
Hairstylist Aud

If all else fails, I totally have a new career path cut out for me.

As Angela’s mental hospital guard wtf wtf.

No la!  As a hairstylist!*angels singing

I think this is my vocation wtf.  Cos I am obsessed with my hair ok.  And I always scrutinize how every strand should fall into place, and when I look at cute hairstyles I look to see how the layers are cut.

Plus having bangs means I have to upkeep it and sometimes it’s just easier for me to trim it myself than keep going to the salon.

So I taught myself how to cut my bangs.  And I cut my brother’s hair before!  And Elise’s hair!  And today I did Angela and Mild.

But first I made them sign affidavits wtf.

For my own protection ok what if they hate their hair and make me feel guilty forever T_T

Angela’s finished haircut!  I turned her side-swept bangs into straight ones and layered the top of her hair.

Here is Angela camwhoring with her new hair while I work on Mild next.  My face damn professional ok!

I have realized that when I am in deep concentration, my tongue comes out wtf.

My masterpieces wtf.  Not that obvious here tho:( but I turned Mild’s overgrown straight bangs into side ones and trimmed it overall.

Er just cos got no picture of me wtf.

Blog more later!

Comments (25)

  • you have to tell the world I have no make up on ok , thatz why i look so ugly in pictures w/out sunglasses and thatz why I need sunglasses wtf

    aud: u look nice w/o makeup ok what nonsense is this!

  • Haahha why does Angie look so unsatisfied in photo #4

    You can practice on Latat first and then touch my hair

    aud: haha no she likes it okay! can i shave latat? wtf

  • join the hair-styling-aid today and start helping the poor victim (that’s me -_-) I dunno how to do that airy look the way the hair stylist did for me!! grr!! I want my glorious airy bob look back!! ( T______T )

    aud: haha wht do u mean by airy bob?

  • whoaa not bad not bad..qualify as part time hairstylist already..haha and you made them sign!! that’s funny.. your curls are really tips? lol

    aud: hahaha ya in case they wanna take revenge or something T.T tips ar? curl then fix with hairspray and wax:D

  • Oh my god, you’re a GENIUS! Genius rambut la wtf.

    I love angie’s new hair!

    aud: haha thanks! ya now every time angela says something i’ll be like who cut ur hair for u ar? wtf

  • can help me cut hair ar?? cause my hairstylist very judgmental keep saying my hair damn dry… i was putting eye drop he say “your eyes are as dry as your hair” wtf T___________T

    aud: hahaha why ur hairstylist so witty i also wanna be like that wtf. tell u tht ur hair is not a cactus wtf.

  • whoaa ur talented! angie’s hair looks really nice! in fact i think it looks better than her previous hair! =D

    aud: haha akasha adz! awww thanks babe:D

  • okay i’ll let u cut my hair when u come singapore k. im a risk-taker wtf. hahaha.

    aud: i thought we’re getting extensions together! haha why now u kiamsiap ar!

  • hey, how to you trim straight bangs into side sweep ones?

    aud: ur straight bangs have to be long enough in the first place to push them to the side. then just layer them a bit

  • oh-em-gee….I’m in the presence of a hair goddess…. *bows*

    teach us how to cut our fringe!!!!!! or at least my pathetic fringe… T_T so that I don’t have to pay the darn hairstylists RM30 to cut a few strands of my fringe. rawr.

    aud: you can rise my dear wtf. hahaha how to teach u how to cut?

  • Woh cut mine too next time okay 🙂 i know we havent met yet but i feel like i can trust you wtf :p *signs affidavits*

    aud: haha we met before what! on the podium in maison wtf. would u really let me cut ur hair? /boo

  • Do me! Do me!

    I mean… Do my hair!

    aud: aiya kenny dont be shy come here tiger WTFWTF

  • hahahha kenny do me hahahhaha

    eh your last pic very nice darling and stick tongue out why like fish only hahaha bloop bloop wtf and today is my turn *scared wtf

    aud: why is the sea blue? because the fish said so. bloo bloo WTF

  • agree agree, u look pretty in the last pic, i like ur curls *envious*
    hehe.. u shud go professional!

    aud: awww thank you! haha maybe one day if i run out of options..

  • hey you should just join a short hairstyling course or something and pass off as a true hairstylist! get certificate and everything hahaah.

    in reply to my previous comment: hmm…i AM a boy. i just have long hair. HAHAHA nolah, i’m a girl T_______T

    aud: ya i was thinking abt tht too actually!

  • You are so pretty…..your boyfriend is soo lucky to have you as his girlfriend~~

    aud: WTF think i dunno who you are! ya hes so lucky u dont even know. cos im perfect in every way wtf wtf

  • short hair with lotsa air in it (-.- 😉 fluffy type arz. supposed to be very spring-ish. to increase the fluffiness she permed my hair (T___T) but i dun see the airiness on the top of my hair oso (maybe the problem lies in my styling skill which I dun want to admit *refuse-to-face-reality*), there’s only some “struggling-to-survive-pathetic-curls” at hair ends, the stupid perm damaged my hair and pocket only!!! Orz|||

    aud: oh i think must layer more to get fluffier hair!

  • I didn’t know that Mild is Thai. Btw, is it pronounced Mile-d or Meal-d? And I think haircutting is an excellent skill to have.

    aud: mild like spicy! ya its gonna save me money when i cut my own kids’ hair instead of sending them to the salon wtf

  • woah, angie’s hair looks fab!!! okay, i let you cut my hair… after it grows long. all the hairstylists and all my *ahem* friends don’t let me keep my hair long, always making me cut it. *cries* so errr, u make me look good once my hair’s longer, ya? =D

    aud: but u look so good w/ short hair! haha ok i cut for you! but must sign affidavit wtf

  • Suzie – its Mile-d… like Opposite of Spicy = Mild (my tag line.. stupid i know XP) & yes I am Thai – but ethnically i am Chinese (??!)

    aud: no! you’re suchaluck spielberg now hahahaahhaha

  • OMG angie’s hair looks so nice! I have almost the same hairstyle but mine sucks >_

    aud: come let mama audrey cut for u! wtf

  • haha! i thought im supposed to bring u for hair extensions only. my hair damn long leh, like waist length! but i might do for volume la. balding alr sigh.

    aud: why u balding!

  • last year i cut my hair till damn short and then i kept cutting it some more so it never grew long T__T
    so this year i swore not to cut my hair again until i saw the hairstyle you cut for angela and i went to cut my hair again wtf T____T
    but angela’s new hair style is really very very nice!!

    aud: awwww really? hohohoh i’ll tell angela that!

  • can you do my hair? *big wet eyes
    hahah i so need a haircut now… it’s not funny! rawr. :p

    aud: haha can’t u get it cut in uk? i thought they have good stylists there!

  • T______________T u’re so good come do my hair too

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