb 10th also.
looks like you are partying hard there.. good!!! have lots of fun…
happy birthday aud.
happy birthday
silent reader here! happy birthday aud, you don’t look a day over eighteen =D n your top damn nice lor