AudRubbish AudSocialButterfly

Sepak bola tu wtf

I’m writing this now because come the real day, I won’t be around to blog.

Happy Birthday Hsin!

It’s been 2 years since the last time we saw each other, but when you came home this time, it was like we’d only seen each other last week!

Mitchell was relegated to merely ‘Ang Moh’, while we delved into our shared childhoods and pains of being ugly growing up wtf.

(She dug up old photo albums of us aged 10-12 and showed them to Ang Moh, who muttered consolingly, “at least you looked kind of cute” WTF SO IM NOT LA T_T

We grew up together with slumber parties, using highlighters to color our nails wtf, through obsessions with the Backstreet Boys and 911.

She was there when I wanted to run away from home for not doing well in my BM paper WTF.

She still slept next to me even though I would throw my leg over her in the middle of the night and smile at her with my buck teeth while asleep WTF.

When you were back, we terrorized everyone else in the car by making jokes nobody else bothered to get and then shrieking with laughter, very proud of ourselves for being so funny wtf.

We made jokes in Penang Hokkien or Malay and amuse ourselves because we think it’s funnier in another language.

She was there for me when I found out one of the worst things I had ever heard. And she made long distance calls for me because I was in the US to help me clarify.

She is the most unjudgmental person I know. And the only person able to support me fully without taking sides.

So happy birthday woman:) You know how much I love you.

Pics from Hsin’s birthday at Jarrod and Rawlins and Wabisabi.

Birthday girl and um birthday boyfriend wtf.

Me and my Coke.

Them and their very cool drinks (except Shaun who is drinking Coke too)

And Dennis with the most unstylist drink in the world HAHAHAAH hot chocolate wtf.

This Jill la! Said I make her head look big so she forced me to the front and I dunno why i came up with this face wtf.

Me, Shaun and Serious Man HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

JUST LOOK AT HIS FACE HAHAHAAHAAH LIKE SAMURAI HAHAHAHAAHHAAH Dennis is Jam’s idol! I will show you video evidence in a bit.

Aud, Jillie, Hsin.

Hsin and Ang Moh comparing arm lengths. Hsin nearly won, which is an incredible feat for someone who is 5’4 against someone who’s more than 6 feet tall.

The Thinker hahahahahahahaahah

I can’t remember why we started having a very hiao pillow fight. Look at my face! But nothing beats Dennis’s again hahahaahahah


Dennis is the world’s best impersonator.

I told him he should join Actors Studio wtf.

I dunno if it’s as funny online as it is in real life, but I will try must tell people!

He said last year he went to a football game in KL. The match was Malaysia-Singapore.

When he got to the stadium, there were no cars around it all. All motorbikes circling the stadium wtf. If you push one, all will fall wtf.

So anyway, according to Dennis, watching a football game in Malaysia is like listening to a song. Cos a song has 3 parts – verse, chorus and bridge.

Apparently, rempits are the football team’s strongest supporters as well as fiercest critics.

So throughout the whole match, the rempits will be shouting at the players, telling them where to bring the ball, and shouting that even their grandmother nenek moyang wtf can play better than them wtf.

So that’s the verse.

Then every 5 or 10 minutes the drums will sound “dun dun dun dun” then everybody will stop screaming at the players and shout in unison “MALAYSIA” WTF HAHAHAHAHHA repeat 10x wtf

Then when the cheers die down, somehow there will be isolated cries in the stadium like “……bodoh…..” and “…..jinjang…” wtf.

That’s the chorus.

And the bridge is when a girl walks past wtf.

Dennis said once a Singaporean player got hurt, so the Singaporean physiotherapist came onto the field.

The rempits started shouting: “Awek ohhhh awek… eh eh….boleh tengok coli dia wei” HAHAHAHAHAH WHY LIKE THIS and “ah moi ah moi periksa kaki ke periksa bola? ngek ngek ngek” HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA

Please don’t think this is racist, because I dont see this as railing against a particular ethnic group, but more of amusement at a particular Malaysian social group. Plus, I think rempits are the one of the best people in the world to come up with creative insults and swear words wtf.

Dennis’s rempit video!

Comments (38)

  • happy birthday hsin!

    adoi is that you cackling at the background in the video wtf

  • my childhood best friend also just celebrated her bday and i haven’t called her yet cos i didn’t even realize the 20th was on sunday T.T what kind of a friend am I… and she didn’t pick up the phone today T.T but i love her to pieces. we also emo-ed to bsb and 911 hahaha.

    anyway. remember, never peak too early hahaha.

  • *in the background

  • AHAHAHHAH – why the mat rempits liddat wan! yeah lah, their insults so damn crude and so…..appropriate for the occassion ok wtf. tengok bola atau kaki wtf.

    you and hsin damn sweet ok – ahahah, smile at her with your buck teeth when you’re asleep some more wtf.

    and dennis damn funny ahaha, why he so joker wan. the samurai pic is priceless i tell you – your eyes damn scary ok

  • hahahah dennis damn funny!! happy bday hsin!

  • Happy Birthday Hsin (I don’t think I met you before)

    AND HAHAHAH ya my idol!!! He sounds like one of the characters in Doraemon /boo voice talent mou wtf

  • T____T thank you woman, i love you so so much!! *big hugs* makes me misses you even more… =( (although im pretty sure we don’t have to wait for another 2 years to see each other ya?)

    reading the first bit almost brought tears to my eyes.

    and then it got to the pong fong part and the tears started flowing (from laffing la wtf). WHY YOU REMEMBER EVERYTHING HE SAID WORD FOR WORD ONE HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAAHAHAH

    and thank you suet and tze and other people-i-dunno who wished me! šŸ˜€

  • p/s* ang moh is not over 6ft ler, ngam ngam reach only. he said “maybe cos she’s so small so she felt that i was very tall” wtf hahahahahhahaha

    pp/s* i didn’t even remember about the highlighter until you mentioned it *hides face in shame*

  • shaun!! why drink coke only? =p

  • hi audrey…


    u got the pics? i got some, add me on msn using the hotmail add

  • Dennis actually sounds like the voice over for Giant/the other mean character (starts with an S cant remember his name) in the BM version of Doraemon shown on RTM!

  • HAHAHAHAHAHA THAT DENNIS GUY REALLY DAMN FUNNY why always look so serious HAHAHAHAHA! And you know what, you look even prettier nowadays!! Is it the new haircut! /boo

  • omg…… not-so-cool coke rahsia terbocor…. hahaha…. Dennis is da man!!!! ….puki…. wahahaha

  • omg da video was so damn funny. is dennis’ bm as good as his rempit impersonation??? lmao.

  • Not faiir!! dennis never lets me put up his antics!! šŸ™ injustice.

    has he done Michael Jackson and the Thaigirl show thing for u yet? And a few more that he says will probably have Badawi personally knocking on his door.

    Our dear schizophrenic dennis…

  • so cute lah you, aud. luckily i am not peter pan or i will kidnap you and make you my tinkerbell!! qqq:

  • haha dennis’s slang damn good. so funny. youre damn hilarious too omg. “When he got to the stadium, there were no cars around it all. All motorbikes circling the stadium wtf. If you push one, all will fall wtf.” haha.

  • hey mike. that’s pretty personal of you man. takes balls to say something daring but doesn’t take any to insult a woman like that. maybe you should be the one dropping your panties for a white guy…

    and she’s chinese too man. just like you. if nothing else, shouldn’t you at least be playing for the same team? you don’t like how the post was worded, you don’t know them, you don’t know what they’ve been through, but you’re happy to take it out on a warm, loving couple, happy to pretty much call her a hooker.

    listen. people like you saying stuff like that are the reason why they run off from us to white guys man. so which team are you still playing for?

  • good one, d =) it’s nice to know that there still are nonjudgmental people around.

  • Sounds like a case of sour grapes. But then some people like to view things unrelated to themselves through the lens of their own bigotry/ indequacies/ inner insecurities.

    Been spurned by
    ‘Asian’ chicks for a ‘Mat Salleh’ in the past? Well, take it out on the next unsuspecting Asian female, whose partner just happens to be Caucasian. And if you just happened to spot this on a blog, well all the better to leave a vitriol-laden comment or two. wtf.

    Anyways, yeah i tend to agree with d’s take on this, especially: “listen. people like you saying stuff like that are the reason why they run off from us to white guys man. so which team are you still playing for?”

    Well said.

  • Just detected a pest! OMG…its such a shallow n uncalled-for comments. Its a shame we still have monkeys like this exist in this civilised society.
    Ought to be shot n have the mind examined! WTF!

  • …and dear Princess Aud, please kindly delete those offensive comments should you encounter them…
    again. World will be a much better place without these menace…cheers!


  • Mike mike, you’re missing the point. the thing is…i do agree with you. hell, girls here might not pull weight with me on this one but I do believe to a certain extent that the average white man holds a certain inexplicable edge, be it charisma or card, over the average asian dude when it comes to, well, the average asian girl. that’s life. If equally capable, the average black will probably not make it to 2nd interview as opposed to the average white. that’s life.

    but you’re missing the point: we already know your point. you don’t have to state a fact man, cos…hey, it’s a fact. we live it, and some of us here even suffer through it. so you damning us to open our eyes, to change, to accept the harsh mutilating realities of life ….nothing we don’t already know and suffer for. you waving flags about it don’t change nuthin.

    the point is this: it’s not what you said. it’s how you said what you said and that in turn makes what you said derogatory and offensive. you want to tell people that asian girls dig white guys more, by all means, fair enough, start your bonfire baby. but you choose to open with ‘panties drop easily for white guys’??

    let me rephrase the context: girl wishes best friend who has a Caucasian bf happy birthday and you go, ‘panties drop easily for white guys huh’. And then you coat and wax it off with ‘but fireangel can take hits. you should too’. fireangel is fireangel. if i can take a fat bitch joke but my momma can’t, that don’t give me the right to call her one. and especially not at point blank range…and, hell, not on her birthday.

    point: you wanna say something? you wanna say something with fire and venom? shoot. but don’t say it with a nuclear warhead, wipe people out and then go ‘i was trying to make a point….a factual point!’. you talk about the rule of law. there’s also the unwritten rule of etiquette and common sense. the point is tact.

    the point is simple: you’re either a random flamer or you’ve got a cause. if you’re sincerely gung-ho and idealistic about opening eyes…then sell it. put it in a way that would reach out to people, make them see what you see, argue for what you argue….not apply petrol and zippo lighter to face and ask them to grow up and take a comment.

    now, in your mission to get people to OUR side and accept that asian guys get it bad in scenarios like these…you’ve insulted a couple, these girls, womankind and other people reading this site and shipped them off permanently to the other side of the mountain which you just turned volcanic. so i’ll ask you again: which team are you playing for??

  • btw, freedom of speech doesn’t mean anything if you don’t have something smart or right to say. you’re stopping us from attaining our freedom of speech man…

    and anti-pest…no monkey needs to be shot or taken for a ct scan, k? be cool, buddy.

  • mike. nobody’s talking about aud.

    recap: this blog post was about aud wishing her best friend hsin ee and HER AUSTARLIAN BF mitchell happy birthday (see pictures above) and then you came in and talked about panties coming off easily for white guys, instant step up for ah lians, can show to white guys konon and all that magic charm. maybe you weren’t being personal but whether she (hsin ee) was your intended target or not, you hit her (hsin ee). hard. her and many many other people. that’s why people here are pissed man.

    basically your timing’s off man. you branded someone an international slut in front of her face and in front of all her friends. and it’s NOT aud. and yeah, in case you’re still wondering, she reads this blog too.

    awesome, i thought so. anyway, just chill it man, i know what you mean and what you’re trying to say. just be more delicate with your wordplay man. if you have to spit, spit properly…and with style. don’t spit on someone’s face like that.

  • btw how the heck did you go through that entire thesis-length post of mine and thought i was referring to audrey?

  • mike… you say audrey is awesome. great. but what happens if one day she gets a foreign bf? is she then still awesome? or is she ‘pulls panties down easily for a white guy’ and ‘showing off’? and mike, you say we’re on the same team. awesome, i thought so and i say that’s great. but my cousin is married to a foreigner. so my cousin pulls panties down easily for a white guy too? you saying she’s cheap? how does that make us on the same team now?

    you’re trying to say that you were just pointing out a general observation. next time, when you ‘observe’, pick a better choice of words, place, time, and occasion. you’ve pretty much just condescended every woman in this world.

  • Dearest Mike Foo,

    Being the person that you’ve blatantly slandered on this blog, I’m just curious on whether you’re aware that I’ve been keeping up with the threads – or that your whole intention in the first place was to throw a horrible insult right into the face of someone who doesn’t even know you (and thank goodness for that), let alone did you any wrong.


    I think that pretty well summarizes up everything I have to say, and everything that d and michelle have been trying to put forth to you. But because you’ve been so generous with your words (as incohesive and inconsistent as they may be), I’ll give you a damn thesis in return.

    1) “Memang mat salleh senang dapat ah moi kat msia. Instant step up for ah lians lah konon. Can show off to frens. WTF” Well Mikey, no matter how you look at it, it just seems that you’ve either personally had some crush of yours shove her white bf in your face, or that you’re just plain bitter slash racist about the whole idea of “your girls” dating “not your kind of people”, for the lack of a better phrase. And you wanna talk about trophy partners – what, you’re telling me that they don’t do that in same-race couples as well? Eh, open your eyes BIGGER when you’re doing observations.

    2) “Panties drop easily for White men in Asia.” You should realize that you’re effectively implying your mum and sisters to be the same.

    3) “Is this communist China we are talking about? What about the rule of law? Iā€™m sure youā€™re an educated person right? The world will be a much better place if you just open your eyes and observe OK.” Hey speak for yourself, man. If there’s anyone who’s stuck in the communist ideals it’s you (do look up big concepts like that properly before you start throwing them around like you do with your ‘personal observations’). Anti-Pest may very well just be someone who highly disagrees with what you’ve said, but may not be as articulated as you in expressing his/her thoughts – but hey, apparently education isn’t enough to teach you basic manners and social etiquettes, so why are we even arguing about this hey?

    4) “Iā€™m not talking about Aud. Sheā€™s awesome.” Are you just saying that cos you’ve ran out of steam or something? Not that I’m blaming you really, because I sort of did as well – but more because I’m still awe-struck by your insistence that Asian girls turn to sluts in presence of Caucasian men. And yes we all know that Aud’s awesome, and publicly insulting her friend, on HER blog nonetheless, is a terrific way of showing how much you think she’s awesome I’m sure.

    5) “And you cannot deny the fact that panties do drop easier for white boys in Asia.” Wahey and we’re back to the whole panty-dropping business again! Look, I don’t know what sort of people you’ve been associating with or observing or panty-dropping – but just because you’ve concluded that Asian girls whom you know, or been with, or have seen around are sluts, doesn’t give you any rights – not one bit, Mike Foo – to go around labeling them as you wish. Say all you want about free speech; unless you have the decency to be respectful of others, you don’t deserve the privilege of saying anything you want. Not on public space.

  • To Mike Foo:

    As you don’t know me and I don’t know you (and based on your comments on this blog, I have no wish to), please don’t go around assuming things of me you have no right to assume.

    Case in point: my “bullshit about bigotry”

    Since you weren’t able to refute YOUR bigotry (and it’s been made glaringly clear by your comments that you are seriously struggling with this issue, along with a hefty helping of sour grapes), perhaps it might be better for you to examine your inner machinations, instead of trying to tar everyone with the same brush.
    And by everyone I mean other individuals who don’t share your racist/ bigoted views.

    As for this piece of inanity (am I to assume it to be a rhetorical question?):

    ” Tell me this michellesy, which one would you prefer your daughter to bring home? A brother (that means a black man from West Philly) from West Philly or a White boy from suburban Philadelphia? And please donā€™t give me the bullshit about you not being bigot. Pleaseā€¦ ”

    Here’s my reply: I would prefer my daughter (if I had one, again, check your assumptions Mike Foo), to bring home SOMEONE THAT SHE LOVES AND WHO LOVES HER IN RETURN. The question of race wouldn’t enter into it at all.

    And let me let you in on a little nugget Mike Foo, I do walk the walk, and not just talk the talk. My friends have dated guys/ girls of different nationalities/ race to themselves, and the fundamental yardstick of their compatibility would be: do they make each other happy?

    NOT whether ‘panties drop easier when the guys are white’/ if ‘fail white guys get asian chicks easier in malaysia or hong kong or wherever’. WTF. And that FILTH acronym makes me wonder what sort of circles you hang around in, and what sort of (literal) filth fills the minds of people of your ilk.

    Honestly, take a good long look in the mirror, inhale/ exhale a couple of times, and check your internal thought patterns with your cerebral cortex before spewing on someone else’s blog about someone else’s best friend. Who just happened to be celebrating her birthday.


  • Oh yes.. this monkey really need to be sent back to the wilds…n the brain really needed to be ‘korek, korek, korek’out and examined!

  • …n go read Hsin’s comment, word by word, hope you can understand the simple English! Cheers, Mr Mike Foo!

  • i think mike foo has scurried away!

    YAY! D is the superhero of blog flamers. Who is the mysterious man?

  • I find reading D’s ‘thesis-like’ comments not one bit boring. D.. can you write my reports for me? hehehe.. jk jk.. but yes, I say good job!! You managed to make points very cohesively and sensibly. *applause*

    *pats hsin* ignore stupid idiots la.. damn dumb can.. don’t know the whole story go make random comments at wrong places.. eesh=.= Obviously does not social etiquette instilled in him at all.

  • d, will you marry me? heh

  • […] read this blog entry from fourfeetnine and i’m just so addicted to the last video laaaa omg so damn funny. It’s basically what […]

  • some people just have nothing better to do than spout rubbish out of their mouth without having run it through their brains beforehand. tak tsk.

    well done, D and Hsin for your kickass comebacks!

  • sien ah some ppl.

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