


I’m sorry I’ve been away for so long (breaking my blog at least every 2 days rule) but I have been very busy!

I have 3 interviews this week and also met up with my dad’s friend who does research ala ASLI to talk to him about what he does.

And I also have assignments to complete as part of my job applications! Why companies these days like to give us assignments to do as part of our evaluation! New trend ar wtf.

Anyway I am feeling much better about things :))))))

Thank you so much for all your comments, every single one made me feel so much happier and supported:) Sorry I didn’t have time to reply:( and I’m sorry about the people who went through the same thing or worse:(((((

As for making a police report, I am not going to do it because it will be a hard case to prove for lack of evidence:( I am however going to inform the management (even though he basically RULES the whole management) of his behavior and explain this is why I am going to reject the job.

I really want to tell people what university it was and who the guy is, but I can’t do it on a public space like a blog later get accused of defamation like Raja Petra wtf. Never mind let me do it like how they do viral marketing wtf. Word of mouth Imma tell everyone I come across and work from there wtf.

Anyway the Oois went on a family photo shoot the other day!

Suet and Ooib won this at the Made of Honor premiere the other day and they let the family use so nice /boo

They even did free makeup but for mothers only daughters don’t get *sour

See, daughter-in-law also have to put own makeup wtf.

Ooib and the Amazing Technicolor Socks wtf.

Fat Her and his phone as usual. Even when wanna take pictures he was on the phone what is this where is your family spirit Fat Her.

Me in my graduation gown and a prop teddy. Haih Mummy Ooi brought like 3 outfits and I was forced to wear my gown and maybe just one dress *sulks

No other pictures will get more from Suet later I think.

Then today was a very dramamama day!

Went to Bangsar with Tze and Jac today for lunch and shopping.

Take pic and cut myself off.

Jac was so sweet and ladylike me and Tze felt like cattle next to her wtf. And I like her pink extensions Imma go get some too I miss mine T_T

There can see my face clearer *obsessive

I think me and Tze are meant to be we both showed up wearing cleavage-y white tops, cardigans on top (to keep from the sun wtf), shorts and white heels shiny-eyes.jpg Oh ya and bronzy pink eyeshadow and big iris contacts shiny-eyes.jpg Without planning!

And then drama occurred!

Tze was complaining about having cramps and while we were in Mooie and I was in the dressing room, I heard her say “Aud, I think I’m going to faint.”

I said very nonchalantly, “oh really ar?” and continued trying on clothes WTF.

Cos Tze is prone to exaggeration okay I thought it was just her cramps!

Then I came out of the dressing room to show them my dress and I saw Tze slumped on the couch pale as paper and I got the shock of my life wtf.

Jac ran to get her painkillers and I got even more scared cos I touched her hands and her face and they were all cold and clammy!

So I found a tissue paper in my bag (I dunno if it’s used WTF sorry Tze) and blotted her face and fanned her wtf. All while Hui Wen’s sister and friend were trying on clothes around us wtf.

Then Jac came back with Ponstan and gave it to Tze who felt better after a bit. Then Jac had to go so I propped Tze over to the clinic wtf.

Gloomy Tze at the clinic.

Where she did a blood test to check for anemia T______________T

She’s fine now phewww.

But deja vu because when I did my piercing she was there to hold my hand through the process and now I held her hand while the doctor drew blood from her dunno why I was so touched about itshiny-eyes.jpg

Ok interview tomorrow babai.

Comments (21)

  • ya thanks for taking me lightly *sour

    but thank you my love for being there /boo and for both of us wearing the same thing seriously why are we so meant to be *clutches aud’s hands

    aud: ya seriously we are so meant to be*clutches tze

  • Babe, i am so glad you are fine now. Me like checking out ur site very religiously these few days to see for update cause you like MIA and i am glad to see u all perky now… Thank GOD and best wishes for your interview later babe…
    Btw, Tze.. I hope you are feeling much better now and GOD bless you..

    Take care girls…

    -BIG HUG-

    aud: thanks shundy!

  • Poor Tze huhu but three of you so pretty /shy

    Eh the photoshoot place so nice where is it! ‘Cos it’s also about time the Chens did one wtf

    And Barry finally got his point shoes! Something Tat can never pull off wtf

    aud: HAHA latat only belongs in polo tees and oakleys wtf wtf

  • hahahahha jiamei’s comment ..

    and poor tze i hope u r feeling better …/boo

  • awwww. why lah tze ching looks so cute when she’s gloomy at the clinic.

    normally i’m very scared of her because she’s very fierce wtf.

    aud: HAHA why do u say shes fierce! although she is sometimes wtf

  • tze looks so sad in the last pic =((( sorry i’m not there to hold your hand stupid job lah got no life edi if not i can hold jam’s hand and she’ll hold aud and aud will hold tze and tze will hold me circle of life wtf

    aud: circle of life WTF. can u feel the love tonight? wtf

  • glad to hear you’re feeling better Aud, and all the best with your other interviews. and wtf why got assignments wan – the selection criteria damn gao ok, is it MNC ar?

    and so nice, Suet and Barry shared the photo shoot. but why the makeup limited to moms only wan hahaha, what kind of rule is that wtf.

    and damn scary lah, tze almost passing out -_______- and hahah, why you say ‘really ar’ and ignore her wtf ahahahahah! but nvm ok, she pulled through with you by her side *terharu ok*

    aud: hahahah i dunno la i thought she pretending WTF

  • thank you everyone for your concern! i’m fine and dandy now wtf can walk and run!

    kennysia: WTF i where got fierce!

    suet: WTF u think ritual ah hahaahhaah

  • hi aud, i was just wondering la, the last time you did hair extension hor, was it like painful when you removed it? or did it just drop by itself? was it like vr hard to manage ah? sorry ask so many Q, paiseh.

    oh and all the best for ur job interviews 😀

    aud: no it wasn’t painful! mine were tied on with thread though, they won’t drop off by themselves, you have to remove them yourself or get a hairstylist to do it. its harder to take care of extensions than real hair tho, because extensions are dead hair so you have to take more care to condition and brush it.

  • u look great in ur graduation gown hehe 😉

    aud: hehe thanks!

  • i hope the mothrfckr at L*W gets his nut cut.

  • take less salt/drink more water the week b4 ur period and wont get cramps. i read from this medical article when i was 14 and i never gotten cramps since!


  • Although I wasn’t at the meet up, my name still mentioned here! /boo


    And why my sisters so uncaring, never help out ar! =/

  • OWH NO, i didn’t know Tze nearly fainted! T__________________________T

    I feel sooo uncaring! *sniffs* SORRY TZE CHING, hope you’re alright! 😀 And i really like that last picture, HAHA sooo cute! 😀

  • ma fren over here also having the cramp thing.. wonder y gals need to have these suffer y guys not.
    it’s kinda unfair but… no choice afterall

  • Ei Audrey Ooi FEng Ling Sakura San WTF how can u just ignore my comment like that like skip until don’t know what !!

  • Give me the asshole’s name please. Just send it to me by email, if you prefer not to make it public.

    I won’t do anything that might imply that I know you whatsoever. I can wait for months and weeks before I even do anything.

    Don’t worry about it and just do it. Delete this comment as well. I was never here….

  • hahahahahah wtf i know why you said ‘really ar’ cause i always do that to my friends *guilty wtf*

    and its good you’re feeling better now ! 🙂

  • Hi, the studio looks nice. Can I know where it is?

  • hey aud! saw your link at suet, and now in love with your blog. your blog damn cute the way you write everything makes me giggle to the laptop damn embarassing.

  • OHAI! nice meeting you. 😀

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