Edit: Sorry everyone I know I haven’t been very good at answering comments lately:( It’s taking all my time to even update my blog. Promise I will answer when I get my time under control!!
Update #1:
I watched Mamma Mia! Nuffnang was kind enough to give some of us tickets, and when Mehlin stood up and announced “WHO WANTS TO GO FOR MAMMA MIA” I am proud to say I was the first one to jump up, stick my hand up and shout “memememememe” wtf.
It was so so so good! Clearly I am a big ABBA fan so I knew all the songs!
And I sang along to all of them wtf.
I was seated between Darren and Edmund (much to their dismay wtf)
I think Darren actually liked the movie! Cos we both laughed at the same things (possibly he is even more easily entertained than me).
But when I looked over at Edmund he was either smiling ruefully or had his fingers on his temple WTF.
But when I started singing into the right side of his face that’s when he edged away from me wtf.
Then when I peered over to look at Desmond his face was a mask of grimness hahahaahahah certainly not his type of movie wtf. (Before the movie he asked casually “so what is this movie about” and I told him “it’s a musical” and watched his face freeze hahahahaha)
But Jerry apparently loved it! Cos when I came back to the office after a meeting he had on the Mamma Mia soundtrack
And had it on for the next five hours *grim
Until *I* the most enthusiastic supporter of ABBA finally told him to turn it off or I would go nuts wtf.
Update 2:
I scraped my car against the pillar when parking in Pyramid today T_T
HAIH fuck this shit la! I hate driving! I hate parking!
No matter how many times I reversed and went forward I remained in the same spot *grim
Then in the end I scraped the side of my car against the wall aih.
I tried reversing but the side went “kreeek” again wtf.
Haih how can I defend women drivers when I myself suck this much. Sorry Mount Holyoke I have let you down I cannot be feminist wtf.
How ar! What if the paint comes off and my car rusts! (and I get tetanus wtf no la kidding wtf)
Before this I was thinking of repainting my car to a cuter color but I found out its a whopping 2-3k to do it so I thought “never mind it’s a luxury I can do without”.
But now my car also so much scratches already i really feel like painting it.
Can I paint it myself ar wtf.
I brought it up with Jam and Carol separately.
Brush-stroked car wtf.
Haih maybe I can buy spray cans and spray myself ar. The type graffiti artists use wtf.
Another day (of driving) tomorrow *gloom
Comments (19)
why dont u blog about me anymore please savour the opportunity im leaving in 3 days wtf
haha nevermind la, practice makes perfect! last time i also alwiz scratch my car one. aijo, havent watch mamma mia, must go watch already.
wa u bang yyour car again…geng…
aud: ya seriously this is what u get when u bribe your way into passing the driving test wtf
sooooooooo soooooo reminds me of our karaoke session!!!
aud: oi chris do u know our redbox videos are on youtube!
but brush-stroked car very unique also okay.
if you spray sendiri tak serata then later 5 years on some of the paint still not dried yet HAHA
aud: then the paint run in the rain wtf
hmm.. paint yr car black..that way the dents and scratches are less noiceable..or i can drive for you, but for a small fee, of course.. ;p
aud: need to pay dowan wtf *kiamsiap haha
see grey again i tell u it’s me against ur blog now wtf
anyway nvmla u drive so long then only scratch, quite good edi!!
aud: from the sound of it my brother nearly had a stroke when he heard wtf
Actually if its a small scratch can heal one, bring to those polishing sifus and they’ll do faerie magic for you one wtf.
That day I wanted to paint black, but then black need to maintain /wuwuwu
aud: whats a polisihing sifu can i buy one wtf
I scratched/crashed my first car million times when I first started driving wtf. And I’ve used white out, nail polish, pen, and all sorts of stuff to fix it myself *proud
aud: nail polish that’s a good one!!! i have a color the same as my car imma try!
poor desmond. he must be damn kesian when watching the movie as it’s not his cup of tea. hahaha.
tell desmond to “Take a Chance” lol.
aud: hahaha ya good joke robb! very very nice right the movie!
do not spray paint your car with regular paint cans. it would eat into your clear coat and makes the original color dull and create rust spots.
if you do plan to fix the small scratches, first off try a polish and then wax it. if the scratches still show, you can go to a dealer to get touch up paint that matches your car and paint over the scrathes and repeat the polish and wax process. however, touch up paints are not cheap, so.. its your call
i suggest you just leave the scratches as is if you do not wish to send the car for a repaint by a workshop.
what if i leave the scratches there and they rust!
DIY paint, come lets do it!
aud: if not nice im taking ur car!
Aud you were at the movie meh? I was seated at the back. Didn’t see your head also?
aud: FUCK OFF LA MEHLIN HAHAHAHAHAH how could u have missed my singing wtf
Hahahah poor baby there there
Help you paint rainbows and flowers on your car to hide the scratch 😀
aud: *brightens. can we /beg
i was there at Mamma Mia screening,
saw you but din manage to say hi.
i sit between 2 strangers…
not really, 1 is just know when i was there. i singing along and tapping my finger like sohai only…
only those that listen to ABBA will entirely enjoy the show…
the movie is really good~~~
Money money money… must be funny
that’s what u need for ur car T_T
it will never rust if there is no metal show.
all cars get a primer coat that prevents rust before they actually get the color coat. so if you only see the primer coat. then the car will never rust from that scratches.
however, it is advisable to purchase the touch up paint to touch up the scratched area.
the problem only occurs if your scratch passes the primer coat, then in this case, you would need a pro to repaint the door. a touch up paint would actually harm the paint becuase it would capture moisture and eventually cause it to rust at the scratch location.
fyi – primer coat is always different color than your actual car color.
hi…good morning to u…coming here to read ur blog…wishing u a nice day…
i love mamma mia too! i’m a huge ABBA fan as well since primary school wtf
oh u scratch ur car. I lose the rim cover the other day and park with 40% of the car outside the bay, virtually everytimeT_______T