(no better title)
Ok I am here to bring you a community service message!
A friend of mine, See Wei,went to the True Fitness gym at Jaya 33 on Labour Day (1 May 09) at around 6pm for a good invigorating workout wtf.
After working out, he got into the shower for about 10-15 minutes and when he came out, he discovered that the padlock on his locker (number 347) AND his entire gym bag (which contained his cell phone and his wallet) were missing.
He made a report to the gym management and also to the police. Police told him that this is not the first theft case reported from that particular fitness center.
Although it’s stated in their contract that the management will not be held liable and that usage of lockers are at the members’ own risk, See Wei is very upset (and rightfully so) because he doesn’t think that the management has done enough to discharge their responsibilities:
1. They failed to inform/alert the members on the theft incidents;
2. They failed to provide minimal security to the members’ belongings; ie. cannot expect the members to run with their laptop, wallet and cell phone. Or expect them to carry these items to shower;
3. Despite numerous incidents, they failed to improve their security level.
4. They were negligent and irresponsible despite the fees charged – See We and his wife paid about RM10k for the membership fees and trainer.
In total, See Wei lost:
a) Phone and contacts
b) IC
c) Driver’s license
d) Bank cards and credit cards
e) More than RM1,000 in cash (!!!!!)
So everybody, please be VERY VERY CAREFUL when you go to the gym/fitness center to work out. Especially this particular branch since the Seapark station police have said this is not the first incident.
They suspect that this is an inside job since the whole padlock was gone, although nothing has been proven.
But just be very careful of your belongings! Leave unnecessary valuables at home and bring as little cash as you can.
– Brought to you by Fourfeetnine wtf.
I think I’m getting over my emo depressive state!
Workload has still been going strong wtf but right now I feel better equipped to handle it — maybe it was just PMS!
Ally, Jammie and Chapfanzhai came to visit me at work the other day.
Ally said “do stupid faces!” but out of the corner of my eye, they both looked like they didn’t change poses at all so I just smiled nicely. You can be sure they berated me properly for that wtf.
Btw Chapfanzhai is Latat hahahaahaha. His favorite food is chap fan (mixed rice) and every time they come visit me he always hopes we go for chap fan hahahaha. And if we do, he takes forever to get out of the buffet and to pay wtf.
Oh and Ooib and Suet are back from Germany and the US respectively! Ooib, with a tiny cuckoo clock with a pendulum that looks like a penis wtf from Freiburg (where he studied) and Suet with Stila makeup for me!
My skin is getting so good these days! It’s all brighter and more even and my pores are less visible!
My mother says it must be the vegetable juice that she’s making the whole family drink these days because even Fat Her of the enlarged pores and pigmentation says his skin is brighter and fairer now!
Hi Dad!
But I think my mother just dumps any random vegetable/fruit into the blender. I usually hate vegetable juice but the one she made yesterday tasted okay.
So I said to her “eh this one’s okay. What did you put in this time?”
She said “banana.. tomato… broccoli… purple cabbage….”
WTF. I didn’t feel like drinking it anymore 🙁
So either it’s the juice…or my new Dior Whitening Repair Essence wtf.
My new favorite game wtf. It’s the square-arranging puzzle to make a proper picture and it’s on my fake China iphone (as you can see, I didn’t get a free iPhone from Maxis wtf) I got hooked on it while waiting for Tim to pick me up one day. I’ve mastered levels Easy and Medium and now I’m all set to conquer Level Difficult! *hero music
Btw, I dropped my pink fake China iphone on the floor on a coffeeshop and the screen cracked. It’s a touch screen so I can’t use it anymore. But I’m using my mother’s white one now so it’s okay. MLIA wtf.
HAHAHAHAHAHAAH has anyone seen the sequel to fmylife.com?? It’s mylifeisaverage.com WTF and it’s even sadder and more loser-ish than fml hahahahaha my new favorite site.
The power of morning sunlight! And enough sleep! And BB cream! And vegetable juice wtf.
Comments (31)
haiz, security these days are so bad. may be the gym should do a locker in every bathroom haha. kesian ur friend…
It seems your friend has good grounds against the gym management. The warning clause is not all that, if they were indeed that negligent and failed to take certain measures to help their own customers. Maybe he should complain or get legal advice (law student alert >.<).
Now im going to blend myself a cup of vege juice because i want good skin too hahaha
hayley: but it wouldnt have made a difference whether the locker was in the bathroom or not cos if they wanted to, thieves would still break the locks:(
elle: ya actually he’s planning to sue. i’m just helping him to spread the word:)
I feel blonder after reading your blog heeeheee.
Eh hello uncle remember me i was the one who met you outside tim’s place you look so glam there!!!
*swoons like fanboy*
Wow, thanks for the alert. My bro go for his gym there as well. Gotta warn him… I like the square arranging puzzle too. But i cnt find it :(. Where you got it? Can send me the .cab installer file? Thanks!
AHAHAHAHA CHAPFANZHAI! IT WAS INSPIRED BY LATAT LA but the bugger never bother updating it also basket. waste jammie’s time setting up the blog for him only. i think jam n i are going to contribute to the blog more than he does wtf
ps. the profile pic of you very nice your curls so nice /boo
i prefer ure other hair =( this one makes u look older. no more that cute dolly audrey .____.
Omggggg your hair damn niceee!! And that picture of you is so pretty!! I think I need to drink broccoli juice too, my skin so bad! T_T
wow… u look sooooooooooo pretty in that picture!!!!! very cute! =)
Yes, u look pretty and cute in the picture..
by the way, u haven blog about the extension wor..heheheh~
hair looking fab babe!
I used to love reading FML everyday and I really liked laughing at people’s misery..lol..but then the stories felt more and more fake each day. Its like they’re just trying to invent stories up..hmm..I guess I’ll switch to MLIA from now..oh I have a question.Do you trim your bangs by urself? They grow very fast don’t they. I trim mine too but sometimes they look funny..hahhaa
<3 audrey ooi u look very pretty in the last photo!
wei, don’t scare me lah, I go to that particular branch pretty often too yo. 🙁 but anyway, this is not the first time i’ve heard of theft cases @ the gym, whether it’s in this gym or the other gyms in Malaysia. most of the time, i believe it’s an inside job, cos for fitness first, the padlocks are provided by the gym and the gym has the spare keys some more…
most gyms now paste this “warning, pls don’t use combination padlocks and use locks > xx (forgot the exact number) milimeters in size” but I too don’t think that that’s enough…. if they really want better security for the members then the gym should have a sign-in kind of system to get lockers & keys. a bit mafan, but that way, if something goes missing, it will definitely be the gym personnel at fault, and not a possible theft by another gym member…
btw, your hair looks really nice in the last picture!
u look so pretty in the last pic! haha
I like ur hair! so pretty =)
hello gorgeous /boo
your glory days are returning wtf
hmmm… the gym’s management is not good.. lol.. better put security guard at the lockers!
lol i noticed you “wtf” many times.. haha.. =D
haha your dad’s pose very yeng! =D
HAHA nice skin! natural morning sun is the best for taking pretty pictures! 😀
AND YES! MLIA is actually more loserish hahahahahaha
oh, so you’re using bb cream.. i was considering whether to purchase it or not, since it has such a magnificent result on you, i think i’ll give it a try.. congrats on the recovery of your face… but i’m sure you’ll still look pretty…
i think the hair extensions powered you up kao kao. whatever it is, jia you! 🙂
and what vegetable juice ah? hahaha.
the last photo really nice 🙂
i wanna ask my mum to make vege juice as well d..wtf
hahaha we always bumped into each others in Bukit Bintang’s area. Sorry about yday. I was rushing. Was late for movie!!! Haha.
And you know what, besides your pretty hair length. the curl is damn cun okie! do you apply anything on it to make the curl stays?
I tried 2 fitness centres before, Fitness F and T Fitness.
I got 1 month pass in Fitness F, on the 3rd week before I signed up, I met 4 or 5 (I don’t really remember) GUY staff chit-chatting in Ladies (what the heck?!). One of the Malay girl was really frustrated and hided at the corner, because she was half naked, only have a towel! And so I didn’t join fitness F.
And then, I thought T fitness might be better, before I sign up, they actually gave us (my bf and I) 2-week passes, this time almost the same thing happened again.
I came out from shower room and I totally freaked out when I saw a guy was only a few steps from the shower room, he was in locker area. I only have a towel, he was frightened and ran out. Later on when I came out from Ladies, he was there waiting for me and say “Please please please don’t complain to my manager”, then only I realized he’s actually a staff!
The excuse was not acceptable, he said something was wrong with one of the padlocks and he thought nobody’s in the Ladies, he thought I’m stupid.
Since then, I doubt if I will really join any fitness centres, maybe just me, shit luck -_-“
yh: u groupie!
victoria: it’s in my phone:( i dunno how to send it to you cos its a fake phone wtf
eeflin: oh HAHAHAHA well i thought he would blog more hmph wtf
gin: don’t wanna look that young la T3T
huiwen: awwwww /shy yea try la i didn’t believe it until i started seeing results wtf
lalala: thank u!
elaine: oh yea! but i dunno how to blog about it cos i didnt take any pics!
nadnut: thanks babe!
sarah: ya sometimes i wonder if they’re true too! and yea sometimes i do trim my own bangs cos i get annoyed if they get too long
ally: thank u dear <3
leech: ya i don't think someone would pay 10k for the chance to steal other members' stuff right. be careful ok!
yh: aww thank u!
cassandra: thankew!
carol: yes thank u extensions!!!11 wtf
kenwooi: hahaha ya wtf is my signature
strawberrified: i know right morning sun! ya MLIA is more loserish cos they have nothing to shout about but they still die die want to try hahahaha
cindy khor: actually bb cream has very very light coverage! and after 1-2 hrs it wears off and u basically look like u have no makeup. but if that's what ur looking for give it a try!
ron: haha any vegetable juice. my mom mixes a lot of veggies and fruits into one juice
raymond: hahaha i can't imagine your mom's face when you ask...
vvens: haha ya u were walking so fast! there's a spray to keep curls intact but i dunno if they sell it in msia. i got mine in japan but i hardly use it anyway haha
violet: wow that's pretty bad =0 good luck finding a good gym!
I dont know if this True Gym in KL is part of True Spa & True Yoga in SG. But this TRUE chain does not hv a good reputation in SG. I dont know about security but they hard sell their services like crazy. This is one chain I will avoid at all cost.
Hmmmm…u can blog where u get it……hw much u get it…….how many binds u put into it…..
most importantly how u style it!! hahahahah~~~ :p
psst i actually work with the company! haha wtf.
From the way you wrote bout it.. I think it’s inside job too… *Ggrrr* Some more.. the membership is super duper expensive some more 😡
Aww you look cute!