AudDisgusting AudRubbish


(Thank you everyone who left such encouraging and smart comments on the last post!  Btw does anyone know anyone who can hook me up with a job in the US ar wtf)

This post is not for the fainthearted wtf.

I don’t understand why some people are so disgusting.

The other day I went to do trash only to find someone had tossed a rolled up used pad into the recycling bin for paper.


Are you retarded!   Why the hell would anyone throw their used pads in the recycling bin!!! Recycle blood for what! Feed toyol ar wtf. It wasn’t even like they mistook the bin for the normal trash bin and maybe tossed in all their trash.  It was just a lone rolled up pad sitting on top of all the newspaper T_T

Seriously  did you just toss it in there to give me a surprise.  Fuck you whoever did that I had to reach in and pick up someone’s disgusting pad magecibai and throw it in the right bin T_T If I ever find out who, I will take a used pad and stick it onto your face wtf T_T

And secondly!  The person who leaves pieces of shit 6 inches long and 3 inches thick in the last toilet of Ham 2nd floor T________________T

I beg of you, please fucking  try to hit the flush at least once before you pull your pants up and make your hurried exit T____________T

Every time I push open the door for the last toilet and see that disgusting thing I either hitch in my breath or give a little scream and back up fast before I can throw up.

First of all, this has happened not once or twice, but several times over the past year! And today (out of morbid curiosity) I actually ventured in (not breathing and eyes half closed so I don’t need to see as much of it WTF) and tapped the flush button before scurrying out.

And I watched in disgust and fascination wtf as the piece of shit spun around in the current a bit before going down the hole.

SO WTF IS THIS THEN! At first I thought the person had been trying to flush it but due to its extravagant size it couldn’t go down.  But when I flushed it it went down ok!  So means that person didn’t even bother to flush at all!!! HOW CAN!!! SO MANY TIMES SOME MORE

And really!  I wonder what kind-of-add-50-cents-to-up-your-order-size person has the ability to shit such a big piece wtf.  I am not exaggerating when I say the shit was like 2 bak changs stuck together wtf.  Or maybe 2 ketupats wtf.

Who has that big a hole T_____ It even occured to me that maybe that person keeps a rabbit illegally in her room and just packed all her rabbit’s shit together and tossed it in the toilet wtf.

Cos seriously I cannot get over how big those pieces are ok T_____T It wasn’t even like a pile it was just one big length of poop T______T

Wanna complain also dunno who to complain to.


On a different note, some righteous dumbass posted on Suet’s blog bitching about how wow good golly miss molly Suet has only been in the US for 6 months and she already has an American accent.  And then proceeded to bash my brother ROARRR NOBODY TALKS SHIT ON MY BROTHER AND GETS AWAY WITH IT

(Cos he’ll take them on first la wtf you think I can beat people up ar.  Slash at their ankles with a pen knife maybe wtf)

Seriously get off your fucking high horse.  So she has an accent.  Big deal.  Some people just pick up speech ways faster than others and that doesn’t make them showoffs or posers or whatever you think they are.

Even for me (who is already considered damn slow in picking up accents), if I wanted to talk about something and make myself better understood / more articulate I would probably drop all the Manglish add-ons (dunno what they’re called) and yalah yalah be called poser by random anal sourfaces wtf.

Sometimes when I’m speaking to er hakujin wtf / ang moh /mat salleh I don’t realize it but sometimes I stop and listen to myself and it surprises me how different I sound.

I don’t think I’ve really taken the effort to pick up the US accent (cos really damn hard ok wtf) and I think the Malaysian accent is endearing and one of the most addictive, easiest to pick up accents around (nearly everyone close to me has picked it up in varying degrees, for eg. Jerry picked it up in a month wah not bad wtf but then keep imitating me to mock me T_T)

But the US accent is definitely easier for people to understand (do you realize that Malaysians speak damn fast and slur their words so nobody out of Malaysia and Singapore can understand)

So seriously, Anal Sourface Commentor, there’s nothing wrong with changing the way you speak for people to better understand you, you know *pat pat


Oh and I wanna change my style again!

The last time I said I wanted to be hiphop and gangsta WTF which involved baggy jeans and boxers and skater shoes but summer is here ok who wants to wear jeans in summer!

So I am switching over to

お姫スタイル!  Princess style wtf.

Back view.

Which seems an impossible feat because

(a) I do not have enough hair to achieve this level of bouffant-ness wtf.

(b)  Too kua cheong wtf.

But maybe can modify to make it simpler leh!  Like…be a princess on summer vacation wtf then can tone down a bit.

I really want the huge curls!  And I want to wear bows and pastels and lace and frills!

So cute right! But seriously damn exaggerated la hmm let me think how to work it first that will be my homework this weekend wtf.

Comments (28)

  • Haha lol, it irks me too whenever i saw un-flushed shits at public toilet, How can this ppl be so uncivilised and left their big business there, not even making an effort to flush it. DUH, and pads at recycle bin. thats sick, some gal without brain i guess. stay cool bout the accent thingy. haha… and ur new princess style, memang vy kua.. yeah tone it down first.. enjoy ur homework then.. cheers

    aud: ya seriously dunno where they grew up… a place without flush toilets wtf. ya lemme work on my style *determined face

  • O_O is a so help me god if i have to do the clothes swap with you while ur dressed like that.

    aud: ahahahaha take that alison! wtf

  • WAH the style totally fits you that much i can say =D

    aud: isit isit! should i change then! 😀

  • Your toilet tales reminds me of my hostel life that I left not so long ago. But the toilets were the squatting type, so no shit la. But then got some idiot who leaves her undies around. C’mon la, how can you forget your undies and walk around. Btw, maybe you can try and put up a note. May be harsh but it works.

    About the accent, somehow I speak differently with lecturers. English becomes more polished la, compared to when yakking with friends. But no one minds.

    aud: HAHAHA ya here got people leave panties in the shower too! and someone left a pad in the shower also wtf damn disgusting

  • HAHAH IF YOU HAVE HAIR LIKE THAT HAHAHHAHA I guess I’ll still hang out with you …

    Yeahhh it depends who you’re talking to. Not really the issue of having an accent but how articulate you are, can’t be saying stuff like “eh dowan la please la why liddat la” to your lecturers wtf

    Stupid Anal Sourface Commentor


  • i thot you are jush a trash lady; why are you flushing shit? and did you touch the pad?!!! aiyoyo! your father cry la, send you to moho to flush shit

  • now you know why i named you audrey of “my fair lady”..the girl-swan with the manglish tongue

    aud: dont bluff la daddy u thought i was going to be ugly all my life T3T

  • Eeps…some people are just uncivilised aren’t they? With the sanitary pad and not flushing. I use to have someone who throw their pad into the toilet bowl. And I as a prefect in high school had to pick it up…eeeww!!

    aud: hahaha why so kesian prefect have to do this kinda job! somore prefect status is higher than trash collector wtf

  • eh yala why don’t you paste a note there PLEASE FLUSH YOUR (rabbit’s) SHIT
    and babe thanks you so nice defend us /boo
    and gambatte kudasai wtf for your princess thing although i don’t really wanna be seen with someone who dresses like that la you think this is palace ar wtf mhc only ok but i’ll still pretend i do uh /boo


  • I think I turned a little green after reading your detailed description of the flushing of the very big and long shit. T_T

    Very, err, vivid writing skills. T_T

    aud: haha i need to impress everyone with the sheer size of it!wtf

  • HAHHAAHAH AH SOU WHY IS FAT HER OOI SO FUNNY HAHAHAHA “aiyoyo your father cry la send my daughter to moho to flush shit” HAHAHAHHAAHAH

    and btw.. ehhhhh princess meh but u look like one already wat r u talking about wtf. and don la next time if we go out together how?! as if we don’t attract enough stares frm our height difference, we’ll attract more ppl with ur outrageously pink outfit wtf.

    aud: isit isit i look like princess now ar *fishes for compliments WTF. hahahaha eh i wear all pink then u wear all blue wtf damn contrasting ok settle we do tht wtf

  • hahahahah uncle ooi so funny “send u to moho to flush shit hahahaha”

    ei babie i will do princess style with you

    when my hair grow until that length ..
    so just wait for me for another 10 years okay 😀

    aud: haha when u get extensions you can what! and i thought u were going to change to proper, rich girl style?

  • family… u know wut… i was eating an orange when i saw ur blog entry… and i managed to finish my whole orange…
    THAT WAS DISGUSTING!!!! seriously you should paste a note saying please remember to flush or sth like that…>

    aud: yaaa! but i dunno if that person would know it’s meant for her =.= hahahaha how can u eat and read that at the same time family T3T


    aud: curious la hahaha wanna see if can go down or not so big ok wtf. THEN I DONT TOUCH HOW! I STILL HAVE TO EMPTY THE PAPER BIN T______T

  • Hey, just wanted to let you know that I replied to your email — very late reply I know… don’t even know if you remembered that you emailed me!

    anyway, at least you didn’t take pictures of the shit and pad and post it… stupid ppl…

    what kind of job are you looking for?

    aud: haha i dont think i could have taken pictures w/o throwing up = = im looking for work in either advertising/pr/magazines that kinda thing?

  • ohhh pretty princess!:)) I love that style!:DD good luck with that! I like to change my style often too:PP [very hard, damm it.]

    aud: haha georgie sorry are u a girl or guy? i always thought u were a guy cos of ur name but i guess it could be short for georgia…. what style are u on now?

  • suggestion: “to the person who has the superhuman ability to poop a 6inch long, 3inch wide piece of shit (you know who you are)


    wtf I thought mhc only accepts “world’s best students cross continents and oceans to come to Mount Holyoke College. They are smart and motivated women, and have what it takes to contribute to the world and be successful.”

    first step to being successful: learn to flush the toilet, you primitive being hahahaha.

    poor aud *sayang

  • omg, the shit thing happens alot in my hall toilet too! and it’s so freaking disgusting. once i tried to flush it down, but it was too thick or something ewwww… some ppl just dunno how to flush the toilet. oh but the sanitary pad thingy o.O who wud throw it in a recycle bin??

  • Haha, u reminded me of my old days in hostel where we found this extra-humongous poop in of da toilets and tried to flush more than 5 times which twas still there. Eventually it disappeared after the cleaner went in & left us wondering how she did it. Like.. er.. cut it into half? Uahahaha!

  • Oh ya, btw my roomies were all sohai that they took turns to go in and see that extra-humongous size poop like exhibition or something, grooosss yea I know. Hahah!

  • Hey babe, I think the princess style suits u a lot… Go ahead and do it =P

  • aud, i’m sure that princess girl is wearing a wig. buy wig! lol.

  • haha lol you’re not the only oneXDD anyway this days i try the gyaru style a la tsubasa:DD

  • eeyer… reminds me of my sch toilet lor. and damn strange right, we never have a problem for media and design students, only the business girls have huge poo and dont flush toilet! damn digusting leh think they can hide behind their thick makeup wtf.

    anyway u can read jap hor? nah free online mag!

  • wtff! so gross. i actually found myself taking my ruler out to measure the pieces of shit. so big lor, can!! :S

  • There’s a simple solution to all your problems, my dear.

    Kick Jerry and seduce a rich white american.

    It’s easier than you think if you know how. Just join a club that adores Asians, and eventually you’ll bait the right guy. You’ll get instant US citizenship, and instant ego boost from marrying a white guy. Good luck. 🙂

  • that is one big shit ok wtf 0____0 what is it with communal toilets and all manners of disgusting filth (literally wtf). my guy friend once had a theory ok as to why people don’t flush their, er, leavings. he said it’s cos when a guy does a big shit like that he’s damn proud of it and WANTS TO SHOW IT OFF. and it sounded like he spoke from personal experience -___________________-
    god help me, why am i friends with such a person.

    and wtf, the princess style hair cannot be real wtf. it has to be a wig right? right? if not how much do you have to torture your hair to get it to such marie antoinette-esque heights? and you have big curls alredi what? your hair damn nice ok wtf. makes me so jeles until i want to shave my head bald wtf.

  • Omigod….disgusting toilet talk but I just can’t stop laughing! (I laughed so hard till I teared!) No, I didn’t poop in my pants!

    Anymore Hime Gyaru pics recently? Should send then to some magazine editors. Who knows if you’ll get picked for a featured article? 🙂

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