I think every blog post from now on will be a List.
Do you wanna know what my new favorite site is?
I promise this is related.
I always have one site or another that I go crazy over!
First, it was fourfeetnine.com WTF.
Then it was Lolcats !
Then FML .. then Mylifeisaverage although that only lasted a mere 3 days because the people writing in were just too sad wtf.
Then My Dad is a Fob hahahahaha because every dad in there reminds me of Fat Her but with worse English wtf. My Mom is a Fob isn’t as funny I think because moms / women? wtf in general are smarter than men? HAHAHA
Oh yea and who could forget about My Milk Toof !!
But right now (and it’s been my favorite site for quite long now) my favorite site is….
One of my readers recommended it to me because she said it was full of random quirky facts that I would love and I do love it!
It’s a site full of lists of facts that are totally random and obscure. I especially like the history ones 😀
Now when I need a break or I’m at home chillingz like Mild wtf, I read a list or two! And I learned so much random info *glee
See this is why I like lists.
In 1835, John Batman settled in what was to eventually become Melbourne, Australia. He named it “Batmania”. Two years later it was renamed Melbourne in honor of the Prime Minister, Lord Melbourne.
While most male birds do not have “external genitalia”, some ducks have penises up to 14 inches long!!!! They commonly rape the females who have adapted by developing a vagina with three paths, two of which are “dead ends”. They have the ability to close off the true vaginal canal and send a rapist’s sperm into a dead end at will. If the rapists sperm does make it into the true vaginal canal, it is shaped like a coil and can be compressed to turn away unwanted insemination.
Duck genitals – 92450924852, Condoms – 0
And the other day I was talking to Hui Wen about Roaccutane and she told me that Roaccutane which is used to cure severe acne is not an antibiotic but is chock full of Vitamin A.
I’ve heard that Roaccutane has some side effects like dry skin and lips though because it’s a very strong dosage.
And then the next day I logged into Listverse and saw an article called “10 More Incredibly Bizarre Mental Disorders”
I copy and paste for you.
PibloktoPiblokto, Pibloktoq or Arctic hysteria is a condition exclusively appearing in Eskimo societies living within the Arctic Circle. Appearing most prevalently in winter, it is considered to be a form of a culture-bound syndrome which is a disorder (usually both mental and physical) which occurs in a specific culture or community. Symptoms can include intense hysteria (screaming, uncontrolled wild behavior), depression, coprophagia (poo eating), insensitivity to extreme cold (such as running around in the snow naked), echolalia (senseless repetition of overheard words) and more. This condition is most often seen in Eskimo women. This syndrome is possibly linked to vitamin A toxicity because the native Eskimo diet provides rich sources of vitamin A. Similar symptoms have been seen in Westerners with vitamin A toxicity.
Yesterday there was this damn interesting article too! Top 10 Modern Human Addictions.
Many people consider that an addiction must be physiological, but it has become very common these days to see the term used for anything which becomes obsessive. Thus one can become addicted to pornography, gaming, and all manner of unrelated (and definitely not physiological) things. This list looks at ten of the most common addictions of modern man.
One of the addictions they mentioned was “Sitting” wtf. It explained that most of our modern jobs and daily lives require us to sit down – sit down at work/school, sit in the car, sitting down to eat, etc.
This addiction however can be very subtle, and can be a surprise to those under it’s influence. If you are sitting while reading this, consider how often you seek a seat. Do you stand at the bar or sit? When visiting friends, do you instantly target the sofa? While on holiday, do you explore your location or sit in the sun?. Do you prefer outdoor games or video games? Extreme lengths of time spent sitting can also lead to the lazinessaddiction featured at #10 as it can be much harder to get up and be motivated for work once you’ve comfortably sat down.
I think I have this addiction!!! Every single time I go somewhere I find a place to sit down even if I’m not tired! Go into a shop, nothing nice to see but my friends are browsing, I’ll inadvertently look for a couch to sit on. If meeting people at a restaurant or something I’ll always be the first one to plop into a chair, preferably the booth kind with cushion wtf. And I get very upset when other people have seats but I don’t :(((
Number 7 was addiction to trivia WTF.
Most of us love to learn and understand things, but how often do we absorb tiny little bits of inconsequential trivia? More often than you may think! Tv advertisements and billboards coax us with facts and figures, magazines deliver tantalizing tit-bits of scandal and gossip, and the internet fills our minds with thousands of facts – some of which are completely wrong. How many of us read the daily newspapers today only for it to become ‘yesterdays news’ tomorrow. The world is full of trivia. A trivia addict is often someone who’s main pleasure in life is to memorize random facts and spout them off to onlookers in an attempt to make themselves look good, and who often dreams of winning the pub quiz or a game show for a huge cash prize. Trivia buffs often wallow in small-talk, gossip, and rumor and sometimes aggrandize subjects the rest of us care little about – such as Latin names for plants and points scored in sports games from 30 years ago.
FML clearly I am this one too. But I don’t dream of winning a game show la cos my luck sucks like that wtf. But it’s not my main pleasure in life ok I assure you T___T I just think it’s fun T_____T
Number 4 on the list is addiction to sex WTF. Number 3 was addiction to being Cool.
Cool is everywhere, and can mean anything from ‘being in with the in crowd’ to being completely unique in ones self. Similarly, anything can be used to promote ‘cool’ and to receive that ego kick and a boost to the self-esteem by recognizing it. Thosea ddicted to ‘cool’ buy the right toothpaste, wear the right cloths, have the right hairstyle, buy the right car, the right fashion accessories, and the right furniture. A serious addict will seek out ‘cool’ jobs (such as a theme park attendant, a volunteer, or a web site designer), a ‘cool’ place to live – and a ‘cool’ building to live within (such as a studio or flat), even going so far as to choose a deliberately ‘cool’ holiday destination (e.g. Amsterdam, Venice, or the Grand Canyon). Cool addicts are sometimes quite shallowpeople, sometimes with a strong need for social acceptance.
I actually know people like this!!! I wondered why they never said or did silly wacky things, or followed the trends so closely they could be arrested for tailgating wtf. Or they would get offended if I laughed at them even if it was just a joke. If this was a true addiction, it’s fascinating to think that there are people like that who have this*boggle eyed
Oh yea and the Number 1 addiction was the Internet who isn’t a Net junkie these days anyway boringz kinda expected that.
Ok I will stop being a geek now.
Sorry la I’m addicted to trivia okay Listverse says so! wtf.
Comments (18)
Thanks for the listverse link. I love trivia as well – looks like i’m a fellow addict too!
Nice glasses baby. Are they Chanel?
Whoa I didn’t know that about birds and ducks.
Hey, there’s also a similar mental condition affecting people in Borneo (where I come from FML) called “koro” (Wiki it).
It’s a hysteria where a person suddenly thinks his penis is disappearing (genital retraction syndrome) a.k.a shrinking INTO his body.
I really had this experience when I was a kid, prob around 9-10 and shouted for my dad to help and he actually had to pull it and hold it for it not to go in.
Okay, why am I oversharing in your blog?
*slinks away*
MLIA is so much fun than FML! FML-ers are getting too whiny these day. Stories on MLIA are FML stories told in a positive manner (but cliches are runing MLIA now btw). Still, MLIA ftw! *semangat
I too love reading lists of random stuff, especially quirky ones.
Oddee.com is the best! Do check it out Audrey (wah panggil nama like best friends already) if you haven’t.
Now ‘scuse me I gotta go read and khatam listverse.com wtf
I heart ICHC too!
Hahhehehe… you’re such a triviarandomnerd person… i love it! Did you know that the chair/ seat that you are so addicted to on average has over 120 types of bacteria in public places? HAHA… ok no I made that up. *sorry* 🙂
Oh I loooove ListVerse too!
I didn’t sleep one night coz I was up reading all the old lists O.o
there is such thing as vitamin a toxicity which leads to renal failure and all the symptoms as mentioned. toxic levels are around 4000iu/kg of body weight if taken over a long period of time… too much of anything is bad for the body.
but some people with that dosage will have liver issues hence you better check out how much dosage is roaccutane before using it.
haha i checked out the site as well after your reader recommended it! i’ve been going there ever since wtf.. my addiction is LAZINESS wtf no doubt bout that
hey! you should try out this site:
it’s kind of like listverse in that it comes up with lists of cool stuff. it’s the one im addicted to :p
You could try http://itmademyday.com/. It’s the complete opposite of FML. Very heart warming sometimes… Have you read Sibeh Sian and planktonium before? They are funny too 🙂
oh the address for the sites are
SibehSian: http://sibehsibehsian.blogspot.com/
Plankton: http://planktonium.blogspot.com/
u mind if i ask why u call ur dad by the name?
Lolololol I wanna move to Batmania!
u really like the listverse. thx for the intro… 🙂
Hey Audrey 🙂
i like the My dad is a fob seite 😀
i cant stop laugh damn loud in the office then college turn at me and yelled MCB..!!!! 😀 you very free izit!!
thanks for sharing~~