AudCamwhore AudNerd AudTourist

Miami Day 5

So I just submitted my first draft for my thesis yesterday. shiny-eyes.jpg

It was actually due today but I actually finished it before time god I love it when I hand things up early I feel so accomplished.

And today was discussion day for Japanese where each of us had to speak on a topic on Japanese social psychology wtf and lead discussions for it.

I don’t think I prepared for it very well cos I was reading from the article wtf and didn’t know what I was reading also wtf but as soon as I put my notes aside and just used my own brain to speak I managed to make a lot of sense and I think it went well!

And that’s over too so for the next week or so all I have to do is watch a movie called Tegami and nothing else!!! Not until my advisors call me back with criticisms of my draft but that probably won’t be for another week or two.

I am so free as of now I am beside myself wtf. I really don’t know what to do! I don’t have to be on wikipedia, or at the library wtf. Neither do I have to be feverishly typing my paper or translating any shit into Japanese. Is this what the unemployed feel like.  I’m talking to you Hui Wen WTF.

Senior year has definitely been my busiest year also cos we went to so many places ie. Vancouver Miami New York Boston countless times wtf. I remember in 2nd year I thought I was so busy but now when I think about it I could spend hours in the afternoon on the phone with Yeff wtf. So that’s where all my time went huh wtf.

And now I am so free! I finally have time to watch Malaysian Dream Girls which I have been missing out on boohoo wtf. And I finally get to watch Old Time Buddy on wtf my most favorite show ok what do you know.

And I finally have time to do job-hunting zomg this creeps me out so much you don’t even know. Anyone who asks me my plans after graduation will receive withering looks from me and a “dont ask if not I’ll cry” wtf.

Anyway last weekend was another trip to Boston, this time for the Northeast Malaysia Forum 2008.

I never realized there were this many Malaysians studying in the States! And all at amazing schools too – Upenn, Dartmouth, Harvard, Yale, Princeton, MIT, Williams, Wellesley, NYU, Smith, Uchicago dunno where some more.

Mount Holyoke is already one of the best schools here but among these we are like the bottom few ok. Maybe sama taraf with Colby and Bates la wtf I forgot the ranking already.

And Holy Mama seriously everyone there is so so so so damn smart. The forum was to form a network for Malaysian students in the US and also to discuss current sociopolitical issues in our country.

So it was a very intellectual weekend wtf.

We had a lot of great speakers: Jeff Ooi, Premesh Chandran, Karim Raslan, Dato Tony Fernandez, Malik Imtiaz, Zainah Anwar, among others.

And the funny thing was, I think nearly every speaker urged us to finish our studies and go back to Malaysia wtf. I think they were scared that all the huge brains would stay overseas and Malaysia would then die a slow bitter death wtf.

I don’t know if anyone is really going to go back tho. At least not right away. Even I am not sure I want to.

Anyway everyone there was so damn deep and abstract and smart! And there you know me la wtf you read my blog you know how shallow I am. Plus I am super flighty in person and to make things worse I was having a fever so even more cannot think I never felt dumber in my life wtf.

But it was so fun! Everyone was sooo nice and it was so wonderful to be able to speak Hokkien and Malay and Manglish and not worry about having the other person understand you.

Except for this incident when me, Suet and Ai Ping (from Vassar) went to the bathroom and the smell was horrendous and I went “wah I think someone pooped in here” wtf.

And then I realized there was someone in one of the stalls wtf.

So I spoke Malay like I always do when I don’t want people to understand me wtf. “Wah dia berak busuk sampai mau mati” wtf. (She shit smelly until I wanna die wtf)

Then I realized that the only people in the building were Malaysians WTF.

Then we faster ran out wtf.

I’m guessing most people have seen the pics on Suet’s blog so I won’t bother.

To everyone I met at NMF: I loved meeting you guys! See you around wtf.

Back to my Miami updates:

Miami Day 5:

We went to this mall called Aventura which was better than sex wtf. They had like every single store you would ever want…

According to Mild and Jeannie and Angela anyway.

Because while they went shopping, I set up camp in Starbucks with my green tea and laptop wtf. (This was back in the day where I hadn’t finished writing my thesis. Talk like damn long ago wtf)

If you look clearly I wasn’t even sitting IN Starbucks cos it was a small outlet and there weren’t any plugs inside. So I made the barrista pull the table and chair for me outside of the shop next to the plug point. Good thing the shop behind me was closed wtf.

And I made friends with the barrista ok even though at first he didn’t like me for making his job harder wtf but later on we became fast friends his name is Courtney wtf.

Need I say more wtf.

Their statues were so cute!

And I missed all these photo ops T_T

Then they saved me from my misery wtf and we went to Cheesecake Factory for dinner.

Our food.

My hot water cos I’m an old woman like that wtf. No la the aircon was really cold so I asked for hot water to warm myself up.

Then Prive later at night. Ya what else is new wtf.

Our own unique dance poses wtf.

Part of our wedding portfolio wtf.

Me and the Opposite of Spicy wtf wtf.

Being hiao.

Group photo, except Jeannie got cut off. (but that’s ok cos she doesn’t read my blog WTF)

Ya dunno why we were so lovey dovey that night wtf.

Amy Winehouse cured of impedigo wtf ahahahahah does anyone else read the Superficial hahahahahah

Random gay British guy jumped into the photo.

Our night is never complete without Crank Dat.

Me and Jeannie taking a break. Never again will I wear 4 inch heels to club *lies through teeth wtf.

Mild said “give them a lap dance” and this is what I did why am I so unsexy T_T

So black and chillz hahahahah. Just like Old Time Buddy WTF.

Just look at Mild seriously damn hiphop and chillz you don’t even know hahahaahah.

And speaking of me and Mild dancing, we are going to perform a Thai dance for a cultural night (with Shan Shan) good lord save us from a slow and painful (and very public) death wtf.

With Random Gay Guy’s friends who are all British. Why so many Brits like to go to Florida ar.

Cut them off never mind as long as we’re in it wtf.

Every night the bouncers make fun of my height and that night was no different wtf.

When we were leaving, the bouncer said to me “can you come here for a sec” and I got scared wtf. And then he asked me “how tall are you exactly?” wtf but then he also said I look like a doll and I like being called a doll so I took a picture with him and his friend wtf.

Comments (25)

  • aw.. i wish i am as free as you now >.

  • oops my comment was cut off! hehe, i meant to say, hehe i like the pic with the bouncers ^-^

    aud: aww do u have a lot to do?

  • handed in the draft early – are you a model student or what 0___0 prof lipman’s pet wtf

    eh why the bouncers so mean make fun of your height wtf. some more put the hand on top of your head ok. if you needed a tape measure you would buy one lah no need use his hand also what wtf.

    but seriously, you’re so petite wei 0____0 did barry ever think growing up that if he pushed you or was too rough with you, you’d break in half like a barbie doll wtf.

    and you girls looked smoking hot in the pics ok. angie’s outfit is enough to cause a geyser of nosebleeds di lah wtf. lucky those british guys were gay wtf.

    aud: no cos lipman was leaving on a plane for atlanta for the weekend! so i kiasu wanted to get it into him so he read it while he was gone wtf. haha no la im used to ppl making fun of my height already T_T no la my brother thought i damn ugly if beat me up also never mind WTF.

  • u’re so damn cute!

    aud: thank u!

  • eh can perform your crank dat dance to me? hohohoho. anyway the bouncer pic is really cute. lol.

    aud: hehe ya but it’d be nicer if the bouncers were taller huh? haha i teach u how to do la! then we dance together wtf

  • Haha…..“how tall are you exactly?”……..I got asked this pretty frequent also T_______T……

    aud: haha how tall are u exactly? wtf

  • oh gosh i can totally relate to how you’re feeling about job hunting!

    was job hunting last semester (because it was the time bank applications were open) and i swear everytime i thought of interviews and assessment centres, i’d sink into a mild depression!

    BUTBUT! u’ll realize it’d soon be over! and im positive the interviewers’d adore u. SO HANG ON K! POSITIVE THOUGHTS!!!

    aud: did u get a job! *pants WTF

  • I just “luv” how u mention so much of the Black and Chillz me (Adriana)
    you got to explain to me what this comment mean -_-” “Amy Winehouse cured of impedigo” Don’t get it -_-”

    And I THINK those British guys were gay ~ O-o .. i have a malfunction gaydar!

    aud: hahahahaha i already explained to you about the impedigo! and seriously u have a malfunctioning gaydar = = u think EVERYONE is gay haahahahh

  • Haha. So cute the last pic. Yeah, being unemployed is fun. Until you die of boredom.

    aud: ya thats me right now T_T wtf

  • hahah eh the bouncers quite small size!! The one in malaysia at the club we went for nuffnang pj party is DAMN huge lor!!! maybe he club wanna show who’s boss wtf. And omg why Angie buy so much stuff from Juicy Couture?? T____T 2 big bags summore =A=

    aud: ya! but all damn scary looking okay would you dare mess with them wtf. like seriously all join gangs got guns kind face wtf. ya both she and jeannie bought like ten loads of shit from there wtf T_T

  • hahaha i think many people can relate to you. i’m only 5″0 and get asked abt my height frequently too T_T

    aud: haha how tall do people usually guess you are?

  • omg this is the longest blog u ever written .. damn free ar u

    aud: ya so free and lonely wtf

  • eh tony fernandes isnt he the guy that founded air asia. did a profile on him in my journalism class about how much he’s achieved yadda yadda yadda then my tutor made some comment about how he’s achieved so much yes but did u look into how much money has exchanged hands under the table for him to do so T_T

    and u look very pretty in your clubbing photos! i like ur hair up!

    aud: hair up in an updo or ponytail nicer! *obsessed wtf. yaya the air asia guy! ya cos of mahathir only if not the project wouldnt have gone thru. but which startup business doesn’t have to bribe its way through la =/


    But bumming quite fun right right right? *needs validation wtf* Go to s’pore with meee! 😀

    aud: hahaha i never put caps la! why u so sensitive until see things wrongly wtf. i dunno la im only getting used to the first few days of bumming hahaha. eh where are you going to stay in singapore? if if right i do end up there do you wanna share an apartment /shy wtf

  • bouncers asks me about my height too whenever i wore flats to clubs sighhh T_T

    aud: why u so brave wear heels to clubs! if i wore flats there i think i would never have gotten in lor. cos they always look at my malaysian ID with suspicion wtf.

  • All your photos damn nice! And you look damn pretty in them /shy

    And your lapdance photo- Mild looks like she has an overgrown kid on her lap wtf

    aud: really /shy HAHA that’s Jeannie la not Mild! Mild angry you called her wrong name already horrrr wtf

  • cute pics!!:) i love your outfits:D

  • old time buddy.. is it the one about tse yin when he was young? got gallen lo kar leong also?? if it is, then i damn liked it back when they showed it on tv2!! =D watched it when I was in high school i think!!

    all your pics damn nice la… sigh, makes me want to go back to US to visit! T____T

    aud: HAHAH ya lei kei! damn funny ok ya i loved it damn wanna watch again but can’t find the full series online T_T you were on the west coast in US weren’t u? didn’t come to the east also 🙁

  • I need to submit my second draft 18 april …haven’t finish. Good at least u finish u first draft…

    aud: wow but u finished your first draft! congrats!

  • HAHAHA Your lapdance look more like you are taking a dump!

    aud: ya i know T_T i swear nobody will ever want to do anything with me except cuddle wtf

  • i was in california, didn’t go over to miami and all also. some more damn cold in winter (not snowing also damn cold tak tahan). that’s why i want to go again – hopefully in summer, see the beach and all that !! 🙂 🙂 🙂

    eh if you can find online pls share!! i love low kar leong. 😛

    aud: they have the movie version on! all the original actors, except siu fong fong is played by shu qi whom i hate >.>

  • Eh, good la, ’cause I also looking for people to stay with! And I think we will get along.. *shy too*

    But haih, as a friend, must still pray for you to get job in US! T__T

    aud: ya im a very unassuming housemate! wtf. just a bit messy *shy ya singapore is my backup…but it would be so much better because of you *big shiny eyes

  • You really look like a doll.. like blythe doll.. very cute.. and small.. hehe

  • Haha are you really fourfeetnine?teehee im the same height as you and im already 20!:p

  • sigh hui wen and aud ok la ok la i work in singapore la WTF

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