Maybe I should make it a weekly thing to write about my day on Saturdays.
Since that’s when any of my social life occurs (if it does at all wtf)
So this weekend was spent mingling with people whose average age was 75 wtf I am not joking.
My dad’s cousin’s daughter was getting married! So after work on Friday I went straight to a family dinner which seemed to be made up of the entire population of Penang over 65 wtf.
I never know their names I just call them chim poh or chik kong.
Chik Kong on the far right is one of my favorite grand uncles.
He’s got a degree (an unusual thing for someone of his generation) and when I was researching for my thesis he gave me sharp nearly day-to-day accounts of where he was during the Japanese Occupation and May 13! And he gave me loads of papers documenting our ancestry cos he’s a record keeper like that /boo
But it’s been just a year since I last saw him and he used to be so clever and sharp but now he’s forgotten my name T___________T Haih Parkinsons T___________T
My dad with his favorite aunt I think. That’s my grandma in the middle, another grand aunt, and my aunt standing.
Favorite Aunt is married to the Chik Kong above. Their love story started during the Occupation I think and it was very sweet! Her aunts didn’t approve of him and he had to do all kinds of things to get them to give their blessings to their relationship haha.
Then the next day, I had to go for 日本語授業 which fried my brain.
No more sleeping in on Saturdays 🙁
Waiting for Mummy Ooi to take me to class.
Rushed to the dentist after class to fit for my retainer.
(Broke my first one, lost my second in Tokyo and never bothered to get a new one. Now teeth are shifting and am having visions of waking up one day with a smile that belong to Bugs Bunny wtf)
Would never do so am getting new retainers.
Think I’ve been reading too much Marian Keyes because I’m typing like her wtf.
Then rushed home and got changed and headed out for tea ceremony.
No time to do hair also T_T
In the car.
In the car with Grandma Ooi. Told her to look at the camera but she was confused.
With my mom and another aunt (I can’t keep track) You know how I vacillate between thinking I’m too skinny to I’m fat? This is one of the times I think I’m fat wtf.
With Favorite Granduncle.
With Mum again. Was getting quite bored because I have a lot of relatives and the bride and groom had to serve tea to every single one of them wtf.
Parents’ turn!
Then mine! Cos I’m not married so I have to serve them tea instead (and get angpau mmmm)
And this was right after I asked the bride for a second angpau WTF thinking I would get two aih I held out my hand for it and she frowned a bit and held it out of my reach wtf.
A bit of the dinner atmosphere.
Was trying to take ambience shots but clearly I possess not an inch of talent wtf.
The bride’s parents. (By now you should be able to tell I am related to the bride although if I saw her on the street I wouldn’t know who she is wtf)
Bride & groom! Trust me to take a nice bright shot of the parents but when it comes to the newly weds I put on the wrong flash wtf.
Cutting cake!
With mother (really getting bored now)
I like the rose bush/trees! And the candles around it at first I thought if someone knocked over a candle it would be hell wtf but come to think of it roses don’t burn (tried burning a rose petal wtf) so I guess we were safe wtf.
Really bored. Taken very hastily because there was a 15 year old kid at our table who was convinced I look like Zhao Wei and kept urging me to go into movies WTF. (Didn’t want him (or his mother) commenting on me anymore than could be helped wtf)
Hate course dinners and had to keep fighting the urge to keep going to the bathroom just for something to do.
There is only so much conversation you can make to adults about what you studied at school and what you’re doing right now.
To be honest, seeing so much old age around me scared me a little:(
You know in Buddhism there’s 5 things that Gautama sees when he goes out into the world wtf. I think he sees a sick man, a dead man, an old man, a monk.. (shit am missing one more)
Anyway of all of them I think old age scares me the most.
To not be able to do things as well as you did when you were young… or to not be independent (not that I am now since I can’t even open my own can of Coke wtf)… or the worst to forget your memories T___________T
Like Favorite Granduncle has Parkinsons and his wife has Alzheimers….and Grandma Leong (mum’s side) is also losing her memory sigh T___________T
I can’t imagine how it must be to be them and know that bit by bit your abilities are slipping away or that your memories are going and there’s nothing you can do to stop it.
But at the same time they were all so jolly and contented!
There was this one auntie called Anna who had a stroke years ago. She couldn’t talk or do anything properly and would take 5 minutes to say a sentence.
And because of that her husband and kids lost patience with her WTF and treated her like shit!
How can!
The husband doesn’t talk to her at all and her kids snap at her when she asked them for help to teach her how to speak again.
And I guess she couldn’t control her nerves very well so she burned her husband’s shirt while ironing or something and he yelled at her!!! How is it her fault! Not like she said “Hello Stroke won’t you come and attack me” wtf.
So she did everything herself and taught herself how to speak and do everything else again. Her husband still hates her wtf but she’s so full of joy and optimism I dunno how she does it.
Everytime she comes over and laughs over something I look at her and want to be her /boo
That will be my life ambition! (no more marrying rich men wtf)
To be happy no matter what happens.
Comments (31)
all small small size…=.=
aud /boo
your aunt Anna is so brave /boo how can her family treat her like that! if i were her i won’t want to iron the husband’s shirts anymore just bring the iron to his hands/face and say “EH GOT WRINKLES MAYBE CAN IRON IT STRAIGHT AGAIN” wtf “oh oops sorry i didn’t realize that was your hands/face sigh what to do got stroke before sigh” wtf
grandma ooi is very the bery cute!! 😀 😀
oh and “And this was right after I asked the bride for a second angpau WTF thinking I would get two aih I held out my hand for it and she frowned a bit and held it out of my reach wtf.” is so audrey ooi hahahahahah.
how much is your 日本語授業? and where ah wtf.
hmm.. had been a silent reader of urs.. am glad to c someone change their own perspective of life.. and facin the same situation myself.. though its juz the start.. but am having fun wif it.. and good luck in ur search of happiness..
so many couples have their wedding dinner today.. My cousins, a blogger’s cousin…aiyo…
in the future when we live next to each other we must make sure to put “your soulmate” on our door in case we forget wtf
i swear im destined to get grey forever T_T
the rose bushes so nice! your life quite fun what can eat so much wtf
But I thought rich = 95% happiness? hee-hee
is that the hotel near KLCC ? it’s on the first floor i think ? ballroom. cause kind a familiar for me. keke. nice dress.
the uncle looks really friendly! Bravo! Sigh, it’s good that she’s so optimistic but not a good thing ppl take this for granted hmmph
at first i thought your mum was your aunt, then i was thinking furiously why does your aunt look so familiar… the first thing i thought of was that she used to teach me in school hahaha. then i decided oh okay la i know already she just looks familiar cos she looks a lot like your mum! whom i saw at the edu fair!
then i read your caption again.. haih
your grandma very cute!
hey! congrats to your dad’s couz’s daughter. when’s your turn? =D…
wtf stop typing like helen walsh and lola daly ahaahhaaha
i love the last line of ur post so sad and happy at the same time /boo mine is ‘thing is, i just want to be happy’ and now you also got ur own happy line /boo
told you you looked like zhao wei already LOL. the eyes la the eyes
i think it’s true that we must find happiness within ourselves… it does not come to us voluntarily but be rest assured u seem to come from a family of great humour and disposition which is greatly feared by evil turns of fortune because their torment leaves no brand on such people, yay u’re invincible~
Why you never tell the bride the extra angpao’s for Barry then keep it wtf
Next time when we’re old let’s all play mahjong daily to keep our brains sharp /boo
Li Tat can play congkak
I say the same thing… no marrying a rich guy, only for love and happiness, but every time I pull another 10 or 12 hour work day with a headache to boot, I go WALAO WHY AM I DOING THIS TO MYSELF SCREW WORK I WANT TO MARRY A RICH GUY AND BUY MYSELF CHANEL STUFF!!!!
hahah – why you try to con the bride into giving you double angpows!
and were you that bored ar, trying to burn rose petals haahahahah. were the people at your table giving you funny looks or not!
and it’s really sad, people getting old and not getting any understanding/ empathy/ compassion from their family. where got children tell their mother to shut up and go away when she asks for their help to speak T__________T
You can be happy… and yet marry a rich man at the same time.
aunty anna was a partner in a law firm before she collapsed one morning in office during her 30s
Fat Ooi: Uncle , do i have your permission to take your daughter out for dinner? I promise to bring her home before midnight….can ah? pls pls.. LOL…
u related to the bride? Your uncle also indian ah? Your family is a very happy family =)
aaawwww.. you have grown up! after reading your last few paragraphs. it seems like you have understood the reason of life.
it is not how much money you have in life but how much happy moments in life you have.
so enjoy life to the fullest and i am sure you will find someone to fall in love with.
good luck and best wishes..
grandma so cute la ^^ ..
and i can certainly see the similarity to the bride side.. lol.. (actually – if you tell me you are from the groom side i would believe you also…^^:)
im a silent reader (omg why do i sound like a stalker .. wtf) and i think you look like a beautiful mix of vicki zhao wei and ayumi hamasaki. so the 15 year old kid was right when he said that you go into movies 😀
aud: haha not stalker la! wah zhao wei and ayumi /boo actually both also very pretty /boo
I don’t know your auntie Anna but she’s my hero too 🙂
I don’t know if I’d still stay married to a man who scolded me for my disability caused by a stroke. I’d disown my children too if they ever snap at me for taking two minutes to finish my sentence 😛
I hope I’ll be able to teach my (future) children to be better than that.
aud: ya i think if any of us did that we would be missing the most basic self respect for ourselves:(
this is random, but i like your hair!! T____T
aud: awww thank you! it’s quite normal tho wtf
y’know… you actually DO look a bit like Zhao Wei… except she’s er… more tha na little bit taller. 😛 *runs away*
My 4feet9 Aud!! For a moment I thought it was my eyes playing tricks or the light in my room. Arrr….your cousin married a non-Chinese! Wonders of wonders cos it’s so hard to find someone ideal of the same race already.
Your aunt Anna (God bless her) is the way she is because she needs her sanity. I wish her family treats her better!