Wah I’ve been playing so much foosball it’s almost as if I’m trying to turn pro wtf.
(Which will never happen because my reflexes are those of a sloth wtf)
I’ve also been very busy publishing my old entries one by one onto this site from blogdrive. See the sidebar! So many months added ok wtf.
By old I mean 2004-2005!
Everything was so different back then. My blogging style was so different. For starters there were no wtfs. And I was so formal! Type in perfect english wtf. I sounded damn childish but still wanted to act mature I think. Damn poser and pompous ok I cannot stand reading my archives when I read it gives me goosebumps wtf.
And each entry was so short as opposed to my entries now which go on for great lengths and talk about a thousand different things in one.
Like “I did my laundry today and now my clothes smell funny.” End wtf.
What is this! This is a memo note not a blog entry wtf.
And there were a few entries where I said something like:
“Something has happened that is putting a big cheesy grin on my face.
But because I’m a secret biatch, I shall not tell what it is.
Muahahah!!! You have got to be patient!
*giddy giddy*
Those who think you might know what it is, shhhh!”
Seriously damn annoying! Secret biatch WTFOMG. And if I don’t wanna tell my secret then why am I blogging about it! I think I just wanted people to ask me so I could be smug wtf.
And on my birthday in 2005 I wrote this super long and emo entry:
“That one called to wish me happy birthday at 11.30pm on February 10. The first thing he asked me was what time was it because he was scared he was overdue.
I was overcome by dejavu because exactly three years ago, the exact same thing happened. Three years ago, he called at 11.30pm on February 10 all the way from Italy to wish me a happy 17th birthday. And the first thing he asked when I picked up the phone was what time was it because he didn’t want to miss the date either.
Three years have gone by since my 17th and my 20th birthday and so much has changed between us. (Yalah, yalah, I am 20 la but by the next entry I will go back to insisting that I am actually 19).
We have become best friends, then realised we’d fallen in love.
We have gotten together, fought like cats and dogs, and finally broken up.
We tried to repair our friendship by picking up the pieces of our relationship and gluing them back together, minus the romance bits.
We did resume our best friendship, but at a cost, somehow. After we broke up, we continued to fight. We had no rights over each other but we fought anyway. We fought over my right to go clubbing, my right to have certain friends which he didn’t like, fought when we saw each other with a new special someone.
Strangely enough, I don’t think either of us were still in love with the other. What we had had subsided into a more ‘subtle’ love for a best friend. Yet we continued to feel possessive of each other and still felt irritated every time the other did something wrong or stupid.
Once during a midnight heart to heart with Fat Her, he brought up an idea of his that me and that one would someday get back together again. Something about us made Fat Her think that he is my soulmate. Maybe we were not meant for each other at the tender age of 17 or 20 but who knows what would happen in the future? Maybe after maturing and growing up in our separate ways, we would realise we were right for each other after all. Somewhat like the movie “The Way We Were”, he said.
I don’t know if this is my soulmate or not. What I know is we’re at opposite ends of the world now and will most probably not see each other again in the next few years.
This is one person I don’t want to lose touch with. But I am glad for this loss of contact. Maybe after this period, our friendship can finally become a normal one, where we don’t feel the need to yell at the other for things that couples fight over. Maybe we will get back together again. Or maybe this is just a romantic notion on my part because he was my first love. 🙂
I wish him the best in all his endeavours and if/when we meet again let us hopefully resume our friendship again. 🙂 ”
Funny how time changes everything. After I wrote that entry I didn’t see him for three years. When I met him again last August, we instantly clicked and couldn’t stop talking. But I didn’t feel a thing for him, and I don’t think I ever will again. In fact, I wouldn’t even mind much if we lost contact for another three years.
2004-2005 was my first year at Mount Holyoke.
I was enthralled by the snow, which now I hate with a passion.
I wrote about meeting a girl called Angela for the first time and how we both loved pink. And look where we are right now. We’ve lived with each other for two years, even when we could have gotten our own rooms we chose to stay in a double together. We moved to Japan together, travelled to Vancouver, Taipei and Samui together. These days she mostly wears red and I mostly wear white, but together this two colors still make pink.
I talked about how I felt weird every time I saw a guy on campus, but now I hardly notice that most people here are female. (Also because half of them don’t look like women anyway it feels like a coed school ok wtf)
I struggled with calculus concepts and Ancient Chinese history. I had trouble writing a 5 page paper and I remember thinking that anyone who wrote a honors thesis had to be out of their mind because it wasn’t even compulsory. I couldn’t imagine anyone willingly writing a 100 page essay but look at what I achieved this semester 🙂
So this is really the end of an era in my life.
No more classes to go back to this fall.
The next time I come back here will be in two years time for Reunion.
Every time I walk around campus, I keep looking around trying to memorize everything and remember their places.
Not that I know everything damn well la until now still can get lost and still don’t know building names wtf.
I wonder what the next 3 years will bring.
Comments (21)
awww….. yeah can see the drastic change of blogging style loh.
aud: haha ya omg i was so damn annoying before!
your turn to be contemplative wtf 🙂 hahaha. yah, our writing/blogging styles change even as we grow… then we look back, laugh at ourselves and look towards the future.
wash, rinse, repeat =P
my old blog entries also very embarrassing one haha.
and haha eh who knows! that guy sounds interesting hahaha.
aud: what guy? oh no la please nothing will ever happen between us again!
pls ah better than blogging like i used to hahahahah 4eva WTF.
if u were the same i doubt i’d be your friend ok why u so serious! and emo! and weird! wtf
aud: i dunno la i feel like some of my old entries remind me of a certain blogger we hate! seriously damn kau annoying wtf. but at least I neva TaipEd liddis wtf.
And i dint realise that i have been a very faithful reader of us since mid 2005.. Damn.. times flies really fast like WTF.. LOL..
And looking back at your 2004 entries makes me LOL.. LOL.. Hugs and rule on babe…
aud: i can’t believe you’ve read me for 3 years either! thanks babe
time flies doesn’t it though it seem so slow in the first place. and ya, i remember reading that birthday entry, didn’t realise it was that long ago! hehe.. the next 3 years will a new adventure for u ^-^
aud: wow you’ve been reading me for that long? haha i thought most of the people here just came recently 😀
time passes quicker when you are older… so enjoy yourlife and party on! babe.. haha..
omg damn sad i cried wtf ok let’s not talk about that anymore (of me crying i mean wtf) the red and white part la damn sad ok i miss u and angie alot alot
Yes, you better believe it.. 3 long years.. From i was still a miss to now a Mrs.. LOL… no worries babe.. 3 years later u make another “Three Years” post.. i will tag again for sure… LOL…
Hopefully by chance we can meet up for Coffee if i am in KL.. LOL.. PS: See, read your blog for so long.. now i am talking like as thou’ we “know” each other.. LOL.. I am still in plan for my KL shop.. Dear GOD, just give me a good space shop.. Sob sob sob……
HAHHAHA *giddy giddy* HAHAHAH
It’s ok my old blog was a damn 7 emo blog… borderline suicidal emo kinda emo blog wtf
Hiuhh at least we grow up right!
Damnit that was me
hi Audrey, i really like this entry, esp the part abt u & angie, how despite tendency to wear diff colours now, red & white still come out pink, damn emo! where’s angie (no comment from her)? i bet she would be real touched when she reads this…
eh u know wat i realized, i’ve been reading your blog for 3 years as well wtf. cos i came across your blog frm kennysia’s in 2005 when i was a sad fuck in college wtf. fast forward 2 years later and i got to know u personally.. and ironically not thru blogging but thru mutual friends and the first time i saw you i was mesmerized by your height and the thong in your hair HAHAHAHAHAH.
back then names like “yeff” and “leroy” were aliens to me wtf but look how small the world is. i eventually got to know leroy frm wenloong and i got to know you frm leroy wtf and this was a whole year ago but look at how far our friendship has grown
and den this freaking comment box must cut off my comment -___-
anyways love you ah sou even tho u used to use terms like *giddy giddy* HAHAHHAH OHH GOODD HAHAHAA! here’s to many many years more of friendship 🙂
flip your skirt /huhu WTF HAHAHAHAHA!
I love that pink and white part. So touching..
All the best Audrey! Whatever you doing after this, you’ll do great. =)
ya haha been reading since then but never commented then hahaha
Hi Audrey
this post made a goose bump ^__^
i totally was in the same place like u … i was thinking how grown up i was (at that time) cos i figured out some of the things. but then another 2 years, things startin too get swift again …
its so sad too let it go yet we need too keep going
have fun everywhere u go …
ur reader from seattle will welcome u whenever u end up here ^__^
wtf is a secret biatch HAHAHAHAHAHHA
Audrey! When’s ur graduation? Mine is this freaking Sunday.. altho I really don’t think it’s hit me yet.. Aaahhh… Can u believe I’m still finishing up some work… my stupid professor is making me work on it still.. wth right?
But anyway, I know… so many memories in college… it’s kinda sad…
And your blog is seriously damn entertaining, altho I think I’ve said it like a billion times d. But gives me smth to read when i’m trying NOT to do work =P
I’ll be in NYC in the Fall, if you’re still there, give me a call! Congratulations on graduating! *hug*
ur friend so annoying HAHA i mean, rubbing in ur face all that only. ahha but i like her dress T_T
aud: eh what friend?
me too whenever I read stuff that I wrote years ago it sounds sooo stupid >.
i commented on the wrong post -___- i meant the one with the video of u being broke and cannot shop. eh i also dont know how this happened hai