
Peppermint Field Gel

If even hairdressing fails, I might try out as a comedy actress wtf.

We were watching a Thai commercial *click here* about Peppermint Field Gel and we decided to recreate the 3rd ad wtf oh holy mama seriously why are we so mou liu.

Peppermint Field Gel – for times when you feel like fainting wtf.

Ya allah I seriously have no shame at all. T_____________T

There now you know my deepest secret. The place where the sun don’t shine.

My forehead wtf.

That’s why I’ve had bangs my whole life la cos my forehead is the size of a moon crater wtf.

And that’s why I was asked to be the starring position in our video wtf.

P/S: Please promise me you will still like me after watching it wtf.

Comments (23)

  • hahahhaa eh whose hand is that ah damn nice hand wtf
    hahahah damn sohai la we all i was so happy when mild asked me to act one part which is to put my hand hahahah and maybe i see u too much edi i don’t feel u’re ugly at all leh!

  • WAH PUKI wtf. u know wat was my first reaction ar. first, i snorted.. and den i ended the snort with a “aiyoooooooooooooooooooooo”.

    that’s my ah sou wtf.

    btw u wanna come melb cut my hair ar? wtf. i wanna trim my fringe la /boo WTF

  • haha, i almost puke out the water i was drinking hahahah

  • haahahahaahahaah, mad one. why I pay for you to go moho, i also dont know

  • I still like you….haha…you all are funny lah…

  • LOL!!!! jialat u all.. too free ady. lol. nice video eh…

  • I swear i still LOVE you loads thou the video made me LMAO!!! U rock babe

  • =_=” ….. not bad.. but i feel it is a bit weird , looking ur girls make this video ~_~

  • HAHHAHAHA YA receding hairline wtf hahahahah damn funny ok imiss u my love =(

    aud: i miss you too love /boo

  • HAHAHAHHAHA imma be like you soon don’t worry but HAHAHAHAHA

    And I love Fat her’s comment wtf

  • hahahhaha uncle ooi damn funny hahahha sorry uncle damn stress la here wtf

  • hahahaha your father’s damn funny. and i seriously don think your forehead’s that big! the girl in the ad has a forehead so much bigger k!

    aud: ya im wasting his money here wtf. ya hahahaha her forehead like reaches her crown wtf

  • wtf

    so long never read ur blog. come back see this one. hahahahahhaahahaha

    so good the editing got the thai man speaking peppermint field gel etc etc hahahahahhahaa


    aud: ya mild’s editing so damn good ok hahahaha

  • after this I don’t even wanna come to ur blog n comment anymore … no face wtf.

    aud: spinning head boyfriend hahaahahha

  • u look very funny, very good potential. if all else fails lets team up as a o-warai group (-__- “)

    angie why is ur hair so fluffy!!! *jealousy overflow*

    i do have hi-layers and she said my hair is to straight so should soften it by perming. But sometimes the fluffiness/waviness gets out of hand and I have to blow it straight. what the heck larz I spent money on perming and then I have to take the trouble to straighten it at home. why like tht why like tht. my life is so sad ( T___T )

    aud: haha try fluffing ur hair with ur fingers every once in a while? thts what i do too…. or just hold it in place with spray?

  • i also got big forehead! but still cannot beat yours la wtf. and and my love we both have huge mouths T__________T

    aud: nonsense ur forehead where got big /boo ya our mouths (and voices) are damn big wtf

  • oh btw i tagged you so u better do ok! i wanna see all your lux soaps wtf.

    aud: do i really have to T_T


    why do i know people like this T_________T

    aud: if it helps, u only know one person in that video wtf

  • HAHAHAHA wtf

    why do I still read this blog =.=

    aud: cos i hypnotized u wtf.

  • hahahaha siow girl is that all you’ve learnt for the past 4 years?

  • Wahahaha! Very good very good! Maybe you should work to advertise these things! And your mom is soo funny!

  • hey Audree! Thanks so much for visiting my blog, Im such a huge fan of your blog..Its really really really vehemently entertaining… 🙂
    My english got power wan meh? I Dun tink so @_@

    aud: haha damn power ok i wont use words like vehement in my blog also 😛

  • Love you pinky blog!

    aud: haha are u saying i love u to my blog wtf

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