Last Sunday I woke up with horrifically swollen eyes!
I have no idea what caused them because I NEVER get swollen eyes even if I cry bucketloads the night before so I was quite terrified.
Luckily they calmed the fuck down wtf in two days or so. And the weird thing is! My right double eyelid has always been thinner than my left one so sometimes when I smile you can’t see the eyelids.
But now they’re both so balanced! After I got swollen eyes by eyelids somehow got thicker and they’re staying thicker! Magical!
Ok nobody else will notice it but me but never mind let me be happy about having balanced eyelids ok *low IQ
Anyway pictures below were taken before swollen eyes so excuse me if I’m not that pretty HAHA.
You know all you lucky bloggers who went on the tour to the toy museum and Royal Selangor and everything?
Better appreciate it! Cos only bloggers were sponsored for the tour! Technically I wasn’t there as a blogger so all us non-bloggers couldn’t go for the tour.
We went to the Singapore Zoo!
Me, June & Bonnie standing in front of some scary birds.
They were all squawking and going berserk behind us! Under my megawatt smile is actually pure fear that the birds would have shit in a rage over my head wtf.
Tick tock tick tock! Haha remember the crocodile in Peter Pan? He was my favorite character 😀
The white tiger was one exhibit that made me feel really sad 🙁 I stood there and watched him for like ten minutes and the whole time he was just walking up and down the cliffway 🙁 Up and down up and down. When reach the edge, he turns back and walks again.
Like he had no more meaning in his life cos he’s in an enclosed space, no need to hunt anymore, nowhere to run and be free :(((((
Somehow after the white tiger I felt damn sad and walked around mostly by myself 🙁
But this turtle with the lunging neck made me smile 🙂
(btw that’s the bow necklace Wei Zhi gave me!)
Fucking hate reptiles.
HAHAHHA the hippo!
Forgot what the proper name is but this is the ballerina hippo because it can’t swim and its body is too dense to float. So what it does is it tiptoes along the river bed hence the name ballerina hahahahaah.
Guess who!!
I kept singing songs the whole time in the zoo. Do you realize there are tons of songs about animals?
Like I saw a llama and I started singing the llama duck song wtf.
Thanks I really needed to know that wtf.
Awww hi Kanga!
Live animals very dangerous wtf.
HAHAHAHAHAHAH did anyone watch I.M. Weasel and I.R Baboon!
The song goes like this: you don’t need pants for a victory dance, cos Baboon’s better than Weasel! wtf.
HAHAHAHHAHA he doesn’t care that his schlong is hanging out for the whole world to see cos he’s chillz like that wtf.
I’m happy to see you.
Actually I was trying to look like the figure in the middle!
Me and Tim.
The whole group!
Oh so are you ready to meet my new love? :))))))
Everyone, meet Phillip the sea lion!
“HAHA iz funny you go grrrrl” HAHAHAHAHAH
So cute ok he’s listening intently to his trainer!
Ok fine more like he’s actually stretching himself to get nearer to the fish bucket the trainer had with him -_-
They tried to make him do this trick where he would lie down then they’d put a piece of fish in front of him.
He was supposed to resist the fish because apparently sea lions cannot resist food wtf. But everytime they placed the fish in front of him he’d scuttle forward and gobble the fish up hahahahaahha.
Think the trainer used up a lot of fish to try to get him to do the trick but he never succeeded wtf.
Also used up a lot of fish on the stupid stork behind him! Every time Phillip did a trick, he’d get rewarded with fish.
And every time Phillip got some fish, the stork behind would step up smartly to the trainer asking for fish too and he’d get it!
But I guess if there was something with such a big beak behind me I’d give him all the fish I had too wtf.
But fucking freeloader ok this stork hahahahaa I thought I was the only one who noticed but everyone else commented on the freeloading coattail-riding stork too hahahha.
My Phillip so clever!
He knew how to clap his fins and shake hands too!
How can penguins compare with my Phillip.
Poor polar bear 🙁 His area was half airconditioned half open air. Sweat so much until his fur discolored ah wtf.
Q: What’s a zebra?
A: The biggest size!
Last but not least, a very rare, precious and important specimen.
Man with chiselled abs WTF.
Comments (26)
I don’t see one. >.<
The schlong and I am happy to see you ones are classic. Laughing my ass off which is not a good thing to do this late at night. Laughing keeps me awake. =(
Yay! So I am not the only one!
When I was younger, I made my own “double eyelid” but pressing it into shape! And I believed it worked, but my mum really think I am deluded.
So, now I know it is possible to alter eye shape! Yay!
YA where’s ur umbrella! arent u scared of being dark =0
i love zoos too i want to go to a zoo i also like sea lions but whats the difference between seal and sea lion wtf
the cleverest animal is the walrus in 50 first dates ok
hahaha the ballerina hippo is too cute!! I love animals! 🙂
‘what’s a zebra?’ MUAHAHAHAHAH!! i rike the hippo!! so cuteeee!!! but the tiger memang very kesian la. i agree with you v.v
yealo, where is your umbrella ella? XD
didnt know that singapore has such amazing zoo….i love zoo!!! ah…the polar bear is there too? how about lions? heard the lions can only live in africa..but i tot in madagascar cartoon, the lion actually live in the central for sharing. love your blog.
whoa! Man with abs!!! 0.0
The most amazing specimen ever!
hello audrey! =) first time comment here. just very curious to know…in pic #6, the reptile has 2 head or it’s just the angle? thanks =)Have a ‘cute’ and happy day *_~
i saw d bow necklace! i still have a pink one and a blue one still <3
Omg!! Used to watch IM WEASEL AND IR BABOON too!! Hahah. Do they still have that cartoon :(?
Oh btw where to get bow necklace? So cute!
“Live animals very dangerous wtf.”
hahahahaha so funny laaa hahahaha
i takyah pergi zoo dah, baca blog u jer cukup dah :p
weiii ask Tim to remove his mole lah! now is 90% padan; after remove is 99.1% padan! :DD lolz~
why ur bow tie soooooooooo cute wan….yerrrrrrrr..i want!!!
you got tht top during chic pop ryt…u look greaaat in it!! =D
btw, i was the owner of the booth tht u got the top from ;p
ooo… so that’s where you guys went. haha!
anywhere else?
huai bin: NO! my umbrella was locked up in tim’s car when we left so i couldn’t get at it T___T
lisa: if you use eyelid tape enough sooner or later you get permanent double eyelids 🙂
tze: WTF what walrus hahaaha. seal is smaller. i googled seal and got heidi klum’s husband WTF
sharon: ya there was a baby ballerina hippo too!
yumii: umbrella locked up T3T
heedsidek: there were lions too! but they were asleep far behind so cannot see properly
canny: HAHA i know!
oneink: now that you mention it, i dunno! i think one end is his tail hahaha
kampungboycitygal: where u get wan so cute! everyone’s asking where u got it too 😀
M: ya hahahaha damn funny wan right!
viruspadu: ahaha have to go la.. my blog experience not real!
cindy: haha why i don’t get it!
xinyi: ya my frd got it for me!
weiwei: yea i did! i love it! actually i loved so many things from ur stall 😀 do you have a blog shop?
dylan: no zoo took up the whole day! did u have fun?:)
Oh! Too late. You replied all the commenters.
Anyway, I thought the polar bear is the most kesian. I can’t stand equatorial climate, how can air-cond provide the same cold temperatures of the cold arctic???
and the white tiger too… just reading about how it’s hopelessly fenced in an enclosed space makes me feel angry.
why do animals have to suffer in the zoo like that? :[
IR baboon iz the awesomest. huhuhu
hey aud, I wanna know where to get the cream hat or something like that ? i am searching up and down for it.
Haha…the hippo looked funny!
haha..yea. i realised the other end is its tail after looking at it for the 8th time ‘_____’ thought was some mutated species, get very curious.LOL
haha.. looked like a fun outing to the zoo!! the hippo’s funny!! and i can imagine it tip toe-ing as per your description!!
babie u look damn pretty in the pix w/ tim! hahahahaha and the monkey seriuosly damn chillz ..
zen wtf
wth….the babbon fucking around…wtf….wtf…haha