AudCamwhore AudSocialButterfly AudTourist

Blog Awards!

Return of the prodigial blogger! wtf

Got back from Singapore on Sunday afternoon but I decided to spend the rest of the day lounging around catching up on mindless series (aka Gossip Girls) *glee and doing toe stretches and reading Fmylife wtf.

Ok now got time to blog about Nuffnang Blog Awards!

I thought it was very very well organized!Β  I didn’t know what to expect; actually I didn’t really have any expectations and I went there it blew me away!

I loved all the little details especially the different songs they chose to play when they showed the nominated blogs πŸ™‚

And everyone dressed to the nines πŸ™‚ I thought it was going to be like my high school prom with guys coming in open collared shirts and random jackets thrown over and girls would have glitter sprayed onto their updos wtf but everyone looked so dashing!Β  And elegant! And classy!

I took sooo many photos I don’t know which ones to post!Β  Ok I try to put at least one photo of every person.Β  Here goes!

(I stole alot of pictures from Facebook ok everyone!)

My shoes!Β  Which didn’t go with my dress.

My dress was cream colored and I was going nuts trying to find the perfect pair of cream shoes to go with it.Β  Do you know how hard it is to get cream shoes in KL!

Answer: incredibly wtf.

Anyway I went crazy already and grabbed a pair suede fuchsia pumps with orange polka dots and thought whatever I will just be weird that way!

This is my outfit, or a half view of it.Β  My dress apparently looks like wedding cake.

Do we look like we’re getting married! *commitment phobic

No la kidding! *hastily

This is us in front of the big photo backdrop.Β  Looks like redcarpet /boo

With the Nuffnang PH partners and wives all of whom I think are adorable <333 Eric, Pam, Joy and Jay.

Canon brought in a photo printer to print all our red carpet photos on the spot.

That’s Jay and Joy’s photo coming out!

With Redmummy who looks like some celeb diva.Β  Do you know she has her own makeup artist who does all her makeup for her including that night’s look!!!

Huai Bin!

Oh do you see my clutch it’s a free makeup bag from Biotherm WTF.Β  I was going to carry a gold purse then I realized this striped pink pouch (which I use to store my contact lenses in) with random makeup icons on it matched my shoes more!

Ringo said I damn unglam πŸ™

Blurry cos I didn’t want to turn on my flash πŸ™Β  Nic, Redmummy, Budiey, Hanis, Cynthia and dunno who WTF sorry bad with names πŸ™

With Aileen? Eileen from Nuffnang Singapore.Β  I think she’s damn cute!

With Beautifulnara who’s damn goofy and cute.Β  Like Redmummy I know their real names but I like calling them by their fake names can or not wtf.

Stole this from Zues off Facebook!Β  Why his camera so nice the coloring so nice I look so fair wtf.

With Jo!Β  She was wearing this amazing hair piece with a huge flower I think.Β  Are hair pieces in fashion now!

See I have my cream top hat.

And Redmummy has her own little black one!

Tim and one of his Pinoy readers, Hannah!Β  Pretty huh πŸ˜€

She calls me Princess I don’t think she knows my real name uhuk uhuk.

With Ginny, Simon, Vvens and Natalie!Β  Ginny I had to use this photo cos mine came out all blurry T___T


Adele and Tzia!Β  Why both so good at posing look at me and Tim *shifty eyed.Β  Oh Adele’s dress matches my shoes

Dweam! Who is like ten feet tall.Β  And Kenny!Β  Who is like ten feet wide WTF.Β  With me who is like ten feet under FML.

Some of the MY team: Carol, Cheng Leong (sorry you not Nuffnang wtf), Tim, Pinky, Rina and Vernice.

Ringo!Β  Crap every time I take photos with her I sure look like shit.

Shit so many photos starting to regret posting all.

That’s Bridal Tux, Bali Princess Dress, Layer Cake and… wah Benjicajess is that a lace dress? *salivates

Jay. With Ah Bah.

Yo hello Bryanlyt!Β  I’m so proud I remember your name!

Sorry everyone I am atrocious at remembering names T____T I dunno isit that I’m not an audio person or what cos I’m also quite bad at remembering things I’ve heard but I have to meet you at least 3 times and have meaningful conversations with you at least twice (then go home and write down your name) until I remember T_________T

So I’m very very proud when I do remember!Β  Especially since I do try hard but if i don’t see a name written down I forget it almost immediately :((((Β  But if I’ve seen it written down before I can probably remember your full name wtf.

Crap like this guy.Β  Sorrie T____T

I remember that you came all the way from Penang for the awards and so did your friend but I can’t remember your name T_________T

And this!Β  My hero wtf.Β  I think her bag’s from the same range of Samantha Thavasa as my wallet *shiny eyes

I was so awestruck to meet her!Β  But I think I covered it up quite well ahhh my life is complete now wtf.

Tim and Ming got interviewed by NTV7.Β  Is it out yet?

Sorry no pictures of Ming to save space so of course give priority to my boyfriend wtf.

Kenny calls this the Suet pose!

Ringo, Kenny, Kruppy, Guppy and Grace.

A lot of excitement about our VIP table.

Oooh this is the ballroom of Pan Pacific Hotel.Β  Part of it anyway.Β  Look my hero is there! wtf

Opening speech.Β  Ming’s like “uh huh got that bitches?” wtf.

Smoked tuna!Β  Food of gods

The people behind Bonito Chico who won Best Blogshop!Β  All so gorgeous *apage

Ok. I think she won Best Fashion Blog.Β  Lady Melbourne!Β  Hope I got that right…

Best Mom Blogger!Β  I mean parenting blog.Β  I know for sure because she has a baby *proud

Best Entertainment Blogger!

(lazy to put up more award photos sorry)

Of all the nominees and winners.Β  Shit la who took this crappy offside photo.

Actually it’s my camera so it was me WTF.

Eh wait it’s not me there I am in the front with the hat wielding Kenny’s big ass camera!Β  *turns slowly around and looks at Tim

Jay, Eric and Jojo!

Tim and the SG Nuffies.

My turn with them!Β  Stupid they thought I cannot remember their names.Β  Elaine and Elise ok!Β  Think what, i didn’t go home and write down your names isit.

Wei Zhi from Kampungboycitygal!Β  She gave me a bow necklace that she had because I said once that I was going to buy one but it was too expensive T____T Thank you Wei Zhi!

Here I am clearly tipsy my face is the same color as Violet’s dress.Β  I was awestruck too because I love her blog and she’s like the fucking most creative person in the world.Β  Plus how can anyone not like himegyaru fashion <3

This Grace ok!Β  She brought me outside with Martyn and Sherman and made everyone take vodka shots!

Oh all right Grace I was so happy to see you too /blush


Hahaha we all get Letter L’s cos we didn’t win anything!Β  Only Kenny gets to put a W on his head.

Ok the end!

Next post, I will talk about what we did the next day and finding my new love, Phillip.

Comments (62)

  • Haha Audrey! Ok we believe that you remember our names!!

    I saw both you and tim’s update from my feed and I decided to read your version first!

    The next time I see you, I test you again ok? πŸ˜›

  • Awwww, That just looks like a ton of fun! πŸ˜€
    Everyone is so glam, I like! πŸ˜€

  • wahhh you looked good that night, love the little tophat <3

    i so know what you mean by names! i suck at it unless they spell it out for me and i can see it spelled out in my brain. =(

  • u were surrounded by lots of ppl so i didnt go up n ask for picture! felt intimidated ><

    wanted to tell u this though, u looked cute in that outfit hehe πŸ™‚

  • Both you and Tim do look like you’re gonna get married in the fourth photo! nice pic!

  • hahaha aud your post damn funny right. like you’re always losing your way through the post every here and there.:D love the bit about turning back to look at tim. AHHAHA. πŸ™‚

  • Ahaha she might have assumed your real name was Princess because that name is very common in the Philippines. I have a number of Pinoy friends with that name ah wtf.

  • ei babie! the Z sth guy damn cute ah ! arrange my dinner w/ him tomorrow night *packing to go msia”

  • the suet pose!!!! HAHA!

    wooo everything looks so nice and fun :((( /envious

  • LOL what Angie said

    Awesome! The event is glamorous to the max! I like how you are not afraid to appear odd with unmatching shoes.

    You are still my favorite blogger, Audrey!

  • Aww you look pretty in all the photographs aud! Don’t know why you say you don’t look good beside Ringo. I think you look gorgeous.

    Btw..Xia Xue is 4 feet 9 too?

  • Wow that looked like a totally awesome night. Very glam yet not snobby! You looked gorgeous! Love the little hat.

  • I like the photo streams =)

    With the Biotherm bag it suits with ur shoes and dress. So no worries~

  • I.

    Sorry! T_T

  • wuahahaahahaha πŸ™‚ yes dearie is a lace dress, *shifty eyed*. u kno sumth funny, since i have d same hat as u, if i were 2wear it on dat nite then i’d look unmatching. u look jst fine, chill πŸ™‚ oya i’ve a pic of us too in my bloggy w kenny gatecrashing behind wtf

  • wooots i see myself! and and! you remember my name! πŸ˜€

  • agreed with angela!!
    the last photo is funny.i thought L is for the Death Note character XD

  • i wanna nom nom nom your dress~ <3

  • HAHAHA! i love the 10 ft tall, 10 ft wide, & 10 ft under… Damn creative la weih~

  • I love your creamy little hat! Where did you get it?? And also your polka dots heels! So cute!

  • that;s not my pose!!! since when i pose like that! since when!!!
    the bonito chico girls damnnn hot la! i like the black lace dress omg damn nice

  • You look so cute…but hor….Why the hat is on your right? I think on your left top is nicer ler…

    Anyway, you look so nice!!

  • awww…i wld really like it if the shoes and the bag matched the dress. then you would look perfect. =)

  • the last photo is awesome!!

  • the last photo is the best!!!! omg, can redmummy see anything with that eyelashes???

  • HAHAH NO NO “L” is for GLEE not for loser WTF okay okay /turns of gleek mode.

    hello love you look so pretty in the photos! and you’re not ten feet under you’re just five feet under WTF GEDDIT GEDDIT? wtf.

    do yo need more camera lessons arr.

  • haha i like the 10feet caption too! And I really like how all the bloggers dressed up according to their personality!

  • Hahaha I was way starstruck by you, I can’t believe you even knew who I was! I love your blog πŸ˜€ Hime Gyaru for the win! I hope we get to have a proper catch up soon, you should take a holiday to Oz!

  • oh no… you’ve publicly incriminated me! hahaha.. NO… IT WASN’T ME! Hahaha… well, I hope you had fun, and was kinda sad that we weren’t on the same tour group.

    Wells, hopefully see you in Nov with the family.


  • Princess!!!

    hahaha yes Audrey I did not know your real name at first hahaha. there was a time I went into a blog hiatus and I was not updated with the blogging world for a while haha It was lovely meeting you!!! You’re so pretty, pretty and very approachable πŸ™‚ Truly a princess πŸ™‚

    And I though that was really your name because you really look like one πŸ™‚ Cheers!

  • hahahahaha love ur post on d awards!!! u made it sound really funny!!!

  • I still love you the best:)

  • haha my dress match with your shoe hahaha! and what la where got post you made me looked at that pic again and again & i think tzia and i looked like some bodyguard of yours and tim’s pfft

  • why you call yourself layer cake! hahah funny la you aud. didn’t get to catch up with you in SG πŸ™

  • Opening speech. Ming’s like β€œuh huh got that bitches?”
    How did u came up with caption like dat…damn funny !
    Nice pics by way @@

  • hai 4feet9, wah u look so sweet laaaa

    hahaha love your post, so funny wtf (telah berjangkit dengan wtf :p)

  • hey out of curiosity, y is xiaxue ur hero?

  • Yo Audrey, I’m real happy for you. Imma let you finish… but Sunflower Bakery in Penang has the best layer cake of all time…. OF ALL TIME!!!

  • elaynne: ok now i remember how to spell ur name too!

    lisa cheah: it was fun! πŸ˜€

    puripuri: ya i think that’s what they call visual memory!

    jacquelyn: intimidated nonsense T_T we already met so many times!

    chefmel: haha thanks!

    jayelle: hahaha what do u mean i lost my way?

    ashley: oh really? haha so cute if there was a real name called princess! princess ooi wtf

    angie: hahaha ok i tell him. thanks a lot for only wanting to fly here for random guy wtf

    pinkpau: she denies it but its so her right! wish u were here πŸ™

    bernice: aww thanks! <3

    lilxcute: haha she's 1cm taller than me!

    pinkpaperplane: thanks!

    tianchad: haha thank u!

    benjicajess: haha is ur hat the same color as mine!

    bryanlyt: of cos i see u around all the time!

    weiqi: ok i tell him he has 2 fans on my blog wtf

    cheesie: i wanna nom nom nom you~ <3

    teycindy: HAHA thank u! wish u were there πŸ™

    gypsy-on-the-move: i got the hat at sinma! haha. the shoes were 50% off from a store in sungei wang

    suet: ya they damn hot everyone was staring at them when they went up!

    elaine: haha right or left got diff wan ar!

    chris: haha i was worried id look like one big cream blob if my bag and shoes all matched!

    bjk: i know!

    yumii: i guess so hahaha if not she'd be knocking over things

    carol: yes i do! still not pro at it wtf

    lucy: haha i never thought about that! so how did the individual bloggers match their personalities?

    violet: i was in Oz a few months ago! i met candice but not you πŸ™ i wanted to discuss himegyaru with you ;_;

    grace: we weren't on the bloggers tour at al πŸ™ but nvm see you next month!

    hannah: thank u! tim and i thought u were really pretty too πŸ˜€ see you again hopefully!

    melody: ahaha thanks!

    adelene: awww i wuv u too

    pinky: ya i knowwww T___T nvm u coming back right!

    joeyt: hahaha his face totally looks like that ma!

    viruspadu: hahahah thankewww

    victoria: haha cos i think shes really funny and smart. ok la more like blog idol than hero

    boss stewie: *speechless and waiting for pity

  • heyyyyyy…..there’s a photo of you and I in my blog during the event.
    Great to see you in person!


  • Actually Elaine is the correct spelling. Its just that its too common, so I kinda changed it to Elaynne πŸ˜›

  • I think you must be super happy to meet xiaxue! You two should be able to become BFF perfectly! xD

  • Wow the lady in the red has really intense eye makeup! lol

    Your pictures always look so amazing! I think you look the best out of all the girls πŸ˜€

  • points at KY and laugh out loud. hhahahahaha πŸ˜€

  • yerr you never reply me.

  • huan zhu gege’s husband aka the prince is marrrying someone elseeeeeeeee T__________T

    btw u didn’t give me ur add ! i cannot send b4 i leave for vegas adi !!!

  • haha, *pat* you will win next time ^^ kick kenny away first (he is the big threat LOL)

    You look very tipsy indeed

    Kenny always behind you guys do funny pose *check that out behind you and cheesie*

  • i love the last pic ^^ n i love your dress ^^ u look so pretty!!!

  • Awesome dress you have! Suits you perfectly!! Love love love your dress ^^

  • Oh you came to Oz? Stupid me living in Brisbane, I miss out on all the cool visits! I need to move to Melbourne, Candice keeps telling me so ^_^ If you want to discuss Hime Gyaru feel free to email me: I would love to hear from you!

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