
deng zhe ni hui lai

#19: 4 March 2009

My picture today is not a picture but a video.

I was talking to Jammie this afternoon about old TVB dramas.  One of my favorites was one called “Time before Time” which was about a very very sweet love story between a guy and a ghost trapped in an umbrella for like 20 years or something wtf.

Ok la sounds stupid but I loved it ok!  Very funny and sweet I promise.

Anyway Jammie and I were googling TVB clips on youtube and I came across this video.

It’s a ghost story right, and it was set in the 1940s so the song in the video was one of the songs in the show.

And the video (no connection to the drama at all) is fucking creepy ok!  I love horror movies and don’t usually get nightmares after watching scary movies but this video just freaked me out I dunno why!

It’s been a long time since I’ve felt this kind of fear! wtf. (Fear that I’ve lost my wallet and things like that doesn’t count.) The kind of fear that makes you afraid to even look behind you lest you see something you don’t wanna see T__________T

Even now when I’m linking the video here, I can’t bear to have it load fully and I paused it right at the beginning so I don’t have to face any of that scary shit again wtf.

After watching it, I said to Jammie: “uhhh so what happens now that we’ve watched this scary ass video….”

Jammie said “you mean what if the ghost comes and looks for us?!”

We got even more paranoid when we found out that the youtube user who posted that video only had that one video up and nothing else T_________T

Doubtless, Jammie who hates all horror is more scared than me.  But she had a great idea wtf. “Let’s post it on our blogs so when everybody watches it the ghost will be so confused and won’t come looking for us” WTF

So there you go everybody happy watching and let’s all be safe in our beds tonight ohmmmmm. *huddles

Comments (41)

  • so…
    i’m the 1st one =.=”

    meaning the ghost will still look for either u, me or jammie..
    33% possibility lol.

  • wa that was creepy especially the ending.

  • hahaha this is brining back memories. the only thing i can remember about the show is that song and the ghost’s sulky face… why did she use to sulk?? i remember she would always throw tempers and go back and hide in her umbrella.

    i sang tht song for china night!!
    eh wait different one wtf mine was from ah niu




    *exits page*

  • OMG.

  • eh..after reading your comment about the video, i didn’t even dare load it nor watch it… hehe..spare me the scare please, i’m sleeping alone in my double bed please…

    but i do love this song though…(nope, i’m not linking it with any scary movies)

  • scared me too! I didn’t dare load the video..hahaa..

  • wow a technologically savvy ghost who knows how to upload videos to Youtube! Now that’s a compliment!

  • THANK GOD MY UNI CANNOT ACCESS YOUTUBE VIDEOS!!!!! Cuz I will let it load and do other stuff then only watch…after watch only read. So now that I have to skip the watch part, I get to read and be warned first.

    So sorry Aud, as much as I want to help u to make the ghost confuse, I can’t. Cuz I’m staying in my hostel and I don’t need a horror video to make this place even more creepy at night thankyouverymuch. Especially if I sleep alone. =x

  • hi Aud,
    I went to this old singer’s grave before in nirvana memorial~ haha and you know what? they built something like a piano out of stones and then whenever someone stand on a certain place, this song plays~~ lolz kinda creepy if you’re there alone or if you’re there at night huh? haha i guess they put it cos its her famous piece of work~

  • liren: yay u saved us! from 50% to 33% chance now!

    kagome: ya the ending gave me chills!

    pinkpau: i think cos the guy used to cheat her a lot to try to get her to predict lottery numbers for him ar wtf

    suet: damn scary right! last night i was thirsty and took like 10 mins to convince myself to go downstairs in the dark to get water T_____T

    angie: yea the end was the worst!! im damn scared of qipao ghosts now T3T

    carol: WTF! hi carol! bye carol!

    devina: yea T_T

    cindy: i used to love that song too! now the video’s ruined it for me

    sarah: haha u have to watch it!

    bernice: yea don’t look down on supernatural beings ok!

  • ping ping: hahahaha so cute why u say sorry hahahaha

    chris: ARE U SERIOUS? the singer is malaysian? i didn’t know that! shit damn creepy what were u doing touring at the nirvana memorial!

  • WOW.. that’s an excellent piece of horror! Beautifully executed, tastefully done! Compared to horror stuff these days…

    I didnt dare to listen to it though, I watched it when it was fully loaded and fast forwarded it reli2 quick… hahahahaha… but still DANG IT WAS A SHOCK!!!

    Gud stuff audrey! 😀

  • haha yeeesss it was one of my favourite movie too! but the song is scary! lol, not gonna click on play 😛

  • lalala~~
    my company block that video~

  • she’s so freaky of course whoever she’s waiting for forever bu yao hui lai WTF. OMFG I JUST SAW THE ENDING WHAT IS THIS!!! omg omg omg.

    and her red fingernails T________________T so the whole video is actually abt her waiting for her umm… head to come home?

  • OMG! I love that show too! And thank goodness I read your blogpost first before watching the video. So yayness, I didn’t watch it. So now the ghost will haunt u peeps, and not me. Nenenepupu~ 😛

  • i dont know why i always relate this song to some ghost scene even before i watched that video and yea in nirvana they have her grave there, but nirvana is a nice place to visit, apparently they bring tourists there too… haha

  • fuh i’m still alive

    ARE YOU ARE YOU *shakes your shoulders

    hahahaha why do we like to scare ourselves! cheap thrill wtf *acts nonchalant

    (ok i slept with all my lights on yesterday and tat said if i called him one more time he’ll send a toyol after me :()

  • audrey..everyday i ll come back to this blog.. no worry bout that..

  • oh gee aud, i think i got even more frightened in anticipating what was the creepy thing abt the vid from reading your description.. so i was scrolling up and down to avoid watching fully..

    then i saw the reason why it was so creepy. Just as the vid ends, my phone suddenly beeps!!!aaaggghhhh.. now i’m wide awake when 10 mins ago i was half asleep.

  • *LOL* I used to watch that drama series quite a number of times 😀

  • eh i watched the video and was quite creeped out leh (i love horror!!) but then last night i had the best sleep i have had in weeks! what does this say about me wtf. maybe the ghost has gone to some other reader of yours

  • LOL extremely funny post..

    but scary video.. =_=

  • Aud, i dint go touring memorial park laH!!!!! eh dont say me like tat. she’s a very famous singer for the old days so you know they have signage there telling where’s her tomb so my parents got curious and went to see..She’s not a Malaysian. But married to a Malaysian> Yea so thats the story. hahaha as far as i know..her name is BAI GUANG (mandarin)

  • why i don’t find it scary one? lol. is it really not scary or i’m just abnormal? -.- i think maybe it’s predictable hahaha what if the ending is something like broken head from car accident with the black cat licking in the box or the headless ghost suddenly jump to the screen (to you) screaming creepily then i think i’ll shit on my pants wtf.


  • IM-ed my housemate the url of this vid and 5 minutes later she ran out of the room screaming, knocking my room door down and scaring everyone else in the house wtfwtf.

  • Ah is that the drama about the girl ghost trapped in an umbrella? I love it too, remember watching it when I was quite young! x

  • I concur! This song is like the freakiest and creepiest of all time and it will never fail to give me the shivers everytime I hear it. Thanks so much for posting the video, and being the curious idiot that I always am, I am now officially scared shitless.

  • i heard about this video on once. and even as they were describing it on radio, i think it gave alot of listeners chills. summore go air it during hungry ghost festival. wtf. haha
    so yup. never went there. and dont intend to click play…
    and the song reminded me of the show “skeleton key” urgh.

    and that day i was eating chicken rice in jalan gasing, they played the song and i told my mom, “this song just ruined the chicken rice for me”.

  • lol
    i dont dare to click on the link. its scary posting this kind of shit ! ^^
    now, its attached in ur blog 4ever (the ghost) -_____-

  • WAH FUCKING SHIT! it was okay until she opened the box…then i looked away and out of the corner of my eye i saw the scariest shit in my life T_____________T

  • except you can see her chin when she’s taking the roses out of the vase T_T

  • Ahahah I love that show too!
    I think the title was ‘7 ji mui’


  • My friend showed this video the day before you posted this. I was surprised when I saw you blogging about this.

  • HAHAHHAHAHAH m i the only 1 who find the video funny? T.T especially when d cat ran away from her LOL but y is she wearing her wig on at d end without her head?

    the tvb series was ‘dai lao gwong cheong long’ or something not ‘7 ji mui’ ^.^

  • Come to think of that, dai lao gwong cheong long sounds more familiar XD

  • Iv seen this mtv before on TV.. so no need to get freaked out =P U made me rewatch the series! She’s sulky all the time cos she got killed and doesn’t get to be with the guy she loves, so i think thats quite understandable

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