
Protected: The reason

To everyone who left sweet, encouraging comments on the previous post:

Thank you so much.  You don’t know how much it means to me to hear all those comforting words especially at a time like this.

To be honest, I had been contemplating shutting down my blog for weeks.  I have been very caught up with work and work isn’t a very safe thing to blog about.

Also, there have been some things going on in my personal life that I don’t feel like talking about.  At least not for the time being.

So I had nothing to blog about.

At the same time, as some of you might already know, there have been some very hurtful and ungrounded things about me flying around the Malaysian blogosphere.

Again, as some of you might already know, I am seeing someone who’s also involved in the blogging world (god I hate describing people as bloggers but you know what I mean)

Somehow because of that, a lot of people have been saying very mean things about me/us: calling me slut, saying I’m sleeping with him for his money and he’s sleeping with me because I am “influential” whateverrrrrr *black woman hand signal wtf

Oh ya a lot of them also called me midget and bimbo what is the big deal I call myself those names all the time wtf.

But the one that irked me the most was this person who posted a link to a picture of me and some of my coworkers and said “look at her wardrobe malfunction (the top of my white bra was showing a bit but wtf ok I wardrobe malfunction my whole life ok) and look at her head resting on the guy’s shoulder so slutty” WTF I wasn’t resting my head ok!  Is it my fault that my head comes up to the level of everyone’s shoulders!

The person went on: “I used to think she was really cute and funny but now I just think she’s a slut.”

That really got to me because all this commenter had to do was to read the mindless ramblings of someone who sounds very judgmental and bitter, to change their mind about me.  And the person who blogged about all this crap about me — if you read his posts properly, nearly every sentence contradicts the previous one.

He said that I’m sleeping with someone for money.  And that someone is in turn sleeping with me because I’m influential?  Isn’t this a win-win symbiotic relationship then wtf.

But anyway, what got to me was the fact that people were so happy and eager to believe the  worst about people they don’t even know in person.  Everyone has been lapping up every single negative thing that has been said about me, just by reading one or two accusatory posts by one person against the hundreds of posts I have written the past 5 years.

It has been the hardest thing for me to realize that people may not be inherently good after all, and that they might be actually happy when they see someone else go down.  Maybe they think, thank god that’s not me.  Or maybe it’s just because when someone else falls, they think, one less person to compete with me on the way up, I don’t know.

So that’s it.  What upset me was not so much that people were bitching about me, but that they were just so EAGER to.

That’s the story.  That was the catalyst that pushed me to consider protected posts, but I have also been wanting to write down how I really feel for the longest time.  Maybe this will get me going again.

Comments (36)

  • you should’ve named this post ‘whatever happened to the separation of class’ HAHAHAHAHA


  • *classes wtf

  • wtf is the black woman hand signal can you please videoskype me and show me what it looks like.

    i love you aud /boo and i hate the fact that some people are taking pleasure in making you upset. they deserve a kungfu flying kick from a sumo wrestler wtf and die in a pile of horse shit.

  • Aud, dont be taken down by these people or this person. they just want to see you feeling hurt and be happy about it. so what you should do is…. just ignore them (which i know is difficult) ..then try to just be yourself no matter what they say~ those who know you (your friends) and your loyal readers here will always believe in you and support you till the end. Well, at least i will~

    keep on going Aud. you’ve got my support~

  • In case you didn’t get the e-mail I sent ya a while back, here it is again.

    “Dear Miss Audrey Ooi,

    Don’t let those anonymous cowards get to ya.

    Cheer up k?

    Victims Of Abuse By Anonymous Bloggers Support Association
    (V.O.A.B.A.B.S.A.) President wtf”

    I know 100% exactly how you feel because I kena right before you did and not only that I kena a lot worse than you did. 😉

    It is not your fault people are gullible and naive to believe the worst in people, ignoring the truth.

    Just be happy that whatever you do, there’s someone out there copping it a lot worse than you did. 🙂

  • seriously if i ever find out who that person is imma pour acid on his/her face i am not beneath it wtf.

    i’m here 🙂

  • Hey Aud,
    i know u duno me in person so i wanna thank u for letting me read your post.
    Do cheer up and what i wanna say is exactly the same as what Christyn had to say.
    Okay,Ima being lazy only.
    Well,we(your faithful readers) do believe in u and support u too.
    DO blog more abt your life and your feelings. We would be pleased to share your up’s n down’s

  • *mumbles incoherently*

    Those people must be jealous because they *think* they are better and yet they are less popular hahaha what losers.

    Btw how does a black woman hand signal look like.

  • tze i join you you pour on face i pour it on his family jewels wtf.

    after i first strip his skin with a fruit peeler WTF

  • some people are just mean aren’t they ? i guess we all want to see and believe that everyone has something good in them but o well.just continue doing what u do to hell with them! 😀 they’re probably too wrapped up in their own deluded world anyways.

  • opppss…* i think i missed a full-stop ‘.’ wasn’t asking u to hell them coz that wouldn’t have made sense now would it ? 😛

  • jammie: HJAHAHAHAHA separation of the classes HAHAHAHAHA

    carol: why u so violent hahahaha watched too much slasher flicks ar wtf

    christyn: thanks that means a lot /boo

    kenny: haha ya seriously how did you get through that yours was 10 times worse T3T

    tzeching: like the vengeful indian man u secretly are wtf. i love u!

    djdrift: thanks for commenting! if you guys wanna read i will still blog la..

    karyn: hahaha mumbles incoherently wtf. i dunno if its cos they thikn they are better..but alot of ppl said they’re jealous but i dont know why they would be.

    christina: hahaha maybe those people are just in a category of their own wtf. losers with a capital L wtf

  • hello! great post good job! u should put this up publicly actually, the arguments are very well written. i hate the blogosphere sometimes. most of the time. i dont know why we’re a part of it anymore. it’s hard to think that everyone isn’t out there to get you when blogging revolves so much on competition and money lately. no thanks to u know who wtf

    not that im complaining about you know who/what but i wish people will still think that blogging is not a freaking competition. and i wish it’s not such an evil world out there. where everything is nice and there are rainbows everywhere and cotton candy and candy mountain and charlie and his missing kidney wtf GEDDIT

  • i don’t understand the black woman hand gesture wtf is that supposed to be the middle finger ??

    i read the entry that guy did on you -_- i don’t even understand what he was saying until i read this post wtf. don’t be too worried over it cause blog gossips die down after a while (eg. the DY vs XX thing died so fast) =) i bet they’re just jealous cause you’re cute wtf.

  • oh this violent side is just a side effect when i feel all protective over people that i love don’t you just feel so honored and privileged wtf.

  • *heart love you babie ! Those who know you knows you.

    WTF damn say equal no say but u know what i mean

  • OMG…I have been in a similar situation while on LUCT & it was so ridiculous! Me, being one of the few angmohs there had the impression within few “angelic girls” that I’m the bad, sinful, slutty white bitch that SURELY sleeps around, SURELY drinks all night and is just a bad influence and a complete slut! I was a virgin at that time, I haven’t been drunk yet and the most sinful thing at me is my love for sexy lingerie wtf. -_-
    But know what I did? I smirked into their faces and let it go.
    Stupid people will remain stupid but they’re NOT worth your feeling hurt! 🙂

  • *hug hug

    u know i’m here for u no matter what fourfeetnine wtf

  • honestly, i’ve no idea what’s the latest gossip in the blogosphere and not even keen on finding out, though i’m very curious who’s the special someone you’re seeing right now! but hey, try your best not to let those stupid idiots upset you. stay strong woman! you’re still very cute and funny 😀

  • As all have said above, don’t you dare listen to all the craps that people say about you that is bad.

    They are just jealous and probably wants lots of pageviews and stalkers like you have with your blog but they can’t get it, so they just talk bad things about you.

    BOOOOO! To the gossip dude!

    *glomp hugs* enjoy life without noticing idiots :3

  • Dramanya. I didn’t know they are people going around saying things like that. Well, just brush the haters off and don’t let them get to you. They have way too much time to be focusing on other people’s life.

    ^And that was kind of awkward since I don’t know you personally lol.

  • people always say what they like.. it doesnt mean the things they say are true or that you should listen to them..
    chin up! =)

  • Personally, I think those haters just have nothing else better to do than to poke their noses in other people’s affairs. Just ignore them, I’m sure they’ll get tired of it eventually and move on to their next “prey”. Idiots.. Hope you wont stop blogging, ’cause I really love your style of writing! Stay cool.

  • Oh yea
    hw is d black woman hand signal le?
    Would love to c it..
    Can post a pic of u doing d signal?

  • you guys are seriously hopeless lah! even a chinky nerd like me knows what a black woman hand signal is. 😛 (but i think i watch too much jerry springer)

    you do the black woman hand signal when somebody said something to you so fucking downright ridiculous that you don’t wanna even waste your time and saliva arguing with them. so what you do is you…

    1. put your left hand on your waist
    2. raise your right arm to your front, relax your hand and wrist
    3. in one swift motion, rotate your hand half circle into the “stop” gesture with your palm facing directly towards that person
    4. while you are rotating your wrist, tilt your head left and right while at the same time say “WHATEVER!” in your worst African American accent.

  • hahahaha @kennysia!

    i want to know how many people actually tried doing it after reading that!

    *raises hands* i did! hahaha.


  • hey aud thx for letting me read this post =) what i want to say is i still believe and support u! love your writings and all, do keep up your blog and dont let whatever people say get to u too much (although it does to most incl. me) =( there are always people in life who will try to put u down but at the same time there are always people who will support u no matter what =)

  • i have no idea what you’re talking about but *HUGS*

    and thanks to kenny, now i can laugh properly whenever you type the black-woman-hand-signal! lolxx

  • it’s okay you know! just do whatever you want, cos you’re living for yourself. i guess there are always some idiots out there who feel shitty about themselves and they need to put others down just to feel better. don’t you think they’re pathetic? so why bother with pathetic ppl? it’s hard, but hang on becos you are not gonna get down by these irritants! 😀

  • mmm..same wid me here,i hv no idea who r u refering to n wut happenned 2 u my poor gal b4 i read dis post.but i realli hope u’re alright nw 😀

  • Me too.. not aware of these rumours going around… Some people just like to build their happiness in other people’s misery and these people are pretty much living in their own world of fantasy. I believe everyone of us here read your blog long enough to know that you are nothing like the nasty words that person put on you. Cheer up ok! These gossips will die down eventually…

  • hello,
    there are bound to be people who likes to hide behind their com and say the vilest things about others. don’t let them get you down! rumours will die down, i believe. stay strong.. and screw them!


  • blogsphere now is totally different from what it was 4 years ago. it’s hard to find quality blogs now. most of them are competing to be “famous”, that’s why they don’t care what way they use to go “up” the ladder. after the birth of blog advertisements, blogging is all about money only. no more writing like they used.. i think it’s a sad thing cos most of the bloggers now don’t write for themselves anymore.

    for your case, just don’t take it personal.. they will look for another target after they’re bored with one. *winkz*

  • hi aud thanks again for sending me the password.i know what you are talking about and my advice is don’t care too much.i know it’s kinda hard not to care about it.but with this password protected post you can write down how you feel whenever you feel like writing.cheer up 🙂

  • like ive said before dont u dare to quit blogging!!! i’ll come your hse hunt u! lol. cheer up girl, there are lots of evil ppl out there!!!! agree with tze, if we know who is he, we shall pour acid to his face!

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