I never thought I would be saying this but Bon Odori is kind of hard! At first we did things like Tokyo Ondo and Tanko Bushi which is like pfffffffffft close eyes also can do wtf. Especially Tanko Bushi which originated in Fukuoka where Erina and Kiyo and the rest are from and they basically drilled the dance into our heads.
And then! Now we’ve progressed to doing complicated stuff with like traditional farmer hats wtf which is driving me out of my mind T_T As usual I have no idea what is going on while everyone breezily performs their steps like they don’t even have to think about it T________T
Seriously I don’t understand why I have no talent at all. My lack of talent should be a talent in itself wtf.
I think my body is getting too dependent on the birth control pills T_T I stopped taking them when I left Vancouver cos I ran out. And in the span of like 2 weeks I dropped more than a kilogram. Then Mummy Ooi sent me some and I started taking them again a few days ago and my appetite is back and I am back to eating 2 plates of food every meal phew wtf.
Fire drill earlier tonight T_T We had to drop what we were doing and struggle into our ugg boots and huge jackets T_T And then I remembered our heater! (of heater and humidifier fame wtf) Cos we’re not allowed heaters (fire hazard or maybe they just wanna save money = =) and what if they come into our room to check if everyone is out! So we picked up the heater and ran around the room in circles in a panic wtf. In the end we stuffed it under the bed and ran out *shifty eyed
Not 20 minutes after the stupid fire drill Suet and Shan Shan called us and said there’s a moon eclipse and we have to go see. So we bundled up and went out and half the moon was white and the other half was red so it was all very nice and I recited some poems:
“the cat jumped over the moon,
the little dog laughed to see such fun,
and the dish ran away with the spoon.”
And then half an hour later they called us up again and insisted that we go out again!!! Cos must see full eclipse wor, very beautiful konon all red with a bit of white. And we dilemma whether to go or not cos its -8C ok! But we feel like we had to go just cos its an eclipse even though we know that its not going to be anything special.
So for the 3rd time tonight, we put on coats and boots and traipsed outside. And there it was! The moon that doesn’t even look red ok just looks like the color of period blood wtf.
And then to top it off, I was combing my hair after my shower and suddenly my comb disappeared! I was holding the comb and then I used my hand to pick up an earring off my desk and my comb was gone!
Me: (scrabbling around desk frantically) Eh so weird I was just combing my hair and now dunno where my comb went!
Angela: It’s on your head you idiot… fucking idiot.
Comments (32)
Yaya first..my hope to see u to do bon odori is crush…~~. Eat some spice food to boost ur appetite
aud: haha see how la i didnt bring my yukatas here also if take video not so nice w/o yukata right? haha spicy food in america is not really spicy food at all
hahhahaha comb incident is hilarious
it happens to me all the time too! one min its there, the next min it’s gone! i search all over, only to realize it’s in my hand/hair/bag!
aud:ya me too! just that the comb thing was extra stupid cos i already thought it might be in my hair and i checked the ends of it but it was actually on top of my head wtf
HAHAHA. but it also means u got very bad tangles leh. and stop taking birth-control pills la. next time cannot give birth how? no more little-aud-wtf-the-second leh!
aud: haha no la hair wet and heavy ma thats why the comb can stay! no la not that i want to take the pill also, doctor told me to take wan
Ello, love your blog but pardon me asking. Why do u need to take birth control pill?
aud: i have a condition called Polycystic Ovary Syndrome and the pill is a medication for it
silent reader here…eh eh i heard birth control pills controls acne and gives u lighter periods too..less pain and all…is it?
aud: ya your pms symptoms are reduced…and u get better skin. i have eczema and i think the pill helps with that too!
wtf no wonder i put on so much weight when i was on the pill. fuck. on the pill put on weight, not on the pill, get pregnant and still put on weight. HOW LIKE THAT.
and wtf. ur period blood not red meh.
aud: like reddish brown what wtf so graphic details. WTF but the weight thing doesnt happen to all people i think… my frd didnt gain weight when she was on it
hey that comb thing happened to me too but with my pen. i used to like putting my pen in my hair and then one day i was writing and the next minute, it’s gone! i kept asking my friend where is it and he said he don’t know when he was sitting right behind me and could see the pen very clearly in my hair. took me half an hour before i figured out where my pen was T_T
at least angela told you that the comb was in your hair. that’s what true friends are for T_T
aud: ozzie i always thought u were a boy! now i know wtf. cos how can boy put pen in their hair wtf. unless u really are a boy…in which case i apologise wtf = =
ooh ya, the moon eclipse was this morning. haha i couldn’t be ask to wake up at half3 to view the moon. it’s too early!
hehehe, and the comb thing. hahaha, i took off my glasses to wash my face, and then i was frantically searching for it. turns out i had placed it on my head T__T
aud: lin where are you? in msia or uk or what? hahahaha the glasses thing
hahaha fucking idiot hahahha omg angie i love u wtf.
eclipse damn nice ok shan2 was so excited she was jumping around and i was wowed for 2 minutes, then beg her to let me go back in wtf so fking cold yday.
aud: ya i really didnt wanna go but i feel like i’ll lose if i dont wtf why am i like this T_T
EI why you write abt the heater ! what if public safety reads your blog WTF
And your poem sux okay sux until don’t know what wtf reminds me of the days when me and you tried to make haiku. sigh
and you seriously so idiotic w/ ur comb thing that caused me a headache okay
gosh. this comment has so much hatred wtf
aud: ya babie why are u so full of hatred T3T im not feeling the love here wtf
But your birth control pills made your boobs bigger right! *bitter wtf
aud: ya my cleavage is fantastic *smug WTF. eh shaddup la you’re a B cup ok what are u bitter about!
to add on, i left my mobile in the fridge before.. so u’re not alone *pats on shoulder wtf* i found it when i used my hse phone to call and heard britney spears from the fringe lor, damn scary sia.
aud: HAHAHA how can u leave it in the fridge i dont understand!
sigh natural stuff not my thing la wtf. i’d rather not see anything than to go out in the cold unless i can watch from a taxi/car!
sigh why are you so stupid T_T the comb thing T_______T angela u shouldn’t have told her and let her go out like that wtf
then u can eat very very spice lo? dancing without yukata not good. Try to dance with pyjamas , maybe will be hilarious …lol
LOL exactly the same like me and my goldfish memory zzzzz.
omg angie u are so funny i can’t stop laughing why u never reply when i declare my love for u in previous comment! i love u! there u go! again, i love u! i love u! wtf are u sick of it yet? i love u! are u jealous aud wtf
eh everyone aud said how many times already! she has some ovary thing and has to take the pills la, not she wants one. poor thing ok =(
suet, haha i didn’t see ur comment la ! I was too into my own hatred toward aud’s stupidity n didn’t bother to read other comments hahaha … I love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you /boo are u satisfied now ?
Remember girls, tomorrow is our day to shine WTF WTF WTF
This blog is so cool
aud: thank you!
I thought you had the coolest mom who gave the daughter pills so that you could have a more adventurous sex life. And then u had to say ” i have a condition called Polycystic Ovary Syndrome and the pill is a medication for it”……diuuuuuu
aud: WTF. what are you “diu-ing” about? you are being fucking rude and insensitive. if you like birth control pills so much then go eat it yourself la.
hehe, i m in the uk ^-^
aud: oh ya no wonder 5 hours later hor!
O dear, so sorry to ask. Was jhust curious at first. I know there’s not cure for it but no issue my dear. You will be doing just as fine. At least you are blessed with other stuff. *Smooches*
aud: hehe its ok:) ya im very thankful that i didn’t get the rest of the PCOS symptoms… like acne, obesity and body hair wtf
birth control pills can make ur boobs bigger ar??
but i dun wanna gain weight wor… 🙁
and i know that poem too! but unlike u, i didnt know it word for word. LOL~
aud: it depends on the person, but yes those two things could happen to you:) hahaha i always remember random and useless stuff >.>
Sean, I thought you had the fucked up mom who gave the son permissions so that you coud be fucking rude and be a fuck face on someone’s blog.
And then u had to say “diuuuuuu”
Diu what diu la fuck diu yourself and diu ni lo mo la fuck
My mom recently passed away and I wasn’t thinking straight.
I guess… I was just trying to kid around to forget about it. Sorry.
Don’t mean anything, was just joking.
Good bye.
aud: im sorry for your loss. but it wasn’t a very good way of dealing with things. hope u feel better soon
Sean i bet you are the kinda guy that sucks his own cock eh ! fucking braindead peice of shit. Get on fuck outta here and say hi to your dead mom ! bloody fucking ritez eh ! there is for your insensitivity you douch ….get !
Sean…I feel sorry that your mom recently passed away, my grandmother passed away yesterday….but instead of going to stranger’s blog and leave unpleasant comments….I would think of the person that just passed away…unless you are 5 years old…and of course the word “mature” doesnt exist in your dictionary….dumb piece of immature shit…..I don’t think your mom would be happy that his son is like this after shes gone…you’re a disgrace…..
the comb on your hair! couldn’t stop laughing 😛
aud: haha dont laugh la T3T
<i>Diu what diu la fuck diu yourself and diu ni lo mo la fuck</i>
Hahahaha why is Angie so cute!
And I suppose if the Sean guy’s sorry then let him be la
But my boobs didn’t grow while I was on the pill cheating one. Maybe I should be resigned to the fact that I’m flat and will stay that way forever wtf
aud: ur not flat! i saw some cleavage in your red dress:D
i am so wow-ed by angie’s swearing skills in cantonese wtf. i thought angie was taiwanese – geng leh, can swear in three languages (four maybe if you count hokkien?)
ahahah, aud i cannot believe u did the whole looking at the moon while reciting poetry thing, damn ancient and wise chinese sage style leh wtf. altho chinese sage last time takda ugg boots wtf.
aud: angie is singaporean! haha i think she learned the cantonese swear words from her ex >.> hahahaha i didn’t look at the moon and say poetry la! but i told jerry i was going to do that and then he asked me to recite some so i had to say something on the spot wtf.
I can’t believe this.
Which is worse ? Leaving an inappropriate comment meant as a joke ? Or dissing one person’s dead mother ? That hurt, that really hurt. Even after I apologized ?? 🙁
Having no talent means there’s still an undiscovered talent kept hidden within you. Dun worry =)
And wtf, the comb was on your head =.=
not cow jumped over the moon meh ah aud?
heh. i know i’ve done that comb thing before too. reminds me of times when the grandparents ask “wheres my glasses har where where where?” and its on their head =.=