

Hsin is back!  My darling beloved Hsin whom I haven’t seen in two years which is very long considering we have been best friends since we were 11 because we were too ugly to be friends with anyone else wtf.

So yesterday Tourguide Aud and Tourguide Hsin took Tourist Ang Moh out for a quick run around KL!

Ie. to Pasar Seni for him to buy souvenirs for family wtf.

We had a lot of fun!  It’s been a long time since I went to places just to take pictures with props.

Actually not that long ago it just feels long ago because I miss Angela and Mild T_____________T

Mr and Mrs Tourist Ang Moh sharing a delicate moment somewhere in KL Central wtf.

Tourguide Aud sharing a sweet moment with some turtles wtf.  Taken in conjunction with Hsin finding out I mistook a plastic tortoise for a real one when I went to the Butterfly Farm =.=

Lobsters in a pet shop =.= Honestly, who is going to buy lobsters for their pet!

In the LRT station.

15 inches taller than me T___________T

Then we saw this old man sleeping sitting up with his mouth open hahahaha I pretended to take a photo of Hsin but really cleverly snapped a shot of him instead.  But then I felt sorry for him because his family didn’t seem to care about him and just walked off while he stayed behind gathering things up before hurrying after them T_________T

Tourguide Hsin having an affair on the job WTF.  Supposed to take people around but fall in love instead wtf wtf.

And then Ang Moh took stupid random pictures of us.

I think this is either called Lorong Melayu or Chinese Strait or something.

I actually really love Pasar Seni / Central Market!  There’s so many interesting things to look at and you can always bargain like an auntie then when you finally buy something here you feel so smug wtf.

So many hairbands!  I was trying to find the price tags but couldn’t so I didn’t buy wtf.  Ya I’m broke what else is new wtf.

So sweet the tiny clogs!  I wanted to buy but I always want to buy these clogs and then I come home and toss them aside wtf.

I want to buy new glasses!  I don’t know why my current ones and these are nearly the same, dark plastic rectangular frames but I think these look so much better.  The grass is always greener on the other side wtf.

These are damn cool!  I woulda gotten the white ones but they were too big for my face (like nearly every other pair of shades)Ya just look at me wearing two pairs of sunglasses at once wtf at least Hsin had the good sense to take hers off her head first.

Hsin’s caption for this on facebook was: “one too short, one too tall” WTF and I found it damn hilarious I dunno why my sense of humor makes people want to faint T_T

Like I have a joke for you!

What is the largest city in Malaysia? (only for Malaysians)


And why is a pirate a pirate?


Ok anyway.

This sign was up on a tshirt stall hahahaha damn funny!

The fine print says: “and to the person who stole our last sign – we wish for you a lifetime of diarrhoea and for passing jumbo jets to regularly  empty their toilet holds on your head.” HAHAHAHAH WHY SO VENGEFUL

Chairman Mao inspired shirts!  Mickey Maos and Mighty Maos hahahahaha I wanted to buy one but they already said they don’t have the margin to bargin wtf.

hahahahaahahha yea right as though China will ever have elections.  And as though Bush can ever have erections WTFWTF I’m talking rubbish wtf.

Malaysian English wtf.  If it’s anything to feel better about, Manglish is VERY infectious and most of my non-Malaysian close friends have picked it up to some extent.


Papparazzi shot!

(Actually we forced Ang Moh to run across the road first so he could take pictures of us walking why are we like this T_T)

The end.

Japan alone on one side, or Redang and Phuket with loved ones on the other?

I hate life decisions.

Comments (17)

  • Because they ARRRR la you stupid ! tell joke also cannot tell it right !

  • so much fun!! i agree ok, the only time msians do ‘touristy’ stuff is when we’re showing friends around ok.

    and i secretly heart pasar seni also – down its last square inch of tacky-souvenir-filled, tourist-jammed space. i cannot explain the attraction also wtf. but i think it has to do with (like you said) having so many things to look at. i have the attention span of a hamster wtf.

    and why you and hsin tried on the kanye west glasses hahahaah. did you go to chinatown also ar, wah damn lot of counterfeit everything ok. like i told my friends, you can get fake everything if you come to msia wtf.

  • your little side story about the old man was so saddening…they really shouldn’t have walked off like that and leave him behind fumbling with stuff 🙁

    geez they should watch this and get all emo and treat him better la :


  • hey, what happened to the old man is very mean la! not the taking pic part but the family leaving him part. sure he damn bored thats why he fall asleep, then they so ignorant to him. so mean!

  • Harrrr or arrr wtf

    HAHAHHAA election erection HAHAHHAA

    Glasses Aud very cute /shy

    There there when I’m back we’ll go take nice nice photos /boo in Saujana WTF

  • i got very sad about the old man part T___T i literally felt a plunge in my guts reading that paragraph T__T

    anywway why u bully the angmo! hahaha damn cute..

  • CANNOT audee the kanye west-style sunglasses OUT OUT OUT already the death sentence has been pronounced by the magazine under the “out” category =P

    yah the old man story damn sad why are his kids like that!

    and why your second joke so fail one hahahahaha angie scold you hahaha.

    HAHA DAMN VENGEFUL the tshirt sellers…

  • the magazines*

  • I love the sign board so much I wanna take it too! Go Japan!

    redang and phuket T____________________T but money T________T but beach with us T_________T but future T___T

  • why i always get grey color one damn benci! yay now it’s pink wtf

  • shit im gonna be grey again wait let me publish this comment first wtf

  • why the old man so pitiful wan T____T i swear people who do not take care of their parents deserve to go to hell and burn there forever and eva wtf.

    why you wear so thick and black not hot ah!

  • i thought it’d be rather presumptuous of me to comment abt this…. but i believe japan is in your heart, where you hope to end up eventually so if you dun take it up now when will u go? it’ll prob get harder if u dun take the jump now

    hahaha the old man stole the spotlight

  • Aud… that is Australia Blue Lobster
    lotsa ppls rear them

    i use to keep them back at er… 8 or 9 years ago… they can multiply kinda fast if take good care of them 😛

    btw it’s been damn long time din walk at those street dy =..=

  • eh seriously lor manglish is so infectious! My friend was here for a week and he started speaking it already hahaha wtc

  • Hey, you found the hairband shop my colleague was telling me about. I haven’t been to CM in ages. Must make a trip there one of these days.

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