Blogging for the sake of blogging.
The busier I am the less I want to blog. Obviously I have my priorities right wtf.
Anyway, Hannah Yeoh yo! wtf.
Ya so now Tze can finally stop talking about how Cheras is under DAP and Subang Jaya is under BN now. MCA Make Chinese Angry wtf.
I didn’t expect the results at all Suet and I said we’d order Chinese wtf if the election results were favorable.
But clearly BN would rig it kau kau right as though people don’t know.
So I thought BN would win by another (fake) landslide and then Badawi can say “you see! we have the people’s mandate” and then we’d all have to slog through another 4 years of BN nonsense.
But five states! Including Penang (where I was born!) and Selangor (where I live!)
Suet said what if DAP doesn’t do a good job in Subang?
Then just reelect 4 years later! Is that not our right?
We didn’t order Chinese in the end wtf.
So yesterday and today was the Rise of China conference. This semester I’ve been taking this IR class on the growth of China over the past 20 years and its domestic and international implications and the conference was the highlight of it.
Damn interesting ok cos we discussed like economic, political, environmental effects of China’s growth. And how it would affect other countries. For eg, a lot of US-ians are nervous about the Sino-US relationship, dunno if China will start to challenge US as a super power etc etc.
But it started at 8.30 am omfg that is the crack of dawn ok (butt crack of dawn wtf). 5 hours before my usual wakeup time.
And I thought I would kill myself if I wake up and go for the conference and then FALL ASLEEP halfway. Cos waste all my effort of getting out of bed only to fall asleep and miss the conference!
So I got myself ready with my double slices of chunky peanut butter toast wtf. And then I downed 2 cups of coffee in hope that it would wake me up. (I have never drank any coffee in my life wtf) Audrey’s 2 cups of coffee = 1 cup because my ratio of coffee to milk to sugar is 1:1:2 wtf.
But I still fell asleep dammit!
But not before turning hyper for a mere 20 seconds or so when I punched Suet repeatedly on the arm for no reason wtf.
Angela woke me up. And after that I suffered stomach cramps (coffee allergy? wtf) and disappeared to the bathroom twice wtf.
Apparently I was not the only person having stomach problems. Because in the row behind me was this plump old lady trying to get out of her row (it was an auditorium so it was theatre seating)
So she was scooting out sideways and when she was right behind me she farted at my head T________________T
And I laughed so damn much cos I thought she farted at Mild and Mild’s expression was like she was going to cry ok hahahahaahahahha
And nobody else laughed with me! Suet just gave me worried looks because she was too busy listening to the speaker’s depressing prognosis on Malaysia’s future with regard to China wtf. And Mild only laughed cos I laughed so much.
Like laughed for 10 minutes with my hands clasped over my mouth so I wouldn’t make a sound T_T
And then later only Mild told me the old woman was actually behind me when she farted sigh.
But verily, the talks were so fascinating! There was a Mt Holyoke alum who came to speak. She was part of the Clinton administration, and when she went to China in 1971 (2 years after she graduated), she so impressed Zhou Enlai that he said he wished she was the President of the US wtf.
2 years after graduation! I am feeling so inadequate right now.
And an economic advisor from the World Bank also came to lecture about the effects China’s growth and industrialisation would have on developing countries in South East Asia.
I liked him so much! My name on MSN now is:
*princess aud is mrs syayid hosof nee lipman WTF
(name changed in case he googles himself and finds my blog wtf. Just swap the Y’s with H’s and vice versa, and substitute the O’s for U’s. Lipman’s name is also there because he was my first love WTF seriously why am I like this)
Reasons why:
#1 He looks like Mr Bean
#2 He is fucking smart and talked about Malaysia’s case the most
#3 He answered all my questions so patiently and wholeheartedly wtf
#4 笑顔優しくて幸せだ He has a kind and happy smile WTF
Sometimes I feel like I’m a car hurtling towards a crossroads but I can’t decide whether to turn left or right and in the end I’ll hit the divider.
Today I found out about a huge surprise that was awaiting me :))))))))))) The surprise is ruined but I don’t care, imma pretend to be surprised anyway!
Comments (11)
shit lah why angie told you the surprise!!! now i have to replan ish!
anyway you damn stupid lah seriously i wanna hear about our future (/boo) but you kept laughing so much wtf. then i wanna discuss with u then u said SHH I WANNA LISTEN FIRST WTF go die la T_________T huhuhu
aud: hahahaha ya now that u say it like that i sound damn annoying why am i like this T_________T
why your head kena farted at wtf wtf. then got diarrhoe wtf. then fell asleep wtf. then fell in love with someone else, when padahal your first love is prof lipman WTF!!!! unfaithful WTFWTF.
and your code for the man with the kind and happy smile’ name wtf damn complicated, or maybe i just very dungu wtf.
BN ate dirt muahahahhaah and PJ Utara rocks (my territory yo wtf)! and subang! and everywhere else that is non BN wtf wtf. i have huge eyebags today from staying up last night refreshing malaysiakini every 3 seconds wtf. i am so one of the reasons the site crashed wtf.
aud: clutches michelle. why you so good wan know all my life story like how my first husband is lipman wtf. how ar they both damn smart la ok what should i do wtf
shameful BN aka barang naik wtf. I’m looking for fireworks d wtf. HAHA
aud: barang naik hahahaahha. why fireworks?
What surprise is that I wanna know tooooo\
And I’d given up asking why all these things happen to you farted at your head la walking around BB Walk with your panties showing la WTF
Selangor deiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
aud: eh why u say it out here! wtf. i’ll tell u on msn luv /shy Penang deiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
i wanna know what surprise!
aiyah finally the whole world wanna be like cheras huh huh huh wtf.
aud: the whole world doesn’t want to join the triads ok wtf wtf
Eh I feel like I haven’t comment here for damn long, padahal is you haven’t blogged for ages wtf. Hahaha you get farted in the head is it ’cause of your height ar, hahaha vertical discrimination wtf. And what’s the surprise! Share share!
aud: haha i’ll tell u on msn! either that or just keep reading my blog to find out wtf. advertising wtf
Suet !! I didn’t tell !! is the other one die die die also wanna tell ! Actually from the beginning already he die die wants to tell already ! T_________T
aud: ya honestly why is he like this somemore scold u both say cannot tell wtf
Now I know why i enjoy reading you. U’re as sueiz as I am. Reading you makes me feel that I am not that ill-fated (-.- “)
I have experienced the infamous skirts got stucked, twice, in 2 diff workplaces + that stupid Jap guy opposite me just farted twice (T___T) It’s those quiet but SUPER SMELLY type, and there’s only me and him in this little room OMGOSH I need oxygen (@_@) He still has the cheek to inform on the 2nd attack ( -__________- )
aud: no lor i think it’s better than sneaking up on u unawares wtf hahahaha at least he gave u warning wtf
wtf aud i have no idea how many times i’ve said this but…….ur damn sohai. seriously.
aud: is tht why you’re friends with me /boo
fireworks cos too happy till wana cry and wana get them for a mini celebration eventhou i got no money wtf. hahaha
hahah i know cos i damn detail-fixated and i am fan of ur blog and the club’s blogs mah wtf.
the crappy thing is about being detail obssesed is that i remember those details whether i want to or not wei -___- like how i can remember every single fricking thing my frens ever did when they were drunk (vomited in the flower bed lah, sing celine dion loud loud in the cab lah, drop the mobile phone down the stairwell lah). wtf my brain damn tired from holding all the info wei, i prob remember the escapades cos i was stone cold sober as well wtf. makes me want to take up drinking sometimes wtf.
take lipman lah wtf. he is your first love wtf. the best and the freshest wtf XD