I’m back from Hong Kong!
Will update more tomorrow because it is raining very heavily now I must go sleep before it peters off!
But first a sneak peek… at Disneyland Hong Kong!
My pictures are back to normal size!
The point is to show you the Disney bedroom slippers on my feet! Not very clear but there’s a gold embroidered Mickey head on each slipper very cute!
Not surprising that I stole the slippers (so did Tim wtf)
And a Disney pen! Was contemplating taking the bathrobe and notepad paper too but better not develop thieving habits.
We bought books to entertain us on the flight there and back.
It is clear which book belongs to who.
That’s right, everybody wtf.
Ok la sleep first!
P/S: I don’t get why everyone goes on and on about how P/S I love you is so damn good and Cecilia Ahern rocks their socks because I didn’t like her writing at all! Very stilted and I kept getting pulled out of the scene to analyze what she was doing wrong because I thought it didn’t engage me at all! Characters were too one-dimensional and Holly wallowed in self pity too much. There were some mildly funny parts but I thought she was trying a bit hard to be funny! AND I DIDN’T CRY AT ALL WHAT IS THIS
ME! The girl who cried through 200 or so pages of the Kite Runner, and watched and cried through half of Walk to Remember TWICE and who sobbed with Angela “uhuk uhuk” when we watched Ghost together.
So all in all it sucks and if this is what the book is like I can’t imagine how terrible the movie must be >((((
Comments (31)
some pics not showing :\ anyway abramovich is AWESOME and owns the most AWESOME club ever hehehehhheheeeeee hint hint chelseafc 😛 anyway yay macau!
i caught the movie and….. fell asleep. am very guilty of sleeping thru movies. cos very sian mah! da vinci code.. my bestfriend’s girl.. even dark waters omg.
omg. aud in jeans.
love the jacket!
babe i’ve missed you /boo
p.s. i preferred “where rainbows end” 😀
why u didn’t mention we cried while watching beauty and the beast too *die die want to be included wtf
and why tim read such a boring book hohum
yeaaaa !!!! I READ PS I LOVE YOU TOO ! Didn’t like it alsooooo! Also recently I’m reading this book by Gemma Townley ! have u heard of her ? she damn dman damn copy Sophie Kinsella but not even 1/100 good wtf.
“My pictures are back to normal size!” as the caption for that picture is just.. very funny. I don’t know why! hahahahha
abby: oh ya biggest chelsea fan in the world hahahaha
ron: hahaha but i liked dark water! the jap version la i dunno about the ang moh one.
carol: which one is where rainbows end? about what wan?
suet: oh ya we did wtf. yalah damn geeky
angie: riiight@! dunno why everyone says its so good! haven’t read gemma whatever what does she write about?
KY: why everything also u laugh hahahaha and why everything u say also i laugh back wtf
hey which hotel you stayed in disneyland?i know bout those mickey slippers and all. my father stole all the cute amenities and slippers hahahaa and its mine 😛
i went there few years back ~~
try and read the “Twilight” series then. it’s so engaging and romantic and exciting at the same time.
the movie is as bad as the book. ):
& i cried thruout Walk to Remember too! like so many times thruout! hehehe~
yeah i dun get the fascination about ps i love you either. and twilight is even worse -.-
they are not engaging at all! *feels cheated*
or maybe i’m just turning old and cynical.. sigh.
christyn: i think its the disneyland hotel! not the disney hollywood one
vee: ya i heard from some ppl that twilight is good! they said very teen romance but nice
jadez: ya like continuously cry right! even if you stop, the next scene will have something to make u cry again = =
cheryl: isit! shit maybe we are getting older T_T
looking forward to your macao/hong kong post 😉
check out ‘where rainbow ends’ by the same author. i read the synopsis and thought it was good.
Goodness, are those your eye bags?
wa i hate PS I LOVE YOU. i couldn’t stop rolling my eyes when i read it. PRETEND TO BE PRINCESS IN A CLUB? *ROLLS EYES* in fact it sucked so much i think the movie was actually better. though whats her name actress is quite ugly.
GOODNESS!!!! The book is disappointing, but don’t judge the movie by the book. THE MOVIE IS FUCKING AWESOME I SWEAR! I cried to half of the movie. And I’m someone who finds A Walk To Remember boring!
*through. And gerard butler is so handsome! 😀 Watch it lah. Can download for free, no harm.
it’s about best friends! who take like forever to see the light.
YAYYY finally there’s another girl who hates chick lit like me wtf.
Audrey, i also wanna stay same hotel room with u.
hmm, so nice.
omg i loved P.S. I LOVE YOU. i cried through it. hahah.
I can’t remember whether I cried while reading a walk to remember, but I cried over and over again for the notebook (both the book and the movie) T__________________T
yeah the book sucks big time seriously! i totally agree with the part -she is trying to hard to sound funny! i mean hello! it is not funny at all! haiya i also don’t understand why people sing such high praises about cecelia ahern!
gotta agree with ya, i think ps i love you is not as good. but if its not good why would tat be on the top 10 purchase in all the book store!!
how weird is that!!
Movie is worse than the book. the only reason why i cried reading the book was coz i broke up with my bf then, damn emo >.
didn’t read the book, saw the movie. movie was a tear-jerker.
my sis (who practically has a heart of stone for other ppl’s probs) said the book made her cry even b4 chap 1 is finished.
i dont knw her lar. i dont like chick lits. so dont really believe
Wah, at first I thought Tim will be reading the Billionaire book, ah well, I also bougth P.S. I Love You. lol
haha so cute, you took the slippers 🙂