
Al Jolsson

I guess my posts are going to be more wordy from now because instead of coming up with polished pretty entries full of pictures I’m going to try to verbally vomit from now on wtf.

I decided that I want my blog to be somewhere I can come back in ten years and remember how things were like when I was twenty or twenty five because my memory is atrocious like that. Besides if I wanted to look at pictures of myself I can just open my album wtf.

Anyway tomorrow Fat Her is going for a medical checkup.

On Sunday while having an extended family dinner we all got a bit of a shock when we noticed that Fat Her’s palms were a bit darker than usual.

I’m not sure if we’re all just trying to find a way to detect symptoms of heart attacks before they happen so we can prevent them but my family had already noticed that my uncle’s complexion seemed a bit dark in pictures taken a month before he died.

We shouted at him oi why are your hands so black and he hurriedly went off to wash them and returned with his hands gleaming with water but pinker.

And we all concluded that it must be his Chinese New Year black pants that had stained his palms and by the end of the night when he took them off his legs would probably look like an African’s WTF (ya my family is just politically incorrect like that)

But then later they looked darker again.

And over the last few days his face looked dark too and he says he’s been experiencing hot flushes wtf…….

So tomorrow he’s going to go to the doctor and try to find out what this is.

Gluck daddy.  Please please be okay.  Even though I frequently get angry with you I don’t know what we’ll do without you.

Comments (22)

  • I really hope everything is okay 🙂

  • uncle ooi will be ok one!

  • wooh hope your fat her will be okay!

  • hopefully everything is ok 🙂

  • that’s to do with the liver, not the heart.

  • lisa, kim, fresh, ky: thanks guys!

    saville: is it really? thanks! i tried googling it but couldn’t find anything much 🙁

  • according to the facepalm and handpalm reading, it’s a sign of “losing money” and nothing to do with health problem lol…

    hope your dad will be ok! =)

  • as saville said, dark hands may have something to do with the liver, but then it’s fairly non-specific. the hot flushes your dad are experiencing are something that is worth checking out however.

    all the best to your family!

  • Babe, don’t worry much. Your Dad should be fine. I can understand your feeling now because I just lost my Dad to Leukemia a mont ago and things have never been the same.

    Hugs and your Dad is in my prayers.


  • hello fat her ooi, hope everything goes well!

  • *hug* trust me babie it’s gonna be okay wan !!!

    sorry ah last night my internet went down so i just decided to go to bed ! *moah*

  • Hope everything is fine…

  • early detection, early prevention.
    He will be alright. If he’s bored, you just go crack some jokes la. Laughter the best medicine wat.

  • Male Menopause maybe?

  • Don’t worry too much kay, Audrey? I am sure Uncle Ooi will be as fit as he can!

  • may all be alright for audrey’s daddy: )

  • U.U please everything be alright with Uncle Ooi! some how i suddenly feel like crying, T__T

  • *hugs* hope everything will be fine.. (:

  • Hope Uncle Ooi will be okay 🙂

  • awww,you’re nice. love you

  • hope all’s well with your dad audrey! uncle ooi jia you!:D

  • love you too uncle ooi =) like audrey said we as kids will not know what to do without our parents around T.T

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